发布时间:2016-05-24 20:01:26 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

环绕土地、水、绿地的环形建筑空间结构 Circular ring shaped structure around the soil, water and green


A nursery school of two-story building with rooftop terrace features 3-dimensional and circuit style structure located in Funabashi city. The concept of its design is to provide enough space for 160 children to play around in the nature and also for all their parents and nursery staff to feel safe.


The south quarter of the site is used for entrance walkway, and the rest of the part is for nursery space. Placing rooms for office staff, nursery staff and cookeducations on the border between entrance and nursery space achieves both simplicity and security. We designed the circular ring shaped structure that provides enjoyable playground for children and easy access to escape route in case of emergency, having the courtyard in the middle, planting trees along the outer edge, and installing the deck, slopes, stairs, and the bridge along the circle between them. Covered with the solid trapezoid-shape wall and roof outside, its overall structure achieves to protect children’s pleasure with its strength. Its O-shaped building surrounding the courtyard with outside corridor with eaves for weather protection also provides comfort and a sense of safety to adults. This structure helps busy parents to drop and pick up their children quickly without taking off shoes and nursery staff to help each other on the other side.

▽ 中庭、外院以及分散在屋顶各处的室外平台、台阶、栈桥等活动空间活跃了园区的氛围,courtyard, deck, slopes, stairs, and the bridge along the circle vitalized the campus

▽ 四边形墙壁和屋顶坚实稳固围合而成的入口空间,孩子可以在建筑一角的平台处等候眺望前来的父母, entrance covered with the solid trapezoid-shape wall and roof outside

▽ 中庭内院,courtyard

▽ 为孩子遮风避雨的走廊空间,outside corridor with eaves for weather protection


Outer space of each floor provides not just open space outside, but also various changes, such as sunny spot and shade, higher eaves and narrower space under eaves, slopes, hills and cavities produced by changing the direction and the height of floors and roofs, so that children to spend the whole year here do not get bored. The half-circle-shaped spot garden to help ventilation also nurtures children’s affection to the nature by planting greens in the center. From the perspective of dietary education to develop children’s appreciation and interest toward food, we place the vegetable garden on the rooftop and glass-walled kitchen on the first floor. The floor level of kitchen is settled lower to let children look into kitchen, in the same time, it is able to keep an eye on the courtyard in a cross shape to compensate for blind spot from the office.

▽ 活跃的屋顶空间,rooftop sapce

▽ 屋顶露台的蔬菜园, vegetable garden on the rooftop

▽ 开放式厨房,glass-walled kitchen

环境规划  Environmental Plan


For thorough energy saving, we adopt the eaves to control sunlight, the spot garden to improve ventilation, the rooftop deck and vegetable garden for heat insulating of rooftop, Earth Tube heating system to use geothermal heat, the river and the pond to reuse the rainwater, and solar panels to produce circulating power. Watching these structures in daily life, children can learn about “the nature” including phenomenon about plants or the wind and rain.

▽ 二次利用雨水的内院水塘与小溪, the river and the pond to reuse the rainwater

▽ 屋顶的隔热的天井、甲板与花园, rooftop deck and vegetable garden for heat insulating

▽ 建筑节能设计,energy saving design

细节设计 Detailed Design


Round chamfering was done for walls and railings necessary for safety reasons and also for the edge of light and skylight in every part of the building using it as a motif of design. The half-circle-shaped spot garden brings children the affection to the nature by catching their attention to the green planted in the center.

▽ 圆形倒角的空间将光线引入建筑深处, Round chamfering walls

▽ 各角度可见的内院花园夜景, evening view of the courtyard

内部与外部空间的装饰 Finishing work of Interior and Exterior


In order to give children the opportunity to learn the name of materials with feeling its original texture in the same time, we try to use “wood as wood-like, steel as steel-like and stone as stone-like” to keep the original texture of each material. From this perspective, we didn’t use the primary colors. Instead, we exploit the 3-dimensional and so-called “primary color-like” structure to provide contrasting experience using the various spatial features and environment.

▽ 保持原真性的建筑材料,the original texture of each material


“Amane” is one of the Japanese kanji that stands for “round,” “around” or “all-around”, which represents the wish of the nursery school to let children feel the blessing of the all-around nature and also its architectural feature of circular shape around the woods. We wish that children can go around both inside and outside of the building, feeling everything around here, and nourish their sensibility and ability to think.


▽ 总平面图及体量构成过程,site plan and diagram

▽ 平面图及剖面图,plan and section

Project Outline Location : Funabashi, Chiba Date of Completion : July, 2015 Principal Use : Nursery school Structure : Steel Site Area : 2,051.59m2 Building Area : 1,067.41m2 Total Floor Area : 1,493.54m2 (824.52m2/1F, 624.38m2/2F, 44.64m2/PH) Structural Engineer : Kanebako Structural Engineers Company name : Aisaka Architects’ Atelier

Credit Information Architecture : Kensuke Aisaka Photography : Shigeo Ogawa

Material Information 外部装饰 /Exterior Finish 屋顶/Roof:镀锌钢板Galvanized Steel Plate, 木甲板Wood Deck 墙面/Wall:挤制水泥板 Extruded Cement Panel 内部装饰/Interior Finish 地面/Floor:白桦木Birch Flooring 墙面/Wall:灰泥板Plasterboard、木墙板Wood Siding


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