“水上书”(Writ in Water)是艺术家Mark Wallinger与Studio Octopi共同在兰尼米德创作的建筑艺术作品,旨在颂扬《大宪章》在历史中的地位与价值——800多年前,兰尼米德见证了约翰王在封建贵族的迫使下签署《大宪章》的重要时刻。
Writ in Water, is a major architectural artwork by Mark Wallinger, in collaboration with Studio Octopi, for the National Trust at Runnymede, Surrey. The artwork celebrates the enduring legacy and ongoing significance of Magna Carta. Over 800 years ago, Runnymede witnessed the feudal barons forcing King John to seal Magna Carta – a founding moment in shaping the basis of common law across the world.
Set in the heart of this ancient landscape, Writ in Water reflects upon the founding principles of democracy, and through a meeting of water, sky, and light, provides visitors with a space for reflection and contemplation. The 15.4m diameter circular building emerges from the hillside at the base of Cooper’s Hill. The meadow it sits within is flanked by the River Thames on one side and an ox-bow lake on the other. Responding to this feature of the landscape, Writ in Water takes its name from the inscription on John Keats’ gravestone, which reads, ‘Here lies one whose name was writ in water’. Built in cubits, the most ancient unit of measure, the walls are constructed of rammed stone from the site itself, with a dark stained softwood roof and crushed gravel floor.
▼圆柱形体量坐落在库珀山脚下的草地间,the diameter circular building emerges from the hillside at the base of Cooper’s Hill
An exterior doorway leads to a simple circular labyrinth, in which the visitor can choose to turn left or right to reach an inner doorway that opens out into a central chamber. Here the sky looms through a wide oculus above a pool of water, as reflective as a still font.
▼一个简单的圆形迷宫,a simple circular labyrinth
▼水池倒映着天空,犹如一汪静止的泉,the sky looms through a wide oculus above a pool of water, as reflective as a still font
The shot blasted stainless steel sides of the pool are inscribed on the inner side, the water reflecting the reversed and inverted lettering of Magna Carta Clause 39 as the visitor moves round the pool to reveal its words.
▼水池的内侧表面镌刻着《大宪章》第39条的内容,the lettering of Magna Carta Clause 39 was inscribed on the inner side of the pool
▼水面倒映出正向的文字,the water reflecting the reversed and inverted lettering
“在普通法中,writ一词表示法院发出的正式书面命令。在“水上书”中,借助水的反射作用,文字变得更加清晰易读,与雕刻在石头上的文书完全不同” ,艺术家Mark Wallinger说道,“济慈注定是一个不朽的人,他优美的语言在每代人的传承中历久弥新。同样地,虽然《大宪章》确立了法律、树立了人权,但英国至今还没有一部成文的宪法。即使是与生俱来的权利,也需要被重复地学习和理解,它们的永恒性取决于我们本身。”
Artist Mark Wallinger comments: “In common law, a writ is a formal written order issued by a court. In Writ in Water, the use of reflection to make the text legible plays against the idea of a law written in stone.” “Keats was to become one of the immortals and his words live anew when learnt and repeated by every succeeding generation. Similarly, although Magna Carta established the law and the nascent principles of human rights, the United Kingdom has no written constitution. What seems like a birthright has to be learned over and over and made sense of. Whether the words are ephemeral or everlasting is up to us.”
▼建筑远景,view from the landscape
PROJECT TEAM Artist: Mark Wallinger Architect: Studio Octopi Structural Engineer: Built Engineers Ltd Cost Consultant: Castle Davis Planning Consultant: Savills Flood Risk Assessment: RMA Environmental Main Contractor: Harris Calnan SELECTED SUPPLIERS & SUBCONTRACTORS Reflective Pool: Bamber Wallis Metalwork: Harrington Fabrications Gravel (ground) :Breedon Special Aggregate Aggregate (walls) : Brett Aggregates Bespoke curved formers: Cordek