发布时间:2022-08-09 01:48:39 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Startblock B2区域创业中心是Cottbus地区新兴的产业发动机,旨在为居住在Lusatia的人们提供新的视点,以适应当下的结构转型。这是一个交流的场所,创业者们可以在城市社会和大学环境之间互动。新建筑正位于勃兰登堡科技大学校园的入口处,另一侧为赫尔佐格和德梅隆设计的IKMZ大楼。

The Cottbus “Startblock B2” regional start-up center serves as an impulse generator for the region, intended to enable new perspectives for people in Lusatia during the current structural change. It serves as a place of exchange: among the founders with the urban society and the university environment. The new building is located directly at the entrance to the Brandenburg University of Technology Campus (BTU), at which the other end is the IKMZ by Herzog & de Meuron.

建筑外观,external view of the building


The new business incubator concentrates the activities of tech start-ups in one place plus enriches the city with a valuable community building – as an impulse generator for the region. On the ground floor, the building serves as a public threshold between the users of the building and the interested general public and university community.

▼区位分析,location analysis

▼远景,distanced view

西侧外观,可用作露天影院的坡道,external view from the west, ramp could be used as open air cinema


▼立面分层,layers of the facade

The building is a hybrid structure with a prefabricated wooden curtain wall façade that evolves from heavy to light, relying on sustainable solutions such as manual night ventilation, shading, and geothermal component activation.The facade’s striking screens provide shade and act as semi-transparent screening for the building’s work areas. The screens sculpturally articulate the building, creating a silvery-red alternate image with the city colors that define its identity.

▼南侧入口,south entrance


silver-red alternate screens on the facade

▼遮阳板近景,closer view to the screens

▼遮阳板细部,details of the screens


The business incubator is a workshop for thoughts, ideas, experiments, and developments. The office spaces offer flexible space for different types of work: from fully equipped coworking workstations in the open-plan office to two-person and individual offices, complemented by various communal and presentation areas. In addition to the various forms of work and communication, a large ramp and the attached workshop courtyard serve as an open-air cinema.

▼开放的办公空间,open workspace

▼交流区,communication area


报告厅,lecture hall



The “workshop idea” is found throughout the building: at the desks and in large conferences, in public but informal presentations, in the FabLab or the series of experiments in the laboratory, and is also supported through the design inside the building. The exposed concrete surfaces of the shell construction are present throughout the building. Doors, metal perimeter guards, the grilles of the two staircases, and the ventilation ducts are made of galvanized steel. All installations are visibly on the surface of the exposed concrete structure.


exposed concrete structure

▼管线设备暴露在外,all installations are visible on the structure

金属门窗和楼梯格栅,metal door, window and grilles of the staircase

▼楼梯细部,details of the staircase


▼两套配色,two color palettes

Two color spectrums complement the materiality. The achromatic spectrum from white to black belongs to the working environment, and the chromatic spectrum from yellow to red belongs to the public areas. On the glazed first floor, the seemingly light-enhancing power of the foyer color creates a particular atmosphere when the sun is low in the sky. The ground floor with different functions is thus a threshold space used by the public and the founders.

首层公共空间,public space on the ground floor

▼公共区域后方的工作坊,workshop behind the public space


报告厅,lecture hall

夜景,night vew

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan

二层平面图,second floor plan

三层平面图,third floor plan



Area: 5,500 m²

Location: Cottbus, Siemens-Halske-Ring 2

Client: GWC Cottbus

Year of Completion: 2022

Design Architects: Prof. Bernd Huckriede, Dr. Jens Brinkmann (United Architektur), Ludwig Heimbach (ludwig heimbach architektur)further planning in collaboration with CGG (Cottbuser Gesellschaft für Gebäudeerneuerung)Participating planner

Landscaping: Spiel.Raum.Planung

Structural Engineering: Mathes Beratende Ingenieure GmbH

HVAC: Integral Projekt GmbH & Co KG

Building Energy and Acoustics Consultant: GWJ Ingenieurgesellschaft für Bauphysik GbR

Fire protection: Professor Pfeifer und Partner PartGmbB

Surveying: Strese and Rehs

Geotechnical engineering: Ingenieurbüro Reinfeld + Schön


Ludwig Heimbach Architektur 打造 Cottbus 地区新兴产业发动机——Startblock B2 区域创业中心
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