发布时间:2020-10-27 02:51:59 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

WaterScales arquitectos: Álora地处 del Hacho 山脉面朝 Málaga 海岸和 Guadalhorce 山谷的山形地貌上。它的一个主要亮点是它的城堡被一个古老的堡垒 (阿拉伯地区) 所包围。这个村庄有着丰富有趣的历史,与摩尔人对天主教徒的防御和马拉加的开端有关,整个村庄就像一首弗朗明戈的歌曲。

WaterScales arquitectos: Álora is placed as a bow of the mountainous landscape of Sierra del Hacho facing to the coast of Málaga and the Valley of Guadalhorce. One of its Its main highlights is its Castle surrounded by an ancient Arrabal (arab quarter). The village has a rich and interesting history related to the Moorish defence against the Catholics and about the beginings of the malagueña, a kind of flamenco song.

当地为改建和翻新城堡周边地区举办了建筑竞赛,以便翻新公共设施,吸引新游客。我们提出了一个名为“tapestry scale 1:1”的改造措施,捕捉其景观的能量。它将会是一幅有助游客看到、发现、认识和体验文化景观的石图。全面干预的第一阶段是一个名为“灵魂与拿撒勒人”的小广场。

It took place an architectural competition for refurbishing and renovating the castle surroundings in order to renovate public facilities as well as attract new travellers. We purposed an intervention called “tapestry scale 1:1” which captures the energy of its landscape. It would be a kind of stone map which would help the visitant to see, discover, know and experience the cultural landscape. The first phase of the complete intervention has been a small square called Compás de las Ánimas y del Nazareno.

小广场位于两座古代民居之间。它将作为一个小型的 (露天的等待或休息的地方) 空间。它的名字来源于城堡小教堂守卫的宗教形象:灵魂的处女和耶稣拿撒勒的塔。他们的街道游行在复活节期间的星期五举行,并停在 compás 的前面。因此,复活节期间这里的空间就作为一个论坛讲台。

It occupies the place of two ancient dwellings. It would be used as a compás (open air place for waiting or resting). It takes the name from the religious images guarded in the Chapel of the Castle: the Virgen de las Ánimas and Jesús Nazareno de las Torres. Their street processions take place on Holy Friday during Easter and stop in the front of the compás. Thus, the space, during Easter, would be like a tribune.


Thanks to its textures, colours, aromas, texts and pavements, it shows its domestic past, underline its religious present and offers itself to the meeting of inhabitants and travellers. In its walls some texts tell the amazing discovering of the thrones. The “fountain of the souls”, pilar de las Ánimas, it’s a spring which blows water through the eroded stone.


The slope is used for creating long stone benches surrounded by aromatic plants. It finishes in a stair seeming a floating carpet which takes us to an upper belvedere to the Valley of Guadalhorce.

这些材料都是使用来自当地的原材料。我们希望能通过这些捕捉到一些Álora 文化景观丰富历史的精髓。

The materials are used following their own truth. We would like having captured a bit of the essence of the rich history of the cultural landscape of Álora.

平面图手稿 Drawing Plan

手绘剖面 1 Drawing Section 1

扶手和石阶手稿 Handrail and stone steps

轴测图手稿 Drawing Axonometric

地理位置:西班牙 Málaga,Álora,Calle Ancha 43 y 45


景观面积:285 平方米

设计周期:2017 年 1 月至 2017 年 5 月

建设周期:2017 年 9 月至 2018 年 1 月

建筑设计:WaterScales arquitectos(Carmen Barrós Velázquez & Francisco J. del Corral del Campo) 技术测量员:Antonio Montes Sáez 花园与景观:Ana Ibáñez Fernández, Biólogist 结构:土木工程师 Jesus Hernández Martí

安装:Ingeniería Vargas。工业工程师 Esteban Vargas y José Manuel Fernández 土木工程师 Ricardo Rueda García


Víctor Campoy Martín,建筑师

Javier Golbano Gómiz,建筑师

Álvaro López Camino,建筑专业学生

Jorge López González,建筑专业学生

Daniel Marcos Ruiz,建筑专业学生

Belén Muñoz de la Torre Calzado,建筑师

Francisco Ortega Ruiz,建筑师

Felipe Pérez García,建筑专业学生

Patricia Prados Pérez,建筑专业学生

建设者:I.M.Instalaciones 和 ObrasS.A (Álora)开发商:Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Álora

历史资讯:María José Sánchez Rodríguez,Municipal de Álora 博物馆

考古:马拉加 arqueológicas 研究中心

摄影:Fernando Alda

Location: Calle Ancha 43 y 45, Álora, Málaga, Spain

Use: Public space

Landscape area: 285 m2

Design period: January 2017-May 2017

Construction period: Sept 2017-January 2018

Architects:WaterScales arquitectos(Carmen Barrós Velázquez & Francisco J. del Corral del Campo)Technical Surveyor: Antonio Montes Sáez

Garden and landscape: Ana Ibáñez Fernández, Biólogist

Structures: Jesus Hernández Martí, Civil Engineer

Installations: Ingeniería Vargas. Esteban Vargas y José Manuel Fernández, Industrial Engineer Ricardo Rueda García, Civil Engineer

Assistants:Víctor Campoy Martín, architect

Javier Golbano Gómiz, architect

Álvaro López Camino, architecture student

Jorge López González, architecture student

Daniel Marcos Ruiz, architecture student

Belén Muñoz de la Torre Calzado, architect

Francisco Ortega Ruiz, architect

Felipe Pérez García, architecture student

Patricia Prados Pérez, architecture student

Builder: I.M.Instalaciones y Obras S.A. (Álora)Developer: Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Álora

Historical assistance María José Sánchez Rodríguez, Museum Municipal de Álora

Archaeology: Taller de investigaciones arqueológicas, Málaga

Photograher: Fernando Alda


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