发布时间:2021-03-20 08:14:42 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

新落成的制造、技术与工程中心(MTEC)是对理查德 J ·戴利学院环境的一次完善和补充,它为学校更广泛的总体规划设定了框架。通过在校园中创造具有吸引力的路径与协作空间,新的项目实现了对既有综合体的统一与整合。

The new Manufacturing, Technology and Engineering Center (MTEC) at Daley College is an addition to the Richard J. Daley campus. The MTEC sets the framework for a wider master plan. The project unifies the existing complex by creating a campus environment with engaging pathways and collaborative spaces throughout.

▼主入口,Main entrance © Tom Rossiter


Rising from the transformed parking lot, the MTEC project speaks to issues larger than architecture; it seeks to revitalize a Chicago southwest neighborhood by creating a connective message that all are significant and welcome. Daley College tasked JGMA with removing the negative stereotypes that exist in the workforce when pertaining to manufacturing careers. Often suggesting these careers as devoid of dignity and reserved typically for minority populations. The project reverses the misconception through a design focused on celebrating state-of-the-art manufacturing spaces and proves careers in this industry require tech and skills as advanced as any other.

▼入口和连桥,Entry Bridge © Tom Rossiter

设计的策略是营造高透明度的空间,用以展示学习所需的机器、设备和产品,同时将建筑与附近的West Lawn社区从视觉上连接起来。无缝式的流畅设计从生产过程中恒定的线性流动中汲取灵感:整个建筑横跨校园的主干道,并借助一座强健的工业桥梁将戴利学院的南北校园连接在一起。


The design strategy utilizes building transparency to showcase machines, equipment, and products integral to the learning objectives of the colleges as well as provide a visual connection to the surrounding West Lawn community. The seamless fluidity to the building’s form was inspired by the constant and linear flow of the manufacturing process. The building spans the main thoroughfare with a strong industrial bridge that links the south and north campus of Daley College.

The new building celebrates the manufacturing industry through the expression of materials such as metal panels, glass, and exposed steel. In addition, the underside of the elevated bridge is intentionally painted caution yellow, bringing the manufacturing expression to the exterior.  The transparency of the building provides a similar experience for even the casual passerby, by providing a look into the advanced technical nature of manufacturing today.

▼入口大厅,Entry lobby © Tom Rossiter

▼从大厅望向入口和连桥,Lobby to entry and bridge © Tom Rossiter

▼连桥南望,Bridge looking South © Tom Rossiter


The project challenges the latent stereotypes of a community college and alters the psychology of simply crossing the street to go to class. Through dynamic spatial organizations and site responsive architecture, the MTEC provides students and staff a unique experience from the moment they walk into the building. The circulation spaces inside the building intentionally collide with seating areas, platforms, and alcoves to encourage students to congregate and participate in incidental learning between peers. There is a combination of exterior and interior terraces for users to enjoy in the warm weather months. These green areas facilitate the students’ and faculty’s interaction providing connections with nature and lead to increased cognitive function and wellness, as well as creating a more unified campus.

▼从连桥望向大厅和主入口,Bridge looking North to lobby and main entrance © Tom Rossiter

▼从集会楼梯顶部俯视连桥,Stair gathering to bridge looking down © Tom Rossiter

▼从集会台阶望向连桥外部,Stair gathering to bridge © Tom Rossiter


As the MTEC is now the front door to the campus, thorough analysis was conducted to the user experience with regards to security, wayfinding, and new learning opportunities. It was imperative that the new addition set-up a framework for further transformation of the existing building while still celebrating its current legacy. The unique exterior façade of the MTEC building is phase one in a masterplan to completely rebrand and re-clad the existing facilities to create one new energized campus.

▼北立面,North Elevation © Tom Rossiter

▼夕阳下的金属板细节,Metal panel detail at sunset © Tom Rossiter


The new building will not only be a catalyst for growth and change within City Colleges of Chicago, but also inspire the pursuit of manufacturing careers as a sophisticated and high-tech learning path.

▼北立面夜景,North Elevation at night © Tom Rossiter

▼设计示意,Diagrams © JGMA

▼功能分布示意,Program © JGMA

▼平面图,plan © JGMA

Technical sheet Project address: 4101 W 76th st Chicago, IL, 60652 USA. Project square footage: 65,000 SF / 6040 m2 SF: 52,000sf building Completed on October 2019 Awards & Recognitions: Architecture Masterprize (2020), ENR Midwest Award of Merit (2020), Innovation by Design – Fast Company Awards (2020), Chicago Building Congress (2019). LEED Gold Certification Design Architect: JGMA Architect of Record: Cannon Design Structural Engineers of Record: Cannon Design Civil Engineers of Record: David Mason and Associates MEPFP Engineers of Record: Cannon Design Landscape Architect: Terry Guen Design Associates Acoustic/ AV/ IT/Security Consultant: Shen Milsom & Wilke Lighting Consultant: Aurora Lighting Wayfinding/ Environmental Graphics: A Perfect Sign Client’s company name: City Colleges of Chicago Photography credits: Tom Rossiter


戴利学院制造技术中心 | 高透明空间展现制造业魅力
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