发布时间:2021-05-01 07:40:43 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

25m 间距、行列排布、连廊串接……一直以来,固定的讲授关系,功能组成,以及日照、通风、隔音等“规范”要求,使学校设计趋向一种程式化,千人一面的布局,让校园缺乏空间想象。


▼项目概览,preview ©胡康榆

25-meter intervals, an orderly layout, a series of connected corridors…The long years of fixed teaching relations, functional configuration and “standard” requirements of lighting, ventilation and soundproofing have caused the layout design of schools to become formulaic and repetitive, leading to a lack of imaginative spaces on campus.

With educational innovation, uni-functional teaching spaces have become less and less able to meet the needs of advanced educational models such as interdisciplinary integration, diversified learning and experiential learning.Therefore, we tried to find a different organizational model without breaking through existing standards and basic functional configuration…

▼学校常见形式示意,Schematic diagram of common campus forms© 深圳华汇设计

项目用地坐落于东江河畔,用地面积 41600㎡,总建筑面积 30600㎡。南侧紧邻滨江路,环境幽美,交通便利;东侧和北侧多为高层住宅,对场地有一定的压迫感。场地呈不规则多边形,且东高西低的山地现状都给设计带来较大挑战。

▼区位分析,District location analysis© 深圳华汇设计

The project site is located along the Dong River bank, covering a land area of 41,600 m2 and a total construction area of 30,600 m2. The south side is adjacent to Binjiang Road, surrounded by a beautiful environment and convenient transportation. The east and north sides are occupied mostly by high-rise residential buildings, which cast an oppressive atmosphere over the site to a certain extent. The site is an irregular polygon in shape and its uneven mountainous topography poses a huge design challenge.

▼校园鸟瞰,aerial view© 胡康榆

▼入口台阶,entrance stairs© 胡康榆

▼建筑外观,exterior view© 胡康榆


Ordinary classrooms, specialized classrooms, library, outdoor playing fields… After analyzing the major teaching functions, we found that ordinary classrooms are the spaces in which students spend the longest time and foster the closest and most stable relationships among one another. Most of the “classmates” and “peers” that students talk of are defined here. On the other hand, specialized classrooms, public classrooms, outdoor playing fields and teachers’ offices are extensions and supplements of teaching, so we define ordinary classrooms as service spaces and other functions as serving spaces.

▼学校功能分析 Analysis of campus functions© 深圳华汇设计

▼功能重组,Functional reconfiguration© 深圳华汇设计




▼空间重组,Spatial reconfiguration© 深圳华汇设计

▼轴测图,Axonometric drawing© 深圳华汇设计

Functional reconfiguration naturally leads to spatial reconfiguration.Service spaces are placed in the upper part of the building. The good lines of vision, lighting and ventilation will be conducive to students’ growth. In the configuration of ordinary classrooms, a standard floor is constructed for each grade and a standard unit is constructed for every two floors. The addition of multiple standard units creates a rational sense of order within the space.

Specialized classrooms and public classrooms are placed in the lower part of the building and lighting and ventilation issues are resolved through the addition of alleyways and courtyards. Multiple pathways are also introduced to create a sense of feeling lost… This creates a space of chaos in which one can experience searching, discovery and play.

We constructed a big board in between the spaces of order and chaos. On the board, another state of experience is created. It is sparse and open; one can run, play games, look afar into the distance and bask in the long shadows of the sunset…

▼被服务空间置于建筑的上半部分 Service spaces are placed in the upper part of the building© 胡康榆

专业教室和公共教室置于下部分© 胡康榆 Specialized classrooms and public classrooms are placed in the lower part of the building

▼每两层构建出一个标准单元 A standard unit is constructed for every two floors© 胡康榆

大板本身作为校园的第二地表,提供了丰富的空间想象。景观设计公司提出了“45 个班级,45 棵树”的概念。浪漫的创想,让一棵树伴随着班级里每个同学的成长。

The board provides rich spatial imagination as the second ground surface of the campus. The landscape design company has proposed the concept of “45 classes and 45 trees,” a romantic concept based on the idea of having a tree accompany the growth of each student in class.


▼板上功能分布,Functional distribution on the board© 深圳华汇设计

Each standard block on the board is intended for two grades, with two floors for primary schools and three floors for secondary schools. The incorporation of the big board inadvertently reduces the spatial dimensions of the campus and it is relatively convenient to move from high floors to activities on the big board. Each standard block has a square ring-shaped layout and the central atrium not only plays the role of microclimate regulation, but also provides more activity space for students. Ordinary classrooms are placed on the south and east sides to ensure that lighting and ventilation conditions are met. A small service core including teachers’ offices, restrooms and stairwells is placed on the north side. On the west side holds an open platform for activities. The standard blocks are connected by the big board and arranged in a staggered manner, so that they are interconnected without disrupting one another, creating a strong sense of belonging.

各个标准块通过大板连接© 胡康榆 The standard blocks are connected by the big board


▼分析图,diagram © 深圳华汇设计

The space beneath the board references the comb-shaped layout of traditional Hakka round houses and brings in the concept of alleyways, so that the campus may better adapt to Lingnan’s climate. A series of growth activities surrounding reading, experience, sports and exhibition is carried out to include different learning activities.

▼各种服务空间与院落空间将室内外融为一体© 胡康榆 Different kinds of service spaces and courtyards are included to create a borderless space

▼连廊,thevestibule© 胡康榆


We hope to create an educational complex in which chaos and order coexist, allowing children to understand the world through discovery and exploration.

▼中庭,atrium© 胡康榆

▼从中庭望向建筑立面© 胡康榆 view to the building facade from the atrium


▼分析图,diagram© 深圳华汇设计

Different spaces and floors can meet the activity needs of different times and scales. Students can choose different activity spaces according to the length of activity time. The spaces also have different characteristics of their own.

▼变化的空间层级,different levels of spaces© 胡康榆


▼分析图,diagram© 深圳华汇设计

▼围绕主庭院形成板下的主环道,the main circular track surrounding the atrium beneath the big board© 胡康榆

楼梯动线,staircase circulation© 胡康榆


▼分析图,diagram© 深圳华汇设计

The main circular track surrounding the atrium beneath the big board connects the various functional branches. It also connects the vertical traffic core that allows one to reach the standard blocks of each grade directly. Large public stairs leading directly onto the big board are placed at the main entrance, secondary entrance and atrium. Together with the color identification system, an overall efficient and orderly transportation system is formed.

主环线连接各个功能分支© 胡康榆 The main circular track connects the various functional branches

▼傍晚的校园,the school campus in the sunset© 胡康榆

▼标准块平面图,Floor plan of standard block © 深圳华汇设计

一层平面图,Floor plan of first level© 深圳华汇设计

▼二层平面图,Floor plan of second level© 深圳华汇设计

▼三层平面图,Floor plan of third level© 深圳华汇设计








设计时间:2019 年

竣工时间:2020 年 9 月

工程造价:4300 元/㎡






Project location: Boluo County, Huizhou City

Design director: Mou Zhonghui

Chief designers: Li Song, Zhang Yu

Design team: Zhong Xiao, Liu Xu, Wang Xue, Du Junsheng

Land use area: 41,560 m2

Total construction area: 30,600 m2

Structure type: Frame structure

Design: 2019Completion: September 2020

Project costs: RMB4,300/m2

Business owner: Centralcon Investment Holding Co., Ltd.

Architectural design: Shenzhen Huahui Design Co., Ltd.


Landscape design: Shenzhen yx designer Co. Ltd.

Photography: Hu Kangyu


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