发布时间:2021-06-05 06:20:01 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

浮光掠影 向梦而居 当夏日的白昼退尽 耳边响起渐近渐远的喧声 闭上双眼,依稀入睡 进入透明见底的梦境里 繁星越发皎洁,一派娇美的月色

现代居住空间被赋予了太多繁琐而复杂的形态,而家,应该回归本来的样子,宁静,自由,舒适,并触动我们心灵深处。于是本案以现代艺术笔触,打造简约与纯粹并存之境,融入匠心,从细节中体现个性与品味,在空间中放下自我,遇见真我,让空间与人连接,与情感连接,借此缔造腔调十足的时尚质感! 01 格调 · 向梦而居 Full of style, live to dream

视觉感官层面的设计彰显生活的态度,客厅作为交流中心,风格简约而纯粹,色彩低调且内敛,流畅的线条没有多余繁杂的装饰,舒适的皮革沙发,优雅的墨绿色单椅,交融出极富质感的空间氛围,让舒适与尺度并存,从而增加空间包容性。 Simple and pure living room style, low-key color introversion, smooth lines without redundant and complicated decoration, comfortable leather sofa, elegant dark green single chair, comfort and scale coexist, increase the inclusive space.

柔软的抱枕慵懒而蓬松,于休憩间抹去疲惫与烦闷,艺术装置画简约非常,散发着写意而精致的艺术之美,不仅让居住其中的人有了更好的空间体验感,同时也为空间增添几分细腻质感。 The soft pillow is lazy and fluffy, wiping away fatigue and boredom in the rest room. The art installation is very simple and exudes the beauty of freehand brushwork and exquisite art, which not only gives the people living in it a better sense of space experience, but also adds a bit of exquisite texture to the space.

运用简洁的线条、元素、装饰,营造时尚而纯粹的空间氛围,秩序井然间,再加入清新的绿植稍作点缀,为空间注入一丝活力与生机。也赋予整个空间灵动与自由之感。在喧嚣与忙碌交织的生活中打造安静闲适,放松自我的空间环境。 The use of simple lines, elements, decoration, to create a fashionable and pure space atmosphere, and then add the ornament of green plants, into the space a trace of vitality and vitality. It also gives the whole space a sense of agility and freedom.

02 质感 · 慢品人间烟火 Texture · Slow taste of human fireworks

客餐厅一体的设计,在拉伸视野之余,又让空间更加流通与宽敞。墙面石材纹理独特,再搭配自然木色,晕染出丰富的空间感。岛台质感温润,肌理绵延,不仅让日常生活多了几分仪式感,又使整体空间更有层次感。既可以作为午后小酌的吧台,便于操作的同时也增加了使用面积。而岛台上添加水槽,可以更好的满足烹饪需求,让空间实用性更高。 Floating clouds blow for snow, the world taste boiled into tea. Landscape background wall surging, white jade gold arowana is implied auspicious, atmosphere is very. Maple leaf red natural poetry, create a clean and elegant place.

环形灯饰为餐厅增添一份趣味之感,舒适的单椅,精致的摆件,浪漫的花束......不同材料经过细致地挑选,极致的考究,彰显出主人家不凡的品味和对生活品质感的追求。此刻,一家人围绕而坐,灯光下享尽人世浮华与人间烟火,简单温馨,最有幸福感的生活,莫过于此。 The lamp is acted the role of add the sense of interest, comfortable single chair, delicate place articles, romantic bouquet...... Highlight the host family extraordinary taste and the pursuit of quality of life. At the moment, the family around the sitting, simple and warm, is the most happiness of life.

03 纯粹之境 · 缔造时尚 Create a fashion and pure environment

关注最真实的需求,用理性且克制的设计手法,引导居住者回归生活的本真。入户,玄关地面以大理石精心铺陈,一路延伸至室内和其他区域,宛如一汪清澈的湖水,将生活的质感一一呈现,玄关柜不仅能存放日常的琐碎,也能在归家的第一时间轻松卸下一身的疲惫。 Enter a door, porch ground is laid out with marble elaborately, extend all the way to indoor and other area, present the simple feeling of the life, porch ark can store daily trifling not only, also can be in the first time that return the home easily unload the exhaustion of a suit.

关注最真实的需求,用理性且克制的设计手法,引导居住者回归生活的本真。入户,玄关地面以大理石精心铺陈,一路延伸至室内和其他区域,宛如一汪清澈的湖水,将生活的质感一一呈现,玄关柜不仅能存放日常的琐碎,也能在归家的第一时间轻松卸下一身的疲惫。 Enter a door, porch ground is laid out with marble elaborately, extend all the way to indoor and other area, present the simple feeling of the life, porch ark can store daily trifling not only, also can be in the first time that return the home easily unload the exhaustion of a suit.

卧室气质十分内敛,且线性感十分清晰,顶面的弧度圆融的通达出生活的柔情,而背景墙流畅的线条感,为空间更添几分理智之感。时光兜兜转转在此休憩,一切事物都慢了下来,体验生活最美的状态。给予视角感官新的诠释,把设计做出不可替代的质感,强调时尚品味的同时,着力打造空间的舒适性与实用性,使“家”的概念真正回归到了对舒适的现代化生活的追求中。 The bedroom temperament is introverted, the line is sexy and clear, the radian of the top surface is round and tender, the smooth line feeling of the background wall adds a bit more sense for the space. Experience life at its best. The concept of "home" returned to the pursuit of comfortable modern life.

05 怡然自得 · 静默流淌 Silent flow of contentment

次卧色彩的运用稳重而克制,具有现代感的家具,简洁而不失时尚,造型独特的艺术装饰品,与家具相辅相成得同时又点缀了空间氛围。缔造出居者自得其乐、怡情养性的安然生活。 The application of second lie color is sedate and restrained, the furniture that has modern feeling, concise and do not break fashion, artistic adornment with unique modelling, complement each other with furniture and embellished spatial atmosphere at the same time. Create a happy, comfortable life of the residents.


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