发布时间:2021-07-07 16:29:18 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Architect:T.ZED Architects

Location:Zagreb, Croatia; | ;View Map

Category:Watch Towers

The Zagreb Observation Tower is an iconic landmark for the city, initiating the city’s urban development and physical connection to the south of the Sava river. The tower emerges from the ground embodying an enigmatic transparency as it rises more than 70m into the sky. A translucent backdrop to the city, creating an anchor in the plaza space and as well inspiring users to view the city from the sky. The tower addresses its immediate context in a sensitive yet engaging manner while taking into consideration the green pedestrian artery that will cut through as part of a future urban regeneration program.

The stone base of the tower carves into the ground offering a strong foundation as well as a solid entrance to the steel and concrete stairs which intertwine above. A lightweight skin of powder coated steel frame and a metal mesh surround the tower creating a thin veil to its structural form. The veil is designed to reduce in opacity as the tower rises. The form itself is angled to play with the perception of viewers especially when viewed from the plaza’s entrance and the Sava river.

The user is invited to submerge lower into the ground via a ramp before being lifted above the city. The views from within morph as the observer moves up the tower. Large openings in the mesh emphasize important views and landings offer areas of rest and observation. Right at the top a 360 degree opening celebrates the richness of the layered city of Zagreb. A gestural steam cannon emits vapor as a nod to the historical Lotrščak Tower. Visitors are able to opt for a swift journey up through the central, transparent elevators, or a more scenic route along the staircase, creating moments for pause along platforms designed to frame the city as well as the mountain-scape beyond.As bridge connections over the Sava River were introduced the city started to spread to the south including the recent mixed-use development aiming to revitalize the south.

The diagram above shows the proposals intention to preserve the views of the citys historical quater and landscape.The location of the plaza offeres a successful frontage to the Sava river. As narrower streets bleed into one another the tower offers a strong presence in the most imporant plaza which opens out to the wider city. There are various access to the site however we have identified Access A and B to be the main vistas towards the Tower. These access also help to shape the tower as seen on the next page.The Tower concept envisages a lightwieght and transparent tower. Embracing the layered development of the city the towers 'mass' decreases

as the building ascends.

The Tower engages with the plaza in numerous ways. Access line A leads to the observation tower's entrance & Access line B is alligned with the buildings orientation. Providing a light backdrop to the plaza's activities, the tower's orientation and location maximize priority views out to the city and landscape.



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