发布时间:2022-05-25 23:51:55 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

“空中森林”坐落于Flamingo控股集团旗下的Flamingo Dai Lai度假区入口处,坐拥123公顷的自然生态景观,场地周围被雄伟的Tam Dao山脉环绕。该项目距离河内内拜机场仅15公里,虽然酒店处于城市外围的乡村地区,但是却为越南国内外游客创造了一处广受欢迎的游行目的地。

Situated at the gateway of Flamingo Dai Lai Resort, Forest In The Sky – a property of Flamingo Holding Group – possesses the entire beautiful wide landscape of 123-hectare eco resort and surrounded by majestic Tam Dao Mountain. With location 15km from Noi Bai airport, though it is only a commune in a rural area, the architecture also contributes to creating a favorite destination for domestic and international tourists in Vietnam.

▼项目与周边环境概览,overall view of the project and surrounding environment

▼项目与周边环境航拍顶视图,aerial top view of the project and surrounding environment


In the context of limited access to technology and equipment, Design effectively utilize available resources and promote local techniques. The use of local workers has created jobs for farmers, helping to improve their lives in many years after.

▼分析图,concept diagram

▼体块生成与分析,formation and analysis of the architecture


▼项目远景鸟瞰,aerial view of the project

One of the design’s most eye-catching features, the so-called “Forest In The Sky”, is the four sides of building are covered with greeneries. Inspired by vertical forest architecture, this green “jungle” building was designed and play host to more than 75.000 plants of all types, including shrubs, vines, colorful flowers and even trees with big trunk. They spill out from irregularly placed balconies and crawl up the structures’ sides up to 100 meters height as well as forming 188 of Babylon hanging gardens. The 11 story building consits of 181 sky villas with luxury interior and complex of superior services and entertainment.

▼建筑立面被郁郁葱葱的绿色植被覆盖,the four sides of building are covered with greeneries

▼由河畔望向建筑,viewing the building from the water


Along with advanced technologies, local materials are fully utilized in building’s construction which pioneers a new standard of sustainable and eco-friendly architecture. Adobe brick, a mixture of cement powder and wood pulp, and eco-friendly cellular lightweight concrete blocks were largely used. They are local materials which are less likely to have adverse impacts on environment. Other solutions applied in the project were use of local wood for interior and concrete made on site.

▼植物从不规则的阳台中延伸出来,plants extend from irregular balconies

▼俯视阳台,top view of the balconies

建筑的节能策略主要体现在自动通风系统、节电VRV空调、感应式led灯、太阳能热泵系统的应用上。此外,设计中还采用了夹层钢化玻璃,玻璃窗与玻璃屋顶的结合,能够最大限度地利用自然光线,进而减少白天室内对于人工照明的需求。其他节能策略还包括:降低墙窗比、在外墙上使用反光涂料,高效率的屋顶和外墙保温也有助于减少能源的使用。项目中的污水处理系统也值得一提,该系统能够百分之百回收并处理建筑中产生的生活污水,并将处理后的水重新利用于植被的灌溉或厕所冲水,进一步强调出建筑的“绿色”性能。上述可持续策略使该建筑获得了EDGE Advanced绿色建筑认证,整个项目能够节约42%的能源、22%的水以及36%的建筑材料,使其作为一个座真正的绿色地标而享誉世界。

▼分析图,analysis diagram

▼生态策略分析,ecological strategy analysis

The typical energy-saving features of this building are the application of automatic ventilation; power-saving VRV air-conditioning; and inductive led light, solar energy and heat pump systems. In additional, Forest In The Sky is designed to use laminated/tempered glass systems in combination of both roof and wall glazing to maximize natural daylight, therefore reducing the need for electric lighting during daytime. The reduction of wall window ratio, using reflective paint for exterior walls and insulation of roofs and exterior walls also contribute to reduce energy usage. The wastewater treatment system (100% of domestic wastewater are processed and reused for irrigation and flush toilet, further nurturing the greeneries itself);With sustainability approach above, the building has earned EDGE Advanced, a green building certification, due to its ability to cut down 42% on energy, 22% on water, and 36% on construction materials used, establishing a world-renowned reputation as a truly green landmark inside and out.

▼几乎被植物完全覆盖的立面,the facade is almost completely covered by plants

▼室外泳池,outdoor pool




▼休息区,waiting area



Forest In The Sky is an ecosystem (include apartments, trees, land, creatures) which all create an inseparable population. By the way of vertical and stepped space unification, more spaces area created for planting trees and forming ventilation openings as well as different views within the building. This combination forms a lively space appropriate with ventilation and solar radiation solutions concurrently. All balconies are covered with greeneries combined with bamboo floors and wide glass walls to both catch the sun, enjoy natural fresh air and efface the separation between indoor and outdoor space. The project’s purpose is to create the peaceful harmonious coexistence between mankind and nature.

布满垂直绿化的室内走廊,interior corridors with vertical greenery

▼套房客厅,living room



The project desires to create a luxurious and friendly resort space, evoking a green architectural model for Vietnamese villages, helping to stabilize people’s lives that base on the basis of inheritance, promoting local cultural quintessence in the context of urban boom and market economy.

▼地下室平面图,basement floor plan

一层平面图,1st floor plan

▼二层平面图,2nd floor plan

▼三层至六层平面图,3nd to 6th floor plan

▼七层与八层平面图,7th and 8th floor plan

▼九层与十层平面图,9th and 10th floor plan





Social Media Accounts:Firm Location: 127 Lo Duc street, Dong Mac ward, Hai Ba Trung district, Viet Nam

Completion Year: 2018

Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): 50893.3 m2

Site Area: 6873 m2

Project location: Flamingo Dai Lai Resort, Ngoc Thanh, Phuc Yen, Vinh Phuc, Viet Nam


Program: Hotel, gym + spa, Swimming pool, Reception, Restaurant + Bar + Cafe

Construction work: Local construction team

Lead Architects: Nguyen Thuong Quan

Architects in charge: Truong Hoang Nam, Bui Thi Bich Dao, Dang Dac Huy, Nguyen Quang Dung

Photographs: Flamingo Holding Group


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