发布时间:2020-12-07 05:51:01 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

观四方而高曰台——《尔雅》 Platform is used to take in everything in a glance on high—Erhya


High platform is the principal architectural form of palaces and ceremonies in the Han Dynasty. It has been widely used in traditional official buildings in later generations for its supreme majesty. The Ancient Platform Built in the Han Dynasty and the General-Appointment Platform are the relics of high-rise buildings dating back to the Han Dynasty in Hanzhong. “Such a handful of clay remains the foundation of the Han Royal Family.” What happened more than 2,000 years ago seems to be still available for exploration.

▼项目鸟瞰图,Aerial view of the project © iNNS 合什建筑摄影

▼由入口广场远眺观演台,Viewing the platform from the entrance square © iNNS 合什建筑摄影

▼由阙门远眺观演台,Viewing the platform from the gate © iNNS 合什建筑摄影


We intend to build such a Han platform that reminds people of the history of the Han Dynasty at Xinghan Scenic Spot.

▼区位与视线分析,location and view analyze diagram © 凡度设计事务所

▼视角与轴测分析,view and axonometric diagram © 凡度设计事务所

▼流线分析,circulation analyze diagram © 凡度设计事务所


Standing at the entrance square of “Xinghan Scenic Spot”, through the inner city gate, visitors can see that the Han Palace in the distance is properly “placed” on the nearby Han Platform. The Hanyuan Lake, which spans 300 meters, overlaps far and near sights, presenting a view of scenic spot full of the sense of time-travel like a Chinese landscape painting.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © iNNS 合什建筑摄影

▼南侧透视,south perspective © iNNS 合什建筑摄影

▼由水上舞台回看观演区,viewing the performance from the stage on the water © iNNS 合什建筑摄影

▼北侧正透视,north perspective © iNNS 合什建筑摄影


Layers of stone steps of the Han Platform guide visitors walking through the inner city gate and cross the Golden Water Bridge. And then, visitors will be shocked by the sight that the Han Palace is already covered by the high platform. Beneath the high platform are grassy steps as far as the eye can reach, and whether the square royal city with towering walls stand above the high platform?

▼观演区透视,audience area perspective © iNNS 合什建筑摄影

▼由观演区看汉宫全景,panoramic view on the audience area © iNNS 合什建筑摄影


Visitors will come up out of imagination and expectation. However, only a lake with mountains standing far away leaps to the eyes. The majestic Han Palace, which was once stacked on the high platform, is far away from a pool of clear water, standing on the hillside. Such a sharp impression contrast makes Han Platform far beyond the visual focus and cognition of tourists, becoming a guiding tool and supporter of the subject.

▼阶梯式的高台,stepped platform © iNNS 合什建筑摄影


Lao Tzu said: ” You can’t see it when you see it, call it “Yi”……This is a shape without a shape, an object without an object. ” (Chapter 14 of Tao Te Ching)

▼石材的组合彰显出历史的气息,combination of stones reveals the history © iNNS 合什建筑摄影

▼接驳车车行入口,vehicular entrance © iNNS 合什建筑摄影

▼后台演员入口,Backstage entrance © iNNS 合什建筑摄影


Xinghan Theatrical Platform was originally designed to be a major watching area for the large-scale outdoor performance “Tianhan Legend” in the Xinghan Scenic Spot. The Han Palace is a well-deserved protagonist for the Xinghan Scenic Spot, so the design of the theatrical platform followed the general idea of subordination, blanking and contrast from the beginning. According to the original intention, we concealed the physical function of the building in the form of “Platform”, a form of the base in the Han Dynasty, so that visitors “cannot see the front part from the front”, namely, only seeing the Han Palace but not the Han platform; “cannot see the rear part from the rear”, namely, seeing the Han Palace again but not the Han platform. In this way, the invisible image of the Xinghan Theatrical Platform is created.

▼入口夜景,night view of the entrance © iNNS 合什建筑摄影

▼演出场景,scenario of the performance © iNNS 合什建筑摄影

▼总平面图,site plan © 凡度设计事务所

▼一层平面图,1F plan © 凡度设计事务所

▼二层平面图&屋顶平面图,2F&roof plan © 凡度设计事务所

▼立面图,elevations © 凡度设计事务所

▼剖面图,sections © 凡度设计事务所

▼屋顶断面图,sections the roof © 凡度设计事务所


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