发布时间:2021-11-08 05:43:06 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}



▼庭院空间,Courtyard©Beer Singnoi

▼“立柱花园”,Garden of columns©Beer Singnoi

The architecture of Found is based on the use and reinterpretation of the classical columns, capitals and cornices sourced from Nothasin, an old concrete stucco shop in Bangkok, known for its furniture and material shops. The shop’s backyard was filled with leftover columns and capitals in many styles. Some of the columns had been sculptured to curl around others.In another corner, to show what could be ordered, cornices were mounted together on a wall in a way that made them look like an art piece.

▼设计灵感来源:“Nothasin”店铺的灰泥柱子,Inspiration: Nothasin stucco shop© PHTAA living design

灰泥是一种由骨料、粘合剂和水组成的建筑材料,通常被用作墙壁和天花板的装饰性涂层,同时也是一种颇具艺术感的材料。它起源于古希腊和古罗马文化,时至今日依然维持着与众不同的“古典风格”。然而,灰泥材料常常被不合理地使用,有时是语境的不合理(例如为了展示财富),有时是尺度的不合理(例如在家庭建筑中),这也从某种程度上降低了灰泥的受欢迎程度。本项目的设计团队希望以一种新的方式应用灰泥,使其展现出不同以往的效果和质感——这种风格被他们称为“‘AUTHENTIC FAKE”。

Stucco, a construction material made of aggregates, a binder, and water, is used as a decorative coating for walls and ceilings and as a sculptural and artistic material in architecture. It originated in ancient times with Greek and Roman culture and its popularity has remained as ‘classical style’ until recently. Unfortunately, often it is used inappropriately, either in the wrong context (for example to show wealth) or wrong scale (for example in domestic architecture), so has become less popular due to these associations. We were interested in introducing stucco in a new way, with different usage and patterns in a style we call ‘AUTHENTIC FAKE’.

▼入口立面,Entrance facade©Beer Singnoi

▼细节,Detailed view©Beer Singnoi


▼落客区雕塑示意,drop-off sculpture diagram© PHTAA living design

▼落客区雕塑,The drop-off sculpture©Beer Singnoi

▼空间细节,Detailed view©Beer Singnoi

照片廊,Gallery©Beer Singnoi

▼庭院,Courtyard©Beer Singnoi

▼圆形的节点空间,Circular node©Beer Singnoi

▼立柱细节,Column details©Beer Singnoi


▼“立柱花园”设计示意,Diagram –garden of columns© PHTAA living design

In another area, a “garden of columns” was created with columns made of five types of capitals stacked on top of each other and then arranged in a grid. This is an area for guests to explore and take photographs. Between the garden of columns and the sequenced nodes is a multi-purpose courtyard, which also contains the staircase and balcony for the bride to throw the bouquet after the wedding.

Aerial view to the garden and courtyard©Beer Singnoi

▼立柱花园和庭院的边界,The boundary between the garden and the yard©Beer Singnoi

▼从立柱花园望向庭院,View from the garden©Beer Singnoi

柱子由5种不同类型的柱头叠加而成©Beer Singnoi The columns are made of five types of capitals stacked on top of each other

楼梯,Staircase©Beer Singnoi

▼立柱呈网格状排布,The columns are arranged in a grid©Beer Singnoi

▼花园细节,Detailed view©Beer Singnoi


The main hall, with two stages for wedding and engagement ceremonies, has a capacity to hold 260 guests. Again, columns are lined up side by side to create a textured interior wall of the hall. Functional support rooms, such as bride and guest rooms, catering facilities and storage, are located behind the main wedding stage.Altogether these are memorable, dream-like spaces, with colour and texture similar to fresco paint.

▼庭院,Courtyard©Beer Singnoi

▼节点空间,Node©Beer Singnoi

▼主厅,Main hall©Beer Singnoi

▼舞台,Stages©Beer Singnoi

室内细节,Interior details©Beer Singnoi


The playful use of the classical column, usually reserved for buildings of importance, adds to the ceremonial quality of the design without being a pastiche of classical architecture.

▼迎宾区细节,Welcome foyer detail©Beer Singnoi

▼庭院夜景,Night view of the courtyard©Beer Singnoi

花园夜景,Night view of the garden©Beer Singnoi

▼落客区雕塑夜景,Night view of the drop-off sculpture©Beer Singnoi

▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan© PHTAA living design

▼立柱花园示意,Garden of columns© PHTAA living design

▼节点空间,Nodes© PHTAA living design

Architecture and interior by PHTAA living design

Architect team: Sukdisan Thongtan, Suradet Nutham

Interior design team: Lattapon Nopparatborinot, Natthawut Prathumset

Engineering system: Kor-It Design and Construction

Consultant supervisor: Pongsakron Phattranurakyotin (pep.studio)Lighting designer: Studioluxsit

Landscape designer: Theerapong Sanguansripisut

Contractor: Khong thavorn

Photo credit: Beer Singnoi


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