发布时间:2019-09-30 07:24:09 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Heim Balp Architekten为ASTORIA MCE在罗马尼亚蒂米什瓦拉设计了工业厂房和公司新总部,旨在拓展欧洲东部市场。Astoria是意大利历史悠久的咖啡机品牌,同时也是全球产量第三的专业咖啡机生产商。该项目作为公司主要的两个总部之一,将专注于专业咖啡机的制造。

Heim Balp Architekten has designed the new ASTORIA MCE industrial plant and company headquarters for the eastern markets in Timisoara, Romania. The complex is one of the two main sites for the production of professional coffee machines for Astoria, the historical brand of the italian coffee machine culture, and the world’s third professional coffee machines manufacturer for production amount.



The MCE company, that belongs entirely to the Astoria Group, began its manufacturing activities in Timisoara at the end of 2002. With the construction of the new plant the production has strongly increased its production capacity. The design by Heim Balp Architekten meets the main client’s request for a new layout, so as to increase the daily production and provide a younger and more progressive attitude to the whole company image.

▼建筑外观,exterior view


Instead of moving and building a new facility, the original structure was kept but important interventions were implemented to improve its functionality and to renew workspaces, showroom and offices. The building program includes a new production line, logistics, new administrative and commercial offices as well as training areas and showrooms. The existing structures have been transformed and dedicated to dressing rooms and canteen for the personnel as well as to technical spaces.

▼轴测分析图,axon diagram

▼场地平面图,general view


The new MCE plant is conceived in two volumes: a seven-metre-high one-storey building hosting the production area and a two level building hosting offices, meeting rooms, a showroom and training spaces.

▼两栋相互连接的体量,the new MCE plant is conceived in two connected volumes


The main public entrance gives access to a double height space where visitors are welcomed by the reception counter and the showroom ; offices and meeting rooms can be found on the upper floor, overlooking the large ground floor atrium. “The office and public building on one side expresses the needs for representation of the company, being this location the expression of its products and values towards the clients and distributors,and on the other side meets the needs of efficiency and dynamism of its administrative department”. as the architects say.

▼双层高的展示间,the showroom in a double height space

▼咖啡机产品展示,coffee machine products

▼同样位于首层的接待区,reception area on the ground floor

▼从接待区望向二层办公空间,view to the office on the upper floor from the reception

▼二层空间俯瞰,overlook from the upper floor

▼活动室,activity room

生产区域占地4000平方米,使咖啡机的日产量提升至100台。Heim Balp Architekten事务所创始人之一Pietro Balp表示:“生产线的设计遵循了准时化的循环理念,生产所需的材料会在需要时运进厂房,生产好的产品也会立刻从厂房中运出,这使得存储空间的需求量大大降低。”

The production area covers a 4000 sqm surface, so as to increase the daily production up to 100 coffee machines per day.  “The production process and its new design follows the idea of the just in time cycle as far as the processing of the components that are required for the production line, where the necessary materials are shipped in when needed as the products are shipped out as soon as they are completed thus reducing to the maximum the needs for storage. “ Pietro Balp

▼生产空间,production area


▼实体墙面与玻璃的不连续组合搭配以红色的铝制包层,a discontinuous combination of walls and glazed façades, as well as a red aluminum cladding

One of the key interventions has been the design of the facades, where the selection of materials defines a discontinuous combination of walls and glazed façades, as well as a red aluminum cladding, providing different levels of opacity to the whole volume. “ We aimed to transform the building into a new significant landmark for Timisoara, visible from surrounding landscape and from the highway as well, in an industrial context lacking of visual references.” the architects explain.  The two buildings are visually connected and unified by the red metal cladding, changing in density according to the different building functions.

▼两座建筑通过红色的金属包层实现了视觉上的连接和统一,the two buildings are visually connected and unified by the red metal cladding


At the ground level, the production area features a dense blind facade, while the showroom offers a public view on the company’s tradition thanks to the transparent glazed facade. The sun shading system gives the upper floor a semitransparent character and helps the natural ventilation of the building.

▼玻璃幕墙和遮阳系统,the transparent glazed facade with sun shading system


An essential materials palette has been selected for the interiors, contributing to remark the lightness and  transparency of the architecture : wood paneling to add warmth in representative spaces, glazed partitioning for the offices, a concrete micro topping for the floors. All mechanical ducts and pipes are left exposed, thus emphasizing the overall industrial aesthetic, while light blue colorful accents are introduced in the offices furniture, contrasting the grey and white backdrop.

▼简洁的室内空间,interior view

▼办公区域采用了玻璃隔断,glazed partitions are used for the offices

▼浅蓝色家具与灰色和白色的背景形成对比,light blue colorful accents contrast the grey and white backdrop

▼办公室细部,office detailed view

▼上下层关系,gap in the space


The project also foresees an overall reorganization of the site, as well as of the loading and unloading area and space for vehicles, improving the logistical operations.

▼外观细部,facade detail

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan



MCE Production Facility Location: Timisoara (Romania) Architecture: Heim Balp Architekten Design Team: Lorenzo Soldi, Michael Cradock, Federica Carletto Client: Macchine per Caffe Espresso- Astoria group Programme: offices, showroom, training ares, production facility Year: 2016-2019 Surface: 4.000 m² Main Contractor: S.C. Borghesi Suppliers Prefab Concrete: S.C. Incontro Prefabbricati Aluminum Sun-shading: Metadecor Aluminum Skin: Marcegaglia Technical Installations: Ambra Service Arredi: Gruppo Spagnol Consultants Local Architects: S.C. Euro Architect Technical Planners: S.C. Proiect Proconstruct / S.C. Parsymonia / S.C. Electric Eye Site inspector: S.C. RC Deinra Photography: Marco Dapino


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