发布时间:2019-03-20 23:27:12 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

背景简述 | Background

呼格吉勒图 (内蒙古“四九女尸案”被冤主角)

事件主要时间点: 蒙冤判决(1996年)- 命案真凶(2005年)- 再审无罪(2014年)

Huge Jiletu (Protagonist of Inner Mongolia “Four Nine Female Corpse Case” injustice case)

Main timeline: Wrong Judgment with death penalty in 1996, Found the real murder in 2005, Await 9 years for retrial without guilt in 2014.

▼项目概览,project overview

▼墓碑近景,a close view to the tomb


The sculptural form of the tomb contains two meanings: like a tear, like a question mark. Huge’s injustice case was concerned by all fields of society been awaiting for over 18 years to redress. Expressing doubts is the original intention of our design, and our sorrow leads the design form turns into a tear.

▼墓的整体结构像一滴眼泪,也像一个问号,the sculptural form of the tomb is like a tear, and also like a question mark


The outline of the tomb shapes like a ribbon leading to a clue of the case, and finally end into a circle, in Chinese culture completing to a circle means satisfactory. The rust steel plate at the contour memorizing the natural state of color and texture which changes over time, and visualizing an uncatchable concept of time, guarding the tombstone with warm, and revealing the past.The three colors of paving stone around the tombstone symbolize three parties include the Police, the Procuratorate, and the court. The outermost ring engraved with the content of the past and voices of the public, expressed the fourth party’s rights( public/media).

▼墓碑正面,the front view

▼碑文,the inscription

▼墓的轮廓由一条线索串起,而后化作一个圆,有圆满之意,the outline of the tomb shapes like a ribbon leading to a clue of the case, and finally end into a circle, in Chinese culture completing to a circle means satisfactory


▼来访者可在墓地的周围摆放石块,垒出敖包作为祈福的方式, visitors could take a home stone to place around the cemetery, with their voice, thoughts and wishes

Obo mound is a traditional Mongolian culture for people to bless the departed by stacking stones into a monument. We reserved a space around the tomb for public participation, where visitors could take a home stone to place around the cemetery, with their voice, thoughts and wishes.

▼墓碑旁的石块,the stack of stone beside the tomb

“建筑因保护人类而存在,因传递思想而流传,因见证历史而永恒。”这是建筑师的职责。- 建筑师白宇

Architecture exist to protect human beings, remain to inherit thoughts, and eternize to witness history.  -Bai Yu, Architect

▼墓地平面图和鸟瞰图,plan and aerial view

▼北立面图,north elevation

▼剖面图,section AA


– 中国法学界的泰斗·江平(呼格墓志铭撰写)

– 新华社功勋记者·汤计(推动呼格冤案平反记者)

– 中国政法大学教授·王涌(呼格墓志铭执笔者)

– 著名书法家·张杰(“呼格吉勒图之墓”墓碑书写者)

– 中国书协理事会·刘俊京(呼格墓志铭书写者)

– 包工头·张征 及THEZEN团队(呼格墓发起人及建造方)

– 建筑师·白宇 及英国杰典国际建筑设计团队(呼格墓主创设计师)

– 新华社记者·王一鹏(参与组织者)

– 中央电视台《今日说法》编导·程君轶(参与组织者)

Key Public contributor for Huge’s Tomb, includes:

– Jiang Ping, the Master of Chinese law scholars (Author for Huge’s Epitaph)

– Tang Ji, journalist of Xinhua News Agency (Promote Huge’s case to redress)

– Wang Yong, professor of China University of Political Science and Law (Adaptor for Huge’s Epitaph)

– Zhang Jie, famous Chinese calligrapher (Writer for the Tombstone)

– Liu Junjing, China calligrapher Association (Writer for the Epitaph)

– Zhang Zheng, Contractor and THEZEN team (Sponsor and builder)

– Bai Yu, RIBA/ARB Architect and design team of BAI Design International (Designer for Huge’s Tomb)

– Wang Yipeng, journalist of Xinhua News Agency (Participating organizer)

– Cheng Junyu, director for CCTV “Today’s Statement” (Participating organizer)


呼格吉勒图墓碑 | 记忆、祈福与问号
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