Palm leaves food storage room
设计方:3 ideas有限公司
由于经济和文化两方面的基本变化,棕榈叶建筑似乎已不再流行。为了再次介绍遗失的文化传统,联合国防治荒漠化公约赞成使用这些历史悠久的技术,以应对气候变化并消除贫困。根据来自3 ideas有限公司的dr sandra piesik的设计,在阿联酋的艾恩联合国教科文组织世界遗产地,采用棕榈叶创造了一个可持续的解决方案来储存食物。采用现代创新让古老传统恢复新生,这种方法可能会是将来帮助对抗未来气候变化的一个关键。
与阿布扎比艾恩历史环境部门共同发展,这个食物储存室(当地称为‘the sabla’)是一个人道主义项目,旨在为较贫困国家社会发展规划出一份力,这些国家多种植海枣树。计划的目的是利用这些树叶(一般会被丢弃),作为强调由于缺乏足够的食品储存,造成食物浪费问题的方式。
这个新的食物储存所是历时六年的研究和发展项目的成果,这个项目的建立展示出了传统材料与现代科技相结合,可以创造出划算,快速且环境可持续发展的解决方案。在设计这个弧形网格壳体框架前,3 ideas 有限公司和 buro happold 工程团队在棕榈叶的使用,结构构造试验方面开展了广泛的研究。
owing to a fundamental shift both economy and culture, palm leaf buildings seem to have fallen out of fashion. in an attempt to reintroduce lost traditions, the united nations convention to combat desertification (UNCCD) is endorsing use of these long-established technologies in order to tackle climate change and alleviate poverty. according to dr sandra piesik from 3 ideas limted – who is using palm leaves to create a sustainable solution to store food at the UAE’s al ain UNESCO world heritage site – revitalizing old conventions using modern innovation could be key in helping to combat future climate change.
developed alongside the TCA al ain historic environment department, ‘the food shelter’ (locally called ‘the sabla’) is a humanitarian project designed to contribute to social development programs in poorer countries where date palm trees are cultivated. the scheme aims is to utilize the leaves, which would normally be discarded, as a way to address the problem of food being wasted due to lack of adequate storage.
the new shelter is the result of a six year research and development program set up to demonstrate that combining traditional materials with modern techniques can deliver cost effective, quick, and environmentally sustainable solutions. 3 ideas ltd and the buro happold engineering team carried out extensive research in the use of palm leaves, and constructed trial structures, prior to designing the arched gridshell frame.