发布时间:2018-09-07 07:13:59 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

背景 Background


This is a semi-propositional experimental underground development. The ground level must be spared for public green, while the underground level may be used as creative office and public service facilities if possible and to establish a unique creative community. Commissioned by Vanke, URBANUS directed the overall urban design and landscape design of the north green corridor and also led the architectural design of the building clusters, which have been successively completed and occupied in recent two years. Four teams, i.e., FCHA, NODE, HUAYI, and URBANERGY, were designated for the architectural design of building clusters on Shenzhen plots, of which A3 and B4 were designed by NODE.

A3B4地块与整体平面图底关系,figure-ground relation of A3B4 block and overall plan

梯城——留仙洞北绿廊云城A3地块 Terraced-City: Liuxiandong Vanke Green Corridor North Plot A3


▼鸟瞰A3地块,Plot A3 aerial view


The design was inspired by the “staircases” by Escher and the courtyard in architect Luis Barragan’s huose. By breaking up the whole into parts, utilizing existing height difference and following the principle of maximized spatial density, the architectural concept featuring shoulder-to-shoulder yet mutually independent “seven sisters” of courtyards was generated.

▼诶舍尔的 “梯城” &巴拉干自宅中的庭院,”Ladder city” &the courtyard of the Parakan house


overlooking Plot A3,shoulder-to-shoulder yet mutually independent “seven sisters” of courtyards


Due to height limit, most building spaces are below ground level. In order to improve ventilation and daylighting, independent courtyard was adopted as architectural prototype, each consisting of three elements, i.e., two floors of spaces/stairs/garden. Despite these common elements, there are also varied ways of alternation and re-assembly, and different urban design locations and neighboring relations. As a result, these courtyards, each with its own features, are mutually interactive yet independent. They can be either separated or combined; although being placed below grade, they also enjoy generous view and pleasant ventilation and landscape just like those at grade. The staggered labyrinth routes also enable a special experience in this ordinary place.

▼A3地块入口,Plot A3 entrance

▼走入场地,抬头看见场地中央的楼梯,walk into the plot courtyard and head up to see the staircase in the middle of the ground

场地中央的楼梯,staircase in the middle of the ground

楼梯细部,staircase details

▼从花园看向建筑,looking from garden to buildings

▼建筑一侧通往地下的楼梯,the stairs leading to the undergroundat the side of the building

楼梯细部,staircase details

地下庭院,underground courtyard

▼在地下庭院仰望,looking up from underground courtyard

▼总平面图,site plan

▼七座建筑形态概览,the forms of seven architecture overview

桌景——留仙洞北绿廊云城B4地块 Table-Landscape: Liuxiandong Vanke Green Corridor North Plot B4


But how to realize effective and open basement area of over 7,000sqm that is daylit and ventilated the same as the ground level? How could we incubate an extraordinary shared yard through design?

▼B4地块鸟瞰,Plot B4 aerial view


The flat level at grade is easily reminiscent of a smooth tabletop. What if it’s composed of several tabletops in varied forms? Inspired by the idea of breaking up the whole into parts, we create a tabletop that appears as an integral whole but is actually propped up by a number of tables in different structural forms. Unexpected spaces are thus created to dialogue with each other, while the gaps between tables allow for the possibility of natural daylight and ventilation. Each underground singular building may be conceived as a table in abstract sense, with the tabletop as urban green and the space underneath it as below-grade levels. The occupied spaces of the buildings are designed and combined on top of the structure. Those independent, simple and differentiated tables together form a nearly 4,800 sqm of double-level landscape at and below grade.

俯瞰B4地块,一个个独立、简单、不一样的“桌子”共同组成一个近4800平方米地上与地下的双重景观,overlooking Plot B4, independent, simple and differentiated tables together form a nearly 4,800 sqm of double-level landscape at and below grade

确定了以结构的多样性塑造空间关系后,在3M为基本网格模数控制功能尺寸的基础上,以罗马NOLLY MAP的城市灰空间和岭南地域应对气候的建筑灰空间–公共街道与建筑之间的虚实肌理关系为灵感,将篮球场、森林广场、看台、咖啡厅等公共功能穿插于办公空间之间,形成了层次丰富的体验空间及路径。

After defining the spatial relations via structural diversity, we employ a basic grid module of 3M for control of functional dimension, and intersperses office spaces with such public functions as basketball court, forest square, stand, and coffee shop to offer experience spaces and routes of diverse hierarchies. Such a concept is inspired by the void-solid relations between public street and buildings as shown in the urban gray space of NOLLY MAP in Roma and the climatically responsive gray building spaces in Lingnan region.

▼NOLLY MAP – 罗马图底关系&岭南灰空间 – 骑楼,NOLLY MAP &Qilou

俯瞰中央庭院,central courtyard aerial view

▼从楼梯下到中央庭院,walking from the stairs to the central courtyard

▼从柱廊看向庭院,looking from colonnade to the courtyard

中央庭院,central courtyard

▼公共空间景观,landscape of public space

▼将公共功能穿插于办公空间之间,形成了层次丰富的体验空间及路径,intersperses office spaces with public functions to offer experience spaces and routes of diverse hierarchies


▼从室内空间看向公共空间,looking from indoor space to public space


Structure means space. Our design is a tribute to the classic structures in history. 31 buildings in varied forms can actually be attributed to six structural systems, i.e. core + beamless floor, frame structure + ordinary slab, colonnade + non-covered, shear wall + beamless floor, single-point supporting + beamless floor, and multi-point supporting + beamless floor, presenting a varied and fascinating table view on multiple levels and from multiple perspectives. It is the second project of URBANUS after Nansha Science Museum that has been accomplished in collaboration with structural engineers in schematic design phase.

▼总平面图,site plan

▼31栋建筑形态概览,the forms of 31 different buildings

项目名称 / project name:深圳留仙洞万科云设计公社A3、B4地块

建筑师或者建筑公司 / architect or company:南沙原创建筑设计工作室

设计时间 / Design year:2014.05-2016.08

建设时间 / Completion year:2015.02-2018.08

主创及设计团队 / Leader designer & Team:主持建筑师: 刘珩设计团队名单:A3:刘珩、黄杰斌、王睿、史学源、张梓谦、叶阳


项目地址 / Project location:深圳市南山区留仙洞

建筑面积 / Gross Built Area (square meters):



摄影师 / Photo credits:张超

合作方 / Partners:总体城市设计和景观设计:都市实践(深圳)集群设计其他单位:深圳坊城建筑设计、香港华艺设计顾问(深圳)、奥博能建筑设计





客户 / Clients:深圳万科



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