发布时间:2020-06-17 08:44:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

项目背景 | Background Information


▼视频,video ©JKMM Architects

The OP head office in Helsinki is getting a makeover: The group’s Vallila premises are set to become a hub for its synergistic activities, and have therefore required extensive new construction and renovation work. The aim is an urban quarter that functions as a coherent whole, embodies the modern work environment and boasts a distinct identity firmly rooted in OP’s values.

▼OP金融总部大楼的南立面,south facade of the OP Financial Group Headquarters©Mika Huisman



▼总平面图,site plan©JKMM Architects

From the architect’s point of view, the OP quarter’s prominent location provides a starting point that is at once auspicious and demanding. The large closed block impressively delimits the urban canyon of Teollisuuskatu, and creates a unified backdrop for the popular Dallapé Park. Teollisuuskatu and surrounding areas enjoy an image of urban dynamism and growth. Refining the quarter into a cityscape-enhancing, bustling financial centre considerably boosts the local economy, thus exemplifying OP’s social responsibility.

In 2011, JKMM won the architectural competition for the expansion and renovation project, which later evolved into a concept comprising the entire quarter. The sculptural design and the cityscape-complementing look born out of the competition have been preserved throughout the design process.

▼达拉佩公园前面的OP金融总部大楼,view to the OP quarter from the Dallapé Park ©Marc Goodwin

▼天色渐暗时的铁利苏斯大道及OP金融总部大楼,view to the building from Teollisuuskatu in the sunset©Mika Huisman

冰川移动的巨石 | Erratic Boulders


The construction of new builds to replace the buildings along Teollisuuskatu as well as the northern corner house on the Päijänteentie side constitutes the most extensive change to the cityscape around the quarter, which nevertheless retains some of its historical diversity. The rows of façades featuring buildings of different ages reflect the gradual way in which the inner city has been constructed.

折线型的立面分隔,the folding line of the facade ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼如巨石夹缝的入口及入口处的巨石,the entrance looks like a “crack” in aboulder ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼东北转角处为福利服务区域,exterior view from the northeastern corner ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼东北角福利服务区域入口,entrance detailed view ©Tuomas Uusheimo


▼中庭新建建筑室内立面延续外立面开窗逻辑,the new atriumcontinues the logic of fenestration of the facade ©Tuomas Uusheimo


The design process has aimed to eschew rectangular designs in favour of a strong and memorable visual identity: the sculptural, massive quality of the new buildings recalls the imposing solidity of erratic boulders. The presence of the latter as an architectonic and design theme carries connotations of durability, permanence and Finnishness.

雕塑般的入口,the sculpture-like entrance ©Marc Goodwin

场地 | The Premises


The quarter’s layout has undergone a complete transformation. The “gallery”, a circular indoor path under a glazed roof, serves as the quarter’s hub, connecting various functional units and providing a meeting space.

▼OP金融总部大楼入口接待厅,the foyer and reception area ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼从办公楼层望向长廊上舒适的就餐区域,view to the dining area from the office passage ©Tuomas Uusheimo


The quarter’s premises are divided into functionally distinct sections. When considered vertically, three discrete zones emerge: the basements (parking, machine rooms, storage rooms and maintenance facilities), the ground level (foyers, restaurants, conference centre, welfare services) and the upper levels (offices).

办公层的空中连廊,gallery on office levels ©Mika Huisman


In addition to a foyer, the ground floor has been designed to house a lounge, an exhibition area and commercial premises. As a result, the massive quarter appears lighter and airier to passers-by on Teollisuuskatu. The foyer opens out to a glazed-roof atrium at the heart of the quarter. The open, alluring passage towards the quarter’s inner areas does not, however, come at the expense of the necessary safety zones or access control measures.

▼温馨宽敞且明亮的入口中庭就餐及会面区,the welcoming, spacious and bright atrium area ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼仰视入口中庭的玻璃屋顶及各丰富的内墙面肌理,view to the glass roof and the interior with rich texture ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼明亮的长廊连通各功能空间,the gallery connects different functional spaces©Mika Huisman


On the gallery level, restaurant services have been accorded a prominent position. A building at the very heart of the quarter houses a large, well-equipped central kitchen, which supplies surrounding serving areas in a radial fashion. In contrast to a single large office canteen, the restaurants boast a diverse range of sizes and themes.

就餐区及休息区 ,dining area and lounge©Mika Huisman

▼中庭一侧的休息区,seating area along the atrium©Mika Huisman

玻璃屋顶及内墙细节,detailed view of the glass roof and internal walls©Mika Huisman


In addition to the restaurants, the conference centre has also been placed along the interior path so that the conference and meeting rooms open out to the glazed-roof gallery. The restaurants and the conference areas also derive mutual benefit from the synergy afforded by their close proximity. Welfare services constitute an important final piece of the puzzle, providing exercise facilities, occupational health care and more at the northern edge of the quarter.

▼长廊上的小型休息区, small seating area on the gallery © Mika Huisman

▼就餐区及会议区,dining and meeting area©Mika Huisman

以自然木材为主要材料的会议室,meeting room with a wooden furnishing©Mika Huisman

▼室内以薄木皮制作而成的室内天花,the ceiling made of light timber sheets ©Tuomas Uusheimo


The design of the office spaces takes its cues from a new work environment concept, in which solutions seek to enable various different modes of working, from quiet concentration to active interaction and teamwork. The themes of openness, flexibility and functional communality are centre stage in the new multi-space work environment.

▼办公楼层上配色丰富的交流及休息区,office area with vivid communal spaces©Mika Huisman

▼办公楼层上的会议室,meeting room on the office level©Mika Huisman

▼讨论室及休息室,discussion room©Mika Huisman

管理层办公区的展廊及休息区,gallery on the administration level ©Tuomas Uusheimo

材料 | Materials


All choices regarding structures and materials were guided by a desire for durability and quality, within a framework of cost-efficiency. The strengths of both concrete and steel have been harnessed to as great an extent as possible in order to create a diversity of structures. Interior surfaces and furniture feature natural materials, natural stone and wood.

立面材料主要为天然石材与玻璃,the facade is built with natural stone and glass©Mika Huisman


Window placement has been adjusted so as to achieve optimal results with regard to the cityscape, the interior spaces, and energy balance. With the inner city’s stone buildings and urban environments in mind, the façades’ surface materials have been chosen to emanate durability and permanence. The new constructions stand out as plastered townhouses, whose façades are punctuated by natural stone surfaces.

▼入口细节,entrance detailed view ©Mika Huisman

环境价值 | Environmental Values


The project observed international requirements for eco-efficient construction, and, as a result, achieved LEED Gold certification. The LEED rating system sets strict standards with regard to energy efficiency, the choice of construction materials, water use, indoor air quality and building location, among other considerations.

▼朝阳下的OP金融总部大楼,OP Financial Group Headquarters in the sunset©Mika Huisman


The architectural concept is naturally also rooted in the principles of sustainable development, and spatial design is based on functionality, flexibility, and fitness for purpose.

▼建造过程延时拍摄,construction record video©JKMM Architects

▼一层平面图,ground floor plan©JKMM Architects

▼立面图,elevation©JKMM Architects

▼剖面图,sections©JKMM Architects

项目名称: Project name

OP Financial Group Headquarters


项目地点:project location

Teollisuuskatu 1, 00510, Helsinki, Finland

芬兰赫尔辛基市特里苏斯大道1号, 00510

设计单位(联合设计请注明所有设计方,并确认各设计单位已认可发布内容):design firm

JKMM Architects


事务所网站: office website

主创建筑师: principal architects

Asmo Jaaksi, Architect SAFA

Teemu Kurkela, Architect SAFA

Samuli Miettinen, Architect SAFA

Juha Mäki-Jyllilä, Architect SAFA

设计团队完整名单:full teamlist

Marko Salmela (项目建筑师), Eero Kontuniemi (项目建筑师)

Ville Ukkonen, Jukka Mäkinen, Janne Leino, Teemu Toivio, Katariina Takala, Kirsti Larja, Arvi Mäkitalo, Aaro Martikainen, Harri Lindberg, Azizah Sulor, Johanna Mustonen, Katariina Knuuti, Salla Olkkonen, Päivi Puukari, Marko Pulli, Edgars Racins, Jarno Vesa, Karo Ojanen, Christopher Delany, Edit Bajsz, Anna Melander

室内设计团队: Paula Salonen (室内设计主创project leader), Viivi Laine, Tiina Rytkönen, Elina Niemi


OP Financial Group


Completed in 2015


Competition 1st Prize December 2011

Design phase January 2012 – June 2015


设计时间:2012年1月 至2015年6月

Construction phase September 2012-June 2015

建造时间:2012年9月 至 2015年6月

建筑面积(平方米):architecture area (sqm)

130 000 m2

Project management项目管理:Haahtela

Geo勘察: Pohjatekniikka

HPAC design危险预测和评估: Sweco

Electrical design电气设计: Granlund

Sprinkler design喷淋设计: Granlund

Fire technical planning

防火技术规划: Paloässät

AV- and acoustic design声学设计: Akukon

Work place management 工位布置安排: Gullsten-Inkinen

摄影师 photographer

Marc GoodwinTuomas UusheimoMika Huisman

摄影师网站 phorographer website


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