发布时间:2022-04-07 06:13:35 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

万物共生,构建未来一个塑料袋地球降解需要 20年一个易拉罐地球降解需要80年一个玻璃瓶地球降解需要4000年……It takes 20 years for a plastic bag to degradeIt takes 80 years for a can to degradeIt takes 4,000 years for a glass bottle to degrade……当生活垃圾的分类与回收利用在全世界被越来越多的关注,资源、城市与人的共生关系成为社会广泛关注的议题, 一个全新认识废弃资源的起源、过去、现在与将来,普及废弃资源的分类、回收、利用知识的公共城市展馆应运而生,深圳市生活垃圾分类科普教育馆作为国内首个该主题艺术化公共空间教育展馆,肩负着向公众传递环保与资源分类回收利用的重要知识,倡导更多群体关注环保事业,践行可持续的环保理念。从建筑到室内,空间到展陈,HID华文国际设计用空间与艺术连接每个人,讲述资源、城市与人的过去、现在与未来。When the living garbage classification and recycling has been more and more attention all over the world, resources, city symbiotic relationship with people become widespread concern issues, a new understanding the origins of the waste resource, past, present and future, universal resource waste classification and recycling, using public city hall of knowledge arises at the historic moment, As the first artistic public space education pavilion of this theme in China, Shenzhen Municipal Household waste Classification and Popularization Education Museum shoulders the responsibility of conveying important knowledge of environmental protection and resource classification and recycling to the public, advocating more groups to pay attention to environmental protection and practicing the concept of sustainable environmental protection. From architecture to interior, space to exhibition, HID- Hoven international design uses space and art to connect everyone, telling the past, present and future of resources, cities and people.

科普馆位于深圳市福田区,为地上一层,地下一层的单体建筑,历时十一个月改造,由一栋废弃的建筑重新塑造而成,重新赋予建筑生命力,将废弃资源重新利用。The Science Museum is located in Futian District, Shenzhen City. It is a single building with one floor above ground and one floor below ground. It took eleven months to reconstruct the building from an abandoned building, giving the building vitality and reusing the abandoned resources. 拆解、重构 | 发光的盒子 DISASSEMBLE, REFACTORING | light box设计师将原有建筑拆解、重构,将若干个盒子连接构成建筑主体,完成了部分区域由室外转化为室内空间的过程,盒子的相互连接最终将原建筑散落的碎片式空间融合为统一、整体的展示性室内空间。重构后的建筑主体宛若发光的盒子,在暮色中微微发光。The designer disassembled and reconstructed the original building and connected several boxes to form the main body of the building, completing the process of transforming part of the area from outdoor to indoor space. The interconnected boxes finally integrated the scattered fragments of the original building into a unified and overall exhibition interior space. The reconstructed body of the building is like a glowing box, shimmering in the twilight.

形态 | 创造感知体验 FORM | create perceptual experience剥离建筑结构与所有装饰形态,空间为最终的载体,将流线与序列打散重塑空间,曲线、圆弧、倾角粘结构建戏剧性的空间体验。Stripped of architectural structure and all decorative forms, space is the final carrier. The streamlines and sequences are separated to reshape space, and curves, arcs and inclination angles are bonded to construct dramatic spatial experience.

超大型沉浸式电子LED多媒体成为序厅空间的视觉中心Ultra-large immersive electronic LED multimedia becomes the visual center of the sequence hall space

“白”|的空间转折 "WHITE" | space turn“白”不仅包容所有颜色,也是所有颜色的放空——无。设计师以白作为空间的主色调,在空间上用白构建空间,也用“白”去链接空间中的每一处的转折,绵延流动。剥离繁复色彩的纷扰,弱化物质性,留下最纯粹、自在的空间体验。"White" is not only inclusive of all colors, but also empty of all colors -- nothing. The designer takes white as the main color of the space, uses white to build the space in space, and also uses "white" to link every turning point in the space, stretching and flowing. Peel off the complicated color confusion, weaken the materiality, leaving the purest and free space experience.

线与光 | 未来精神 LINE AND LIGHT | Spirit of the future“圆”象征着平等、包容、和谐;“方”象征着井然有序、松紧有度、远近有别。通过流线与光勾勒空间,线与光的曲线结合序列构建流动的未来空间。"Circle" symbolizes equality, tolerance and harmony. "Square" symbolizes orderliness, looseness and distance. Through the streamline and light outline the space, line and light curve combined with the sequence to build a flowing future space.

流线形灯光漫延分布于整个空间,光与线条的微妙联动,既指引空间的游走动线,也象征着一种速度与时代精神,光的感知与自由流动赋予建筑和空间旺盛的生命力。Flowing lights are scattered throughout the whole space. The subtle linkage of light and lines not only guides the walking line of the space, but also symbolizes the speed and spirit of The Times. The perception and free flow of light give the building and space vigorous vitality.

莫比乌斯环 | 共生无尽 MOBIUS RING | coexistence and endless永无止境,起点亦是终点。设计师用莫比乌斯环LED互动装置悬空于中庭上空,特定装置将参观互动者的影像与信息循环呈现于莫比乌斯环LED装置之上,互动与循环流动的信息也寓意人类社会的发展与资源的相生相伴、因果互为,万物共生。Endless, the beginning is also the end. The designer uses mobius ring LED interactive device suspended above the atrium. The specific device presents visitors images and information cycles on the Mobius ring LED device. The interactive and circulating information also implies the development of human society and the coexistence of resources, mutual causality and symbiosis of all things.

智能交互 Smart interaction采用智能交互式体验装置革新传统的展示形式,交互式感应装置的应用使观者能更直观地体验不同种类物质的降解过程,与此同时,设计师将空间中的多媒体设备、灯光、遮阳、暖通等设备智能物联,通过终端系统高度集成控制,营造良好空间体验的同时使建筑的管理与运营变得更加智能、便捷。Adopting intelligent interactive experience innovation traditional display form, the application of interactive induction device can make the viewers more intuitive experience, the degradation of different types of material at the same time, the designer will multimedia devices in space, lighting, shading, hvac equipment, through the terminal system highly integrated control, While creating a good space experience, the management and operation of the building become more intelligent and convenient.

透 | 模糊界线 THROUGH | Fuzzy boundaries透可能是物质的固有品质,也可能是组织的固有品质,通透的落地幕墙模糊室内与室外的界限,让阳光与自然最大程度流入室内,身临其境,感受阳光、自然的魅力,通过物质的透营造空间组织的透明性。Transparency may be the inherent quality of material or organization. The transparent floor-to-ceiling curtain wall blurs the boundary between indoor and outdoor, allowing sunlight and nature to flow into the room to the maximum extent. You can feel the charm of sunlight and nature and create transparency of spatial organization through material transparency.

展示空间的首要特性为信息传递,如何快捷、高质的将信息传达,有效的链接每一个个体,完成信息传递的使命在展示设计中具有非常重要的意义。—— 练华文 HovenThe primary characteristic of exhibition space is information transmission. How to quickly and high-quality convey information and effectively link each individual to complete the mission of information transmission is of great significance in exhibition design. Hoven化繁为简,保留建筑与空间最为本真的构造,设计师以此表达创新未来与宁静自然之间的融合、碰撞,恰如其分地彰显精神艺术与自然生命的交融互动,使人在不经意中去发现、探索,追本溯源,引导观者更好地解读当下,构建未来,思考资源、城市与人的共生关系。Change numerous for brief, keep the most essential structure of building and space, the designer to express between innovation in the future and quiet nature fusion, collision, appropriately the interaction of life reveals the spirit of art and nature, and make people to discover, explore, casual check, better lead the viewer to interpret the present, to build the future, thinking resources, city symbiotic relationship with people.

总平面图The total floor plan项目信息:项目名称:深圳市生活垃圾分类科普教育馆项目地点:中国 深圳设计机构:HID华文国际总设计师:Hoven 练华文 项目统筹:樊晓宏创意策划:樊旭乾展陈设计:像素狂潮主创设计:Hoven 练华文 参与设计:Fiona高露、陈伟超、william、邓亮平、阿聪特别鸣谢:深圳市城市管理和综合执法局设计面积:1850平方米完工时间:2021年9月项目摄影:如辰Project Information:Project name: Shenzhen Domestic Waste Classification Science Education MuseumLocation: Shenzhen, ChinaDesign agency: HID-Hoven international designChief designer: HovenProject coordinator: Fan XiaohongCreative planning: Fan XuganDesign on display: Pixel maniaCreative design: HovenParticipated in design: Fiona , Chen Weichao, William, Deng Liangping, A CongSpecial thanks: Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Urban Management and Comprehensive Law EnforcementDesign area: 1850 square metersCompletion date: September 2021Project photography: Ruchen

Hoven 练华文HID 华文国际设计 创始人/设计总监HID-Hoven international design Founder/Design Director 高级室内建筑师,从事设计行业十余年,作品涵盖多个行业领域,从建筑到室内、品牌策划到软装陈设,包含酒店会所、公共空间、办公、商业、展示、豪宅等多元化建筑与空间设计,作品曾获IF、华耐杯、金堂奖、CIID中国室内设计大奖赛,美国MUSE AWARDS等国际、国内权威性奖项。Senior interior architects, in the design industry for more than ten years, covering many industries, from construction to interior, brand planning to display soft outfit, include hotel club, public space, office, business, exhibition, a person of extraordinary powers curtilage diversified architecture and space design, such as work was awarded the IF, China cup, JTG award, CIID Chinese grand prix, interior design, MUSE AWARDS and other international and domestic authoritative AWARDS.


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