发布时间:2017-09-06 08:01:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

国家AAAA级旅游景区National Tourist Attraction 简介 亭林园位于江南水乡昆山城内。园内玉峰山形似马鞍,百里平畴,一峰独秀。1906年辟地为马鞍山公园,1936年为纪念先贤顾炎武(号亭林)改名为亭林公园,2000年更名亭林园。占地850余亩,绿水青山,秀色相映。 “东南第一山”,文征明赞玉峰语也。玉峰胜迹悠远丰厚,古有七十二景,梁代慧聚寺,号称“南朝四百八十寺”之首,为之滥觞。玉宇琼台、妙峰塔、凤凰石、文笔峰,神灵来仪;昆石、琼花、并蒂莲,是谓玉峰三宝; 山间一览、野鹤、林迹之亭,翠微之阁,登攀歇望,人文荟萃。 山前有亭林纪念堂、昆曲博物馆,柏木葱茏;山后有夏津梅花之墩、遂园家山之轩,竹林深幽,康熙幸临,染翰留诗,品味高雅,宜仰宜观。 东山洞窟奇诡,有朝天、黄泥、连环之别;西山生态景区新构,有玉峰文化遗址、罗汉莼菜古桥、良渚文化巨雕,又有老人峰、群豕峰、栖霞洞诸险峻。 “江东之山良秀绝”,亭林玉峰景致优美,功能、设施完善,诚为广大游客观光、休闲之绝佳所在。 Tinglin Garden is located inside Kushan City, a region full of rivers and lakes. Inside the Garden, the Yufeng Hill looks like a saddle , standing delicately on the surrounding plain. In1906, a Garden named saddle” was set up; later in 1936 it was renamed Tinglin garden”commemorating Sir. Gu Yanwu(alternatively named Tinglin). The Garden covers an area of more than 850 mu. The bright green river reflects the standing blue colored hill. What a lovely scenery! Sir. Wen Zhenming praised the Yufeng Hill as the number one in southeastern China. Yufeng Hill boasts very rich historical sites, 72 scenery sports all together. Far back in Liang Dynasty , the Huiju Monastery was called the “leading one among the all 480 monasteries”.“Magnificent Houses”,“Miaofeng Tower”,“phoenix Rock”, ”Bigpen Peak”, Worshiping Deities” are famous scenery; the Kunshan Rock, the Twin Lotus on single stem and the Jade Flower are called “Yufeng’s There Treasures”; “a glimpse from the hill”, “Wild Crane Pavilion”, “Jadeite Loft ” are all interesting places where persons of refined tastes like to gather. In front of the hill, there stand the Tinglin Memorial Museum and the Museum of Kunqu Opera which are embraced by a verdant pine wood; on back of the hill, there remain a lake called “plum blossom” and a waterside pavilion where the bamboo forest is very thick. Emperor Kang Xi once visited and left there several praising poems, which were very tasteful and worth of appreciation. At the east side of the hill the caves are very peculiar; at the west side of the hill , an ecology scenery site was newly built, meanwhile some representing sites of Yufeng cultural relics are still reserved arhat bridge, stone sculpture , granny peak, peak of crowding pigs, Xixia Cave, etc. Tinglin garden boasts not only beautiful scenes but also complete functional facilities. Tinglin garden, a reasonable place for touring, recreation and relaxation. 昆曲博物馆 Kun Opera Museum 昆曲----“百戏之祖”,源于昆山。2001年5月18日,被联合国教科文组织列为首个“人类口述和非物质遗产代表作”。 The mother and father of all Chinese traditional May 18th, 2001, UNESCO had Kun Opera listed as the first one of The Representative of The Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. 顾炎武纪念馆 Tinglin Memorial Museum 顾炎武,昆山先贤,中国古代杰出的思想家和爱国主义学者,其名言“天下兴亡 匹夫有责”照耀千古。 Gu Yanwu is an outstanding thinker and patriotic scholar of ancient China. His well-known quotation that Every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country is passed down from generation to generation. 昆石馆 Kunshan Rocks Museum 昆石,“中国古代四大名石”之一。仅产于玉峰山,以其稀有更显珍贵。Kun Stone is considered one of the four famous Chinese ancient stones.


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