Transformation of an industrial building into a multifunctional space
At the beginning of 2016, BlueFocus Communication Group decided to develop a series of venues in multiple locations across Mainland China. The first was then established in Beijing, at the same location used for the Group’s Headquarters, a former Panasonic factory complex of recent renovation. Such a decision is an unmistakable reflection of the company’s priorities, to evolve in China from a manufacturing power into a creative force, under the leadership of its charismatic Chairman Mr. Zhao Wenquan.
For this end, BlueFocus selected a 700-sqm industrial building, with a free height of 8.50m, established in a north-south orientation, to be renovated and become the venue for the group’s events. The “MeePark” concept provides a space to host events for a diverse group of clients, ranging from local entrepreneurs and SME’s to multinational corporations such as PepsiCo and Volkswagen.
The design strategy divides the space into two main zones: the F&B service area located in the north and the events zone located in the south. When a guest uses the main entrance on the north side, the F&B service zone functions as a reception area, providing diverse facilities such as a wardrobe, signature tables, washrooms and an area to take pictures. On the second floor, guests can find a casual dining area facing towards the vast space provided by the double height of the entrance.
The events zone is an 8.50m high space where pre-existing trusses have been left visible as a heritage from the old factory, now reborn as a multifunctional space. The main area is equipped with all sorts of elements than can transform the space in a matter of minutes: a big LED screen descends from the ceiling; the stage area appears from the left side wall; benches open up to create a sitting area on the right. All these artifacts provide a transformative space that successfully deals with different activities and events: from product presentations or debates to live music concerts.
The material selection ranges from concrete and wood for the flooring to polycarbonate, glass and steel for the walls. This selection highlights the technological nature of the space, with a series of eye-catching LED screens that allows different presentation formats.
MeePark will become an ideal platform for people to meet, socialize, hold activities and share innovative ideas. The space is a symbol of the narrative of China as a country: evolving from being the factory of the world to promoting local consumption of its own products.
Meepark智能型会展场地 – 中国北京
因此,蓝色光标集团选择了一座700平方米,净空高度8.5米的厂房,将其翻新改建成南北朝向用于集团会展的活动场地。Meepark 智能型会展场地为不同类型的客户提供会展活动的场地 。客户群体包含本土企业,中小型企业乃至跨国集团,如百事集团和大众集团等。
我们的设计理念将场地分为两个区域:位于北部的餐饮服务区和南部的会展区。客人从北部正门直接进入餐饮服务区。餐饮服务区同时具备接待功能, 该区域提供多种接待设施: 如衣柜,签名台,卫生间,合照区等。二层的休闲餐厅,朝向高于入口两倍的空旷区,让客户享受更广阔的视野。
南部会展区高8.5米,保留旧工厂原有的框架结构,做为一段历史的见证。如今重生为一个多功能展厅。主要区域配备了各种元素,能在短时间内根据需求进行功能转换: 天花板的可升降式LED大屏幕,左侧墙体的推拉式舞台以及右侧墙体的推拉式阶梯坐席。所有的创意设计能满足不同活动场地的功能需求。比如:产品展示,辩论研讨会、现场音乐会等 。
设计年代: 2016
项目类型: 委托
项目状态: 建成
客户: 北京蓝色光标品牌管理顾问股份有限公司
项目构成: 700m2
造价: 2.7M(RMB)主持设计师: Manuel N. Zornoza 建筑师: Jorge Cortés de Castro, Andrea Ramos Rodriguez
团队: Manuel Coves Botella, Maria Diaz Martin, 张文
摄影师: Hector Peinador