The Site use to be a glass factory, contains of many typical industrial buildings varies in construction time, volume, and material, which housed the former manufacturing plans, warehouses, offices, chimneies, domitories, canteens.
▼改造后外观,external view after renovation
The client, Shute Technology, aimed to renovate the site as a creative industries cluster, which was an integrated office park for industrial design, graphic design, advertisement, showroom, etc. As the former building’s facades were chaostic, and the roads dull and poor, we redefine the whole interface and space scale by replacement, enlargement, and new volume.
▼总平面图,site plan
▼A2庭院,courtyard in A2
▼B1,B4间庭院,courtyard between B1 and B4
▼生活馆,life pavilion
▼ 红砖与绿植 red vs green
To make sure an unified, yet enriched and lively interface, we built a continuous brick wall(the most local material, cheap and convinent), which becomed solid or transperant, strong or weak from time to time, the vines climbed, the light in, The former buildings were enclosed, opened, redefined, there comed plazas, courtyards, gardens, pavilions, thus we made a morden park in office buildings.
▼砖墙,brick wall & B1外扩围合界面引入天光和种植到室内,the extended enclosure of B1 let in sunshine and greening
▼A1平面,A1 plan
▼B1立面,B1 elevation
▼轴测图,axonometric drawings
项目名称:树德创意园(大稳玻璃厂改造) 项目地点:广州番禺 项目规模:建筑20000平方米 项目团队:宋刚 钟冠球 朱志远 蔡嘉彬 涂思典 梁善斐 设计时间:2013年-2014年 建设时间:2014年-2015年 摄影:钟冠球
Project Name:Shute Creative Park (Renovation of Dawen glass works factory) Location: Panyu , Guangzhou Area: Architecture 20000 sqm Team: SONG Gang, ZHONG Guanqiu, ZHU Zhiyuan, CAI Jiabin, TU Sidian, LIANG Shanfei Design Period: 2013- 2014 Construction Period: 2014- 2015 Photograph: ZHONG Guanqiu