发布时间:2019-10-14 02:55:34 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Located on a rigorous central axis of Jiyang County, other than merely a landmark, the school with more than 3700 students have its own potential poetic quality and vitality. It brings a series of opportunities and challenges to designers to build a school compatible with the meticulous urban spatial axis and disorderly children activities.

▼清晨校园鸟瞰,aerial view to the school campus

基地位于济阳县新城区中心区域的南北向景观轴线上。南北向城市轴线由济阳县政府、济北广场、济北公园、安大城市广场、济阳县文体中心组成,并延伸至学校地块方向。“择中”似乎成为顺应这一城市环境所做出的理性选择,“致中和,天地位焉,万物育焉。” 通过中心构图的平面布局与规整宏大的体量组合共同完成在二维与三维层面上对宏伟壮阔的城市轴线的完美诠释。而由孩子们谱写的关于未来的美好愿景则成为四维空间上的感性延续。

The site is located on the north-to-south landscape axis in the center of new urban area of Jiyang. On the north-to-south urban axis, there are Jiyang County Government, Jibei Square, Jibei Park, Anda Urban Square and Jiyang Cultural and Sports Center. The site of the school is on the extending line of the axis. In order to conform to the urban environment, “Neutralisation” seems to be a rational choice. ‘Neutralisation, that is where the world is located; that is where everything grows from’. By the plane layout based on centralization and massing combination which are structured and magnificent, designers perfectly carry out the magnificence of urban axis in the two- and three-dimensional level. Besides, the beautiful vision about future made by children will be the emotional continue in the four-dimensional space.

▼城市轴线南节点,the site is located on the north-to-south landscape axis in the center of new urban area of Jiyang


As a picture coming into view, the entrance of the campus has impressive spatial hierarchy. The integrated main building and the grand steps strengthen the sense of order and occupy the center of the canvas. The backing massing accept everything in a peaceful manner. Therefore, children with backpacks have more expectation and reverence about seeking knowledge. Brave, practice, teaching and learning simultaneously along with traditional education of “Benevolence, Justice, Courtesy, Wisdom, Faith” will take root and grow there.

▼从操场望向综合楼,view to the integrated main building from the playground

▼综合楼外观,exterior view of the integrated main building


▼综合楼一角,a corner of the integrated main building


The core of a great school is to build a friendly, secure and mutually supportive environment, and respect is the most important principle of the environment. Respect is not to ignore the rational expression of each child, is to return children to birds and flowers, to wild interest, and to the playground where they can run enjoyaably. The campus is not only strictly symmetrical to adapt to the urban environment, but also reflects the core conception of Chinese painting: white space. On the axis of the school, there is integrated building and playground which takes up all the rest and create opportunity for the convergence of primary and secondary sections. Designers can’t design the games and routes children like, but can leave some unforgettable memories for them. Sometimes, the memory is just an unfettered open space, a tree, a garden where they can easily grab a sloppy earth and a relaxing physical and mental environment, though they look normal after these children grow up.

▼小学部教学楼,primary school building

▼小学部庭院,primary school courtyard

▼中学部教学楼,secondary school building

▼中学部庭院,secondary school courtyard

▼艺体中心,Arts and Sports Centre



Pupils prefer lively and diverse space. Skipping to school, chattering and gaggling during the break, chasing each other on the way home, all of these seem to constitute the whole memories about primary school. Designers create a paradise for children’s playing not by using symbolic and figurative techniques in general, but by overlapping the empty space of integrated building and the courtyard through multi-model space distribution to construct a scene of dream that is like a tunnel under mottled shade. Due to the need of multipurpose classroom, the secondary section consists of several courtyards and terraces which combine together to enlarge the public space and create more outdoors room for the interaction of different grades.

▼综合楼庭院,courtyard of the integrated main building

▼综合楼中庭,atrium of the integrated main building


Architecture is a compound body of rationality and sensibility, so designers should treat these two ways equally though different starting point certainly leads to different architecture performance. It is impossible to blur the distinction between rationality and sensibility, but designers would try best to approach the initial point of design to the nature of things, that is to strive for creating a unique memory for children in the tide of the steel and concrete.

▼傍晚的校园鸟瞰,aerial view of the school campus in the evening

▼场地平面图,site plan



项目名称:济阳新元学校 地 址:济南市济阳区 设计时间:2016.12-2017.3 建设时间:2017.5-2018.7 建设单位:济阳区教育局 学校规模:36班完全小学及48班初级中学 建筑面积:4.6万㎡ 设计单位:山东建筑大学建筑城规学院象外营造工作室 主创建筑师:张洪川,于文原 方案团队:张增武,焦尔桐,贾涛,王洪强,张天宇(实习),田雪(实习),武瑜威(实习),孙喆源(实习) 方案指导:刘伟波 施工图团队:山东建大建筑规划设计研究院建筑设计二分院 景观团队:济南桐林景观设计有限公司 建筑摄影:崔旭峰 时差影像


济阳新元学校,山东 / 象外营造
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