发布时间:2020-12-02 17:25:09 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Sikora Wells Appel:罗斯福广场公园(RPP)的临时激活活动对急需公共空间投资的城市产生了持续性的变革影响。到目前为止,RPP已经安装了三个成功的迭代季节,第四个迭代目前正在进行中。项目场地位于市中心的卡姆登标志性市政厅的三个关键商业走廊区的十字路口,是一个步行可达卡姆登主要机构的空间。2012年,一个空置了10年的停车场被拆除后,这里的草坪、混凝土人行道和树木种植情况得到了最小程度的改善。设计团队很清楚,尽管它是绿色、开放、干净和安全的,但它也只是一个等待被激活变成理想目的地的步行空间。卡姆登曾多次被称为美国最贫穷和服务设施最匮乏的城市之一,人们发现,迭代定位模型对卡姆登这样的社区特别有用。市政府官员不愿将稀缺的公共资金分配给没有基础社区支持的空间,也不确定社区将如何应对这些改善,因此,第一年的建筑预算被控制在5万美元以内,第二年为6万美元,第三年为4万美元。

Sikora Wells Appel:The Roosevelt Plaza Park (RPP) temporary activations have an ongoing transformative effect on a city in dire need of public space investment. To date, three successful seasons of iterations have been installed at RPP, and the fourth iteration is currently in the works. The project site, in the heart of the city and at the base of Camden’s iconic City Hall, is a space located at the crossroads of three critical business corridors within walking distance of Camden’s major institutions. After the demolition of a parking garage in 2012 that stood vacant on the site for a decade, the space was minimally improved with lawn, concrete sidewalks, and tree planting. It was clear to the design team that RPP —though it was green, open, clean, and safe — was merely a walk-through space that awaiting to be activated and turned into a desired destination. The iterative placemaking model was found to be particularly useful for a community such as Camden, which is repeatedly cited as one of the poorest and most underserved cities in the US. City officials were hesitant to allocate scarce public funds to spaces that do not have a community support base and were unsure of how the community would react to these improvements. Due to this, construction budgets were limited to $50,000 for the first year, $60,000 for the second year and $40,000 for the third year.

▼场地状况 Existing


The first activation opened in 2014 using place-making strategies to create a dynamic and interactive public space. Temporary interventions were used such as flexible seating, shade, colorful planting, an outdoor piano, public art, music, a free-expression chalkboard and most importantly, the many opportunities to connect with fellow residents. Used in each iteration of the park, the IBC (Intermediate Bulk Container), or “tote”, was embraced by the design team as a humble, but versatile, building block. These totes were all from Camden and repurposed for the park.

▼广场鸟瞰 Aerial from City Hall

▼公园元素 Park Elements

▼户外钢琴、公共艺术空间 Triangulation


For Year One, a tensile shade structure spanned across IBC tote towers at the primary central space. In collaboration with a local artist, the team designed an interactive lighting piece for the tote towers called ‘Blue Hour’. Outcomes of Year One were documented through hundreds of hours of time-lapse photography, user surveys, video interviews, mapping surveys and a comprehensive report. The documentation for the success of the park led to additional funding for Year Two, and helped alleviate concerns that vulnerable materials (the piano, fabric canopies, lightweight furnishings that were not secured, etc.) would not be vandalized or stolen; and most importantly, convinced the city that it deserved quality parks.

▼公园场地规划改造1 Site plan 1

▼蓝色时光照明装置 Blue hour

第二年,为了让人们了解卡姆登的雨水管理和洪水问题,我们在2015年开始了“RPP H2O”的迭代开发,结合了前一年收集的数据经验,用户最常的需求是为儿童提供水景和玩耍的机会,这个关键的反馈启发了一个互动水景的设计,水景使用的水来自箱塔顶部的大碟子收集的雨水。集装箱塔连着一条引人注目的蓝色空中管道,这条储存了灌溉用水的管道将水流输送注入附近的雨水花园。公园的游客还可以通过在一套定制的超大钥匙上的水风琴来操纵位于系统中心的雨幕,这也是一个孩子和成年人都喜欢的游戏装置。装置中收集到的雨水会通过简单的记分卡记录下来,直观地展示给公众,此外,这里还安装了教育标识,详细说明了该系统的工作原理,并提供了居民如何在家收集雨水的建议。

Year Two was meant to shine a light on stormwater management and flooding issues in Camden. Dubbed “RPP H2O”, this iteration opened in 2015 incorporating lessons learned from the previous year’s data collection. Users most frequently requested a water feature and play opportunities for children. This critical feedback inspired the design of an interactive water feature that used rainwater harvested from large saucers at the top of planted tote towers. The towers were linked with a striking blue aerial pipe that conveyed and stored water for irrigation which flowed into a nearby rain garden. A rain curtain was at the center of the system and could be manipulated as a water organ by park visitors playing on a custom-built over-sized set of keys. This was a favorite play element for children and adults alike. The gallons of rainwater collected were recorded and visually exhibited to the public using simple score cards. Educational signage was also installed that explained how the system worked and to give residents recommendations for implementing rainwater harvesting at home.

▼公园场地规划改造2 Site plan 2

▼广场绿化 Greening the Plaza

▼蓝色管道休息区 Blue Pipe Lounge

▼可食用植物花园 Edible Herb Garden

▼互动式雨水花园 Interactive Rain Garden


Continued data collection and feedback was used for Year Three, which had a focus on health and wellness. Bright orange treadle pumps, meant to be used for irrigation in remote rural areas, were repurposed as outdoor exercise equipment and activated a kinetic bicycle waterwheel sculpture. Custom-built bicycle wheel windmills were installed throughout the park. The IBC Totes were planted with edibles and sunflowers to promote the ideas of community gardening and healthy eating. Through the engagement process, it was found that there was a desire for food vendors, so a shipping container turned into permanent café was installed.

▼公园场地规划改造3 Site plan 3

▼互动健身装置 Health and Wellness

▼回收利用的自行车水轮装置 Recycled Bicycle


Unlike a more traditional community engagement process, the design approach involved the community locally and directly, in real-time. The project invited everyone to participate, to share their thoughts, and to inform the next round of design. Data collection showed that frequent visitors to RPP represented a wide cross-section of Camden residents, from the very disadvantaged to those who are involved in the economic renaissance of Camden’s newly thriving downtown. User groups included students from the nearby music school, university workers and college students, hospital workers and patients, those who work at nearby offices and city hall, jurors, people who have been called to court, security officers, a church group, suburban teenagers on their way to shows at the waterfront, the homeless, and people receiving treatment at an adjacent methadone clinic. From the first day, the improvements provided a variety of ways for disparate groups to participate in placemaking together.

▼数据收集 Date collection


This process offered an opportunity to examine some preconceptions and pervasive attitudes surrounding public space investment in Camden. In initial conversations, we found that many people were highly skeptical that improvements in downtown Camden could be a success. There were concerns about vandalism, theft, loitering, and improper use. The temporary activations, and the documentation of their use, proved without a doubt that investment in high-quality public space in Camden is worth it. Through the stories of the park users, the team came away from the installation not only better informed, but with an inspired view of Camden. One park user powerfully expressed the impact of the new park: “The park is something we are not used to; we don’t get this. The City of Camden has been neglected for so long because we are the ‘bad people’… to have somebody care enough to give this, it’s the smallest thing, but it’s the biggest thing.”

▼人潮涌动的卡姆登 Camden Jam


客户:Cooper ‘s Ferry Partnership

地点:新泽西州 卡姆登



景观设计:Sikora Wells Appel

首席设计师及团队:Sikora Wells Appel, Group Melvin Design,New American Public Art, & Cooper’s Ferry Partnership

合作伙伴:Cooper’s Ferry Partnership,City of Camden,Group Melvin Design, New American Public Art


摄影:Sikora Wells Appel, Group Melvin Design

Project Name: Roosevelt Plaza Park Iterations

Client: Cooper’s Ferry Partnership

Location: Camden, New Jersey

Area: 0.5 acre

Completion Date: Summer of 2014 through Summer of 2017

Landscape Architecture: Sikora Wells Appel

Leader designer & Team: Sikora Wells Appel, Group Melvin Design,New American Public Art, & Cooper’s Ferry Partnership

Partners: Cooper’s Ferry Partnership,City of Camden,Group Melvin Design, New American Public Art

Budget: $50,000 each installation

Photography: Sikora Wells Appel, Group Melvin Design


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