发布时间:2016-10-02 07:03:13 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Project Statement


Water resilient terrain and plantings are designed to adapt to the monsoon floods; A resilient bridge and paths system are designed to adapt to the dynamic water currents and people flows. The bridge and paths connect the city with nature and connect the past to the future; Resilient spaces are created to fulfill the need for temporary, intensive use by the audience from the opera house, yet are adaptable for daily use by people seeking intimate and shaded spaces. The river currents, the flow of people, and the gravity of objects are all woven together to form a dynamic concord. This is achieved through the meandering vegetated terraces, curvilinear paths, a serpentine bridge, circular bio-swales and planting beds, and curved benches. The project has given the city a new identity and is now acclaimed as its most poetic landscape.


Challenges and Objectives

在隔江相望的城市包围下,燕尾洲已经成为金华这一具有100万人口的繁华都市中,唯一尚有自然蒹葭和枫杨的芳洲。义乌江和武义江在此交汇而成婺江(金华江)。洲的大部分土地已经被开发为金华市的文化中心,现建有中国婺剧院,为曲线异形建筑,洲的两侧堤岸分别是密集的城市居民区和滨江公园,但由于开阔的江面阻隔,市民难以到达和使用洲上的文化设施。留下的洲头共26公顷的河漫滩,其中部分因采砂留下坑凹和石堆,地形破碎,另一部分尚存茂密植被和湿地,受季风性气候影响,每年受水淹没,形成了以杨树、枫杨为优势种的群落,是金华市中心唯一留存的河漫滩生境,为多种鸟类和生物提供庇护, 包括当地具有标志意义的白鹭。

In the urban heart of Jinhua, a city with a population of over one million, one last piece of natural riparian wetland of more than 26 hectares (64 acres) remains undeveloped. Located where the Wuyi River and Yiwu River converge to form Jinhua River, this wetland is called Yanweizhou, meaning “the sparrow tail”. Beyond this tail, riparian wetlands have already been eliminated by the construction of an organically shaped opera house.

Before the Yanweizhou Park project was implemented, the three rivers, each of which is over 100 meters wide, divide the densely populated communities in the region. As a result of this inaccessibility, the cultural facilities, including the opera house and the green spaces adjacent to the Yanweizhou, were underutilized. Most of the riparian wetland has been fragmented or destroyed by sand quarries, and is now covered with secondary growth, which was dominated by poplar trees (

Populus Canadensis

) and Chinese Wingnut (

Pterocarya stenoptera

) that provide habitat for native birds like egrets.


Pre-existing conditions (before) and transformations (after). This existing site was a riparian wetland ruined by sand quarries and concrete flood walls. The resilient design strategy dramatically transformed the site by eco-friendly embankment and making the site accessible and connecting the segregated city


The site conditions posed four major challenges to the landscape architect:

1) How can the remaining riparian habitat be preserved while providing amenities to the residents of the dense urban center?

(2) What approach to flood control should be used, prevention with a high, concrete retaining wall or cooperation by allowing the park to flood?

3) How can the existing organically shaped building be integrated into the surrounding environment to create a cohesive landscape that provides a unique experience for visitors?

4) Finally and most importantly, how can the separated city districts be connected to the natural riparian landscape to strengthen the community and cultural identity of Jinhua?


The aerial view of the park during the dry season, note the lush tall grasses covering the terraces on the embankment. The terraces are enriched by silt deposit during the flood season (towards the west, photo in November 2014).


The aerial view of the park during the monsoon season showing a 20-year flood and testifying to the flood resilient design. Note the uninterrupted connection of the city through the bridge (towards the west, photo in May 2014).


Design Strategy: Resilient Landscape

1. 保护自然与修复生态的适应性设计

Adaptive Tactics to Preserve and Enhance the Remnant Habitats


The first adaptive strategy was to make full use of the existing riparian sand quarries with minimum intervention. In this way, the existing micro-terrain and natural vegetation are preserved, allowing diverse habitats to evolve through time. The biodiversity of the area was adapted and enhanced through the addition of native wetland species. This enrichment, particularly of species that provide food for birds and other wildlife, increases biodiversity.

▼去掉水泥防洪堤后,使河水得以通过卵石层过滤净化后进入堤内低地,原有的采砂坑变成了可以游泳和戏水的内湖(戏水,2014年夏天)。 The inner pond on the inland is designed to allow water to infiltrate from the river through the gravel layers that make the otherwise dirty river water swimmable (kids playing in the pond, summer, 2014).


The flood adaptive boardwalk integrated the path system with the terraces. This path affords visitors an intimate naturalistic experience over the riparian vegetation. The elevated boardwalk is just above the five-year flood level (toward the southwest).


This pavilion provides a dramatic viewpoint as it extends above the 200-year flood level. The pavilion features a detailed view of the pond water feature and expansive views of the river, the city and the Bayong Qiao bridge.

2. 与水为友的弹性设计

Water Resilient Terrain and Planting Design


Due to its monsoon climate, Jinhua suffers from annual flooding. For a long time, the strategy to control flooding was to build harder and taller concrete walls to yield cheap land for urban development. These walls along the riverbanks and riparian flood plains severed the intimate relationship between the city, the vegetation, and the water, while ultimately exacerbating the destructive force of the annual floods.

Following this formula, hard high walls have been built, or were planned to be built, to protect the last patch of riparian wetland (Yanweizhou) from the 20-year and 50-year floods. These floodwalls would create dry parkland above the water, but destroy the lush and dynamic wetland ecosystem. Therefore, the landscape architect devised a contrasting solution and convinced the city authority to stop the construction of the concrete floodwall as well as demolish others. Instead, the Yanweizhou Park project “makes friends” with flooding by using a cut-and-fill strategy to balance earthwork and by creating a water-resilient, terraced river embankment that is covered with flood adapted native vegetation. Floodable pedestrian paths and pavilions are integrated with the planting terraces, which will be closed to the public during the short period of flooding. The floods bring fertile silt that is deposited over the terraces and enrich the growing condition for the tall grasses that are native to the riparian habitat. Therefore, no irrigation or fertilization is required at any time of the year. The terraced embankment will also remediate and filtrate the storm water from the pavement above. Although the design and strategies address only a small section compared to the hundreds of kilometers of river embankment, the Yanweizhou Park project showcases a replicable and resilient ecological solution to large-scale flood management.


The terraced embankment built by removing the concrete flood wall, and through cut-and-fill strategy that balances the earthwork on site, and has created a flood resilient zone that allows people to enjoy the lush tall grasses adaptive to the seasonal floods (towards the east)


In addition to the terraced river embankment, the inland area is entirely permeable in order to create a water resilient landscape through the extensive use of gravel that is re-used material from the site. The gravel is used for the pedestrian areas; the circular bio-swales are integrated with tree planters, and permeable concrete pavement is used for vehicular access routes and parking lots. The inner pond on the inland is designed to encourage river water to infiltrate through gravel layers. This mechanically and biologically improves the water quality to make the water swimmable.


The surface of the inland area is hundred percent permeable. Generated from on-site materials, gravel is recycled to create pedestrian surfaces. Bio-swales are integrated with tree planters, and permeable concrete pavement is used for automobile routes traffic use and parking lots.

3. 连接城市与自然、历史与未来的弹性步桥

A Resilient Pedestrian Bridge Connects City and Nature, Future and Past

横跨三江六岸的富有弹性和动感的步行桥,联接城市的南北两大组团,以及城市与江洲公园。步行桥的设计以金华当地民俗文化中的“板凳龙”作为灵感来源。 这是金华当地特有的春节龙舞,每家每户搬出自己的板凳,联接在一起形成一条长龙,敲锣打鼓蜿蜒在田埂上,全村老少喜气洋洋地跟在其后。“板凳龙”不仅仅是一种狂欢的舞蹈,更是社区和家族的纽带,它灵活机动,编织起文化与社会的认同。彩桥因地势盘旋扭转,富有弹性,结合缓坡设计巧妙化解竖向高差;其中联接城南-城北的主要桥体在200年一遇的洪水范围之上,以保证在特大洪水时都能同行,而其中与燕尾洲公园连接的部分,则可以在20年一遇的洪水中淹没,以适应洪水对沙洲湿地的短时淹没。步行桥飘忽燕尾洲头的植被之上,使游客能在城市之中近距离触摸到真实的自然。色彩上用具有民俗特征和喜庆炽烈的红黄交替,同时结合晚间灯光和照明功能,流畅绚丽、便捷轻盈。桥梁总长700多米,其中跨越义乌江、武义江段分别为210米和180米。步行桥全线采用钢箱结构,桥梁主线宽5米,匝道宽4米,桥面采用环保材料竹木铺设,发光栏杆则选用了新型的透光玻璃钢材料。这座桥的建成大大缩短了城南、城北的步行交通距离,并将两岸绿廊和多个公园串联成为一体。步行桥已被正式命名为“八咏桥”,以纪念历史上咏叹金华四周景观的八首诗歌。无论从其对水的适应弹性,还是对来自各个方向的人流疏导及使用强度的适应性,还是其作为连接城市与自然、历史与未来的粘结性,“八咏桥”都可称之为一座富有弹性的桥。而徜徉在飘舞的“八咏桥”上,看金华城市及四周的连绵山峦,蜿蜒而来的河流与川流不息的人,诗意油然而生。难怪当地市民称其“最富有诗意的桥”。

A pedestrian bridge snakes across the two rivers, linking the parks along the riverbanks in both the southern and northern city districts, and connecting the city with Yanweizhou Park within the river. The bridge design was inspired by the local tradition of dragon dancing during the Spring Festival. For this celebration many families bind their wooden benches together to create a long and colorful dragon that winds through the fields and along narrow dirt paths. Musicians sound gongs and beat drums, to the accompaniment of singing, dancing and yelling by villagers, young and old. The Bench Dragon is flexible in length and form as people join or leave the celebration. The dragon bends and twists according to the force of human flow. Like the bench dragon in the annual celebration, the “Bench Dragon Bridge” symbolizes not only a form of celebration practiced in Jinhua area, but is a bond that strengthens a cultural and social identity that is unique to this area . As water-resilient infrastructure, the new bridge is elevated above the 200-year flood level, while the ramps connecting the riparian wetland park can be submerged during the 20-year and larger floods. The bridge also hovers above the preserved patch of riparian wetland and allows visitors an intimate connection to nature within the city. The many ramps to the bridge create flexible and easy access for residents from various locations of the city in adaptation to the flow of people. The landscape architect designed the bridge to reinforce the festive, vernacular tradition, but also as an art form with a bold and colorful combination of bright red and yellow tones that are strengthened by night lighting. All together 700m (2 300 feet) long, the bridge is composed of a steel structure with fiberglass handrails and bamboo paving. The main bridge is five meters wide, with four-meter wide ramps. This bridge is officially named Bayong Bridge (Bridge of Eight Chants), after eight famous poems written in ancient times about landscapes surrounding the site. It is truly a resilient bridge that is adaptive to river currents and the flows of people while binding city and nature, future and past.


Inspired by the vernacular Bench Dragon Dancing, the iconic Bayong Qiao bridge is more than a connecting infrastructure, it attracts thousands of residents and tourists, and over forty thousand people visit the bridges daily. It recovers the vernacular cultural identity of the city (early morning scene, 2014)

4. 动感流线编织的弹性体验空间

Resilient Space for Dynamic Experience


The large oval opera house posed significant challenges for the landscape architect. First the building shape tends to repel rather than embrace the user and landscape. Therefore, the first challenge was devising innovative forms that would welcome and embrace the visitors. Secondly, the area near the building needed to accommodate the large opera audience as well as offer intimate spaces and ample shade. Finally, the designers were challenged with the problem of how to integrate the singular flood-proof big object into the floodable, riparian waterfront. The design uses curves as the basic language, including the curvilinear bridge, terraces and planting beds, concentric paving bands of black and white, and meandering paths that define circular and oval planting areas and activity spaces. The spatial organization and design forms establish an extensive paved area for a large audience during the events at the opera house. However, the forms and the inclusion of alcoves create places for the individual, couples and small groups. The dynamic ground of the pavement and planting patterns define circular bio-swales and planting beds, densely planted with native trees and bamboo, bound by long benches made of fiberglass. The circular bio-swales and planting patches resemble raindrop ripples on the river. These curves and circles are the unifying pattern language that integrates the building and the environment into a harmonious whole. The reverse curves simultaneously refer to the shape and scale of the building, while forming a contrasting shape that is human in scale and enclosed for more intimate gatherings. They also reflect the weaving of the dynamic fluxes of currents, people and material objects that together create a lively pleasant and functional space.


Circular spaces dissolve the extensive paved area needed when the opera house is in use and provide intimate shaded spaces for daily use. Long fiberglass benches encircle the bio-swales planted with native water adaptive species such as Chinese Redwood.


Grading Plan and Section: flood walls are removed and a cut-and-fill strategy is used to create terraces to make the site cooperate with flood. The design is 100% permeable. The surface includes gravel surface for pedestrians, bio-swales for planting, and permeable concrete for automobile use.


规 模:26公顷




委 托 方:金华市规划局

Project Location: Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, China

Project Size: 26 Hectares

Date of Design: August, 2010-October, 2013

Date of Completion: May 2014

Architect: Turenscape

Client: Jinhua Planning Bureau


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