发布时间:2018-09-05 04:40:37 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

10年前Malvern East项目的业主找到我们,希望和我们一起完成另一个项目,这让我们感到十分荣幸。 他们在2015年搬到康涅狄格州,并邀请我们再次设计和实施他们花园的建设。这块迷人的场地占地约1500平方米,可以俯瞰整个Saugatuck河。整体设计希望能打造出一个充满多年生植物的美丽庭院。通过如今发达的通讯技术(iPad和Skype),在整个项目中我们都能够与项目经理、架构师和业主进行互动和沟通,如同我们身处现场一样。在成本和时间效率方面更值得注意的是,我们发现在世界的另一端参与设计和建造,与现场操作几乎没有差别。这个项目让我们有机会运用澳大利亚所没有的或未被意识到的多年生植物进行配置。而北美和欧洲的四季比这里更加鲜明,这让植物需要适应更加剧烈的季节变化。我们现在很高兴看到这个美丽的花园在一年中的生长变化:花朵完全盛开的春夏季,冰雪覆盖下的枝干裸露状态和充满锈色的秋季。

▼住宅的庭院可俯瞰整个Saugatuck河,the courtyard of the house overlooks the entire Saugatuck River

▼多年生植物打造丰富庭院效果,perennial plants create rich courtyard effects

It’s always humbling when a past client returns to ask us to work on another project together. Our Malvern East clients from 10 years ago, did just that when they moved to Connecticut back in 2015 and asked us to once again design and oversee the construction of their garden.Situated on approx 1500 m2, this stunning property overlooks the Saugatuck River. The brief called for a design that was packed full of naturalistic perennial plating – so we were on board immediately!Technology these days (iPads and Skype) means that throughout the entire project we were able to interact and work with the project manager, architect and clients as though we were physically standing next to them on site. Remarkably we found very little difference, in terms of cost and time efficiencies, to design and construct on the other side of the world as it is locally.This project gave us the chance to use a selection of perennials that aren’t available in Australia or that we don’t get to see reach their full potential in our climate. The seasons in North America and Europe are much more distinct than here, which allows for plants to go through more dramatic seasonal changes.We have had the pleasure now of witnessing this incredible garden over a full growth year – we have seen its beauty in full spectacular flower, in bare sculptural form iced with snow and now immersed in rich, rusty Autumnal colour.

▼汀步视野,step area view

设计任务是什么?|What was the brief?


Design and oversee construction of a naturalistic perennial focused garden in Connecticut USA. Put an Australian spin on a US garden. Entertaining is very important to our clients and there needed to be an emphasis on view lines to the water. A big property that our clients wanted us to have fun with. One of our clients is very free spirited and loves nature – so the garden had to reflect this as well as being practical with the ability to grow produce such as fruits and vegetables.

▼乔木、灌木、地被三种构成多层次组合,模拟大自然效果,trees, shrubs and ground cover are combined in three layers to simulate the effects of nature

主要挑战是什么?|What were the key challenges?


Investigating local plants that worked with our design and colour scheme whilst also being resistant to wild deer that commonly frequent the area.There was also a flood overlay from the river so we couldn’t have any solid footings from the back door. Garden needed to be designed in a way where we could create steps without any solid footings (we were unable to pour a concrete slab).

▼钢制立管固定在地面的栏杆上作为河边围挡,steel risers fixed on the railing of the ground as a riverside enclosure

有什么解决方案?|What were the solutions?


▼所有设施都采用可渗透性的,nothing is layed on a hard service – everything is permeable

我们的业主有什么有趣的地方?|Who are the clients and what’s interesting about them?


▼由业主在拆迁过程中找到的材料构造的雕塑,sculpture constructed of materials found by the owner during the demolition process

We love that our clients have a genuine love of nature. They are always thinking first and foremost about the environment and always wanting to give back to it. The sculpture used in this garden design is very unique to our client – all materials were found on site during demolition. She gave these materials to a local artist to create something unique and individual for her garden.We love that once briefed our client leaves her chosen professionals to do what they excel in and wants them to have fun! She values choosing the right people to do the job and then leaves them be to do it! The ideal client!

▼选用忍冬科植物作为地被,适应冬季景观效果,use evergreen plants as ground cover to adapt to winter climate


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