发布时间:2019-10-25 04:48:18 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


▼熊猫馆概览,Panda House overview ©Rasmus Hjortshoj

The home for giant pandas Mao Sun and Xing Er in Copenhagen Zoo resembles the panda’s natural habitat and creates a peaceful living environment for one of the world’s rarest mammals. The two giant pandas have settled in at Copenhagen Zoo since arriving from Chengdu, China. Anchoring one of the oldest zoos in Europe, the 2,450m2 Panda House creates a harmonious indoor-outdoor garden for the two pandas to roam freely and have the ideal conditions to mate—one of the major challenges facing the vulnerable species.

▼设计示意图:熊猫的相互依存(阴阳) 大熊猫对于生存环境十分挑剔,仅有数只大熊猫在中国之外的动物园繁殖。 为了促进繁殖,两只熊猫在一年中的大多数时间应避免相互见面、听见彼此的声音甚至闻到彼此的气味。


▼熊猫馆的圆形设计与园内的其他场馆形成了和谐的关系, 以围墙划分的场地呼应了“阴”和“阳”的符号,为两只大熊猫提供了两个独立的区域

▼抬升于地面的围墙创造了自然的斜坡, 使游客能够尽可能多地看见大熊猫

The Panda House is formed by its residents’ solitary nature and its immediate surroundings, including the central square, the Nordic area, the monkey house and the elephant house. Mao Sun and Xing Er’s circular home is divided into two separate areas which appear as a yin and yang symbol, creating the freest and most naturalistic possible environment for the giant pandas’ lives and relationship with each other.

▼从室外斜坡上观看大熊猫, view to the panda from the outdoor slope ©Rasmus Hjortshoj

▼带有大熊猫浮雕的围墙,the enclosure with a relief ©Rasmus Hjortshoj


Both pandas and guests hardly notice the separation; the enclosure is elevated to form stables and other facilities below ground, which simultaneously hides and integrates them into the landscape. By lifting the earth at both ends of the yin and yang symbol, an undulating landscape forms to allow direct views into the pandas’ habitat.

▼从室内观看大熊猫,view to the panda from interior ©Rasmus Hjortshoj


▼主要交通环:沿着环形的围墙向下走, 游客们可以看到熊猫馆背后的一些功能设施,包括培训区域和竹子冷藏设施等

▼参观路径沿着环形的围墙逐渐下降,the visitor experience happens along the perimeter of the round enclosure and in the paths that slope downward ©Rasmus Hjortshoj

The visitor experience happens along the perimeter of the round enclosure and in the paths that slope downward for insight into the work of the zoo staff, vets and gardeners. The Panda House consists of two levels: a ground floor with the French-Asian bistro PanPan for visitors to dine while observing both the pandas and the elephants, and an upper floor with native Nordic plants and a path venturing into the dense bamboo forest.

▼餐厅位于熊猫馆和大象馆的围墙之间, 游客们可以在用餐时同时看到两只大熊猫

▼位于一层的PanPan餐厅,the bistro PanPan on the ground floor ©Rasmus Hjortshoj

▼厨房,kitchen ©Rasmus Hjortshoj


▼中央场地:在场地一侧,绿色景观与大象馆的屋顶融为一体, 另一侧与北欧动物区相连 宽阔的绿色中心使游客能够从不同的楼层观察大熊猫

▼充满野生气息的沉浸式体验,an immersive experience with wildlife and nature ©Rasmus Hjortshoj

All interiors are designed to have the lush landscape at eye-level, creating an immersive experience with wildlife and nature at both sides. The vegetation and landscape at the Panda House closely mimic the pandas’ natural habitat with patches of bamboo scattered throughout. The pandas must be able to find both shade and sun, as well as water and foliage. By creating two forests – a dense, mist forest and a light green bamboo forest, Mao Sun and Xing Er have the opportunity and flexibility to explore both landscapes, according to season, temperature and preference.

▼园中遍布着大量的竹子,patches of bamboo are scattered throughout ©Rasmus Hjortshoj

▼围墙细部,enclosure detail ©Rasmus Hjortshoj

ROJECT DATA Name: PANDA HOUSE Code: PANDA Date: 04/04/2019 Program: Culture Status: Completed Size in m2: 2450 Project type: Commission Client: Copenhagen Zoo Collaborators: Schønherr, MOE Location Text: Copenhagen, Denmark Location: (55.6716766,12.523459000000003) PROJECT TEAM Partners-in-Charge: Bjarke Ingels, David Zahle Project Manager: Ole Elkjær-Larsen Project Leaders: Nanna Gyldholm Møller, Kamilla Heskje, Tommy Bjørnstrup Team: Alberto Menegazzo, Alex Ritivoi, Carlos Soria, Christian Lopez, Claus Rytter Bruun de Neergaard, Dina Brændstrup, Eskild Schack Pedersen, Fabiana Cortolezzis, Federica Longoini, Frederik Skou Jensen, Gabrielé Ubareviciute, Gökce Günbulut, Hanne Halvorsen, Høgni Laksáfoss, Jiajie Wang, Jinseok Jang, Joanna Plizga, Lone Fenger Albrechtsen, Luca Senise, Maja Czesnik, Margarita Nutfulina, Maria Stolarikova, Martino Hutz, Matthieu Brasebi, Pawel Bussold, Richard Howis, Seongil Choo, Sofia Sofianou, Stefan Plugar, Tobias Hjortdal , Tore Banke, Victor Bejenaru, Xiaoyi Gao


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