发布时间:2023-10-14 10:16:55 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

位于布尔诺Moravian Gallery的应用艺术博物馆经历了一场以“艺术设计时尚”为全新概念的瞩目转型。这一创新方法拓展了博物馆的关注领域,除了设计之外,还包括时尚,以及设计与艺术的交汇。参观者可以在这里探索一系列永久收藏和临时展览,以及由捷克著名艺术家、设计师和建筑师设计的全新设施。

The Museum of Applied Arts at the Moravian Gallery in Brno has undergone a remarkable transformation with its new concept, “ART DESIGN FASHION”.  This innovative approach expands the Museum’s focus to include not only design but also fashion and the intersection of design and art. Visitors can explore a permanent collection, temporary exhibitions, and new facilities designed by prominent Czech artists, designers and architects.

▼Moravian Gallery入口,Entrance to the gallery © BoysPlayNice

有生命的展览 Living Exhibitions


Today, the Museum of Applied Arts transcends its role as a static memory institution, evolving into a dynamic force within the market mechanism. It emphasizes the public aspect of museum work while cultivating the aesthetic criteria of a diverse audience through artistic design collections. The museum hosts accompanying programs, such as concerts, screenings, and conferences, all within its attractive spaces.

▼大厅空间,Lobby © BoysPlayNice

应用艺术博物馆由Moravian Gallery与顶尖艺术家共同精心策划,包括每件家具、灯具和墙纸,都是由捷克本国的设计师和公司选用当地材料精心制作而成。

Collaborating with leading artists, the Moravian Gallery has meticulously curated the Museum of Applied Arts, with every piece of furniture, lighting, and wallpaper crafted by Czech designers and companies using local materials.

▼博物馆穹顶空间,Museum dome © BoysPlayNice

 Unique Exhibition Space


The museum addresses its collection repository by introducing a unique division of space, featuring floor-to-ceiling display cases, enhancing research activities and visitor engagement.

▼展厅,Exhibition hall © BoysPlayNice

▼通高的展示柜,Floor-to-ceiling display cases © BoysPlayNice


在入口处,Eva Eisler的“Designshop”呈现了多位知名艺术家和公司的作品,并与大厅和David Karásek设计的“Respirium”空间相连接。Respirium为人们提供了从博物馆内部到露台的过渡路径和一个多功能的休闲区,可以适应咖啡厅、活动室或工作坊等多种配置。

The ground floor of the museum hosts pop art exhibitions, events, student activities, and small-scale projects.

At the very entrance, the Designshop by Eva Eisler offers works by renowned artists and companies, leading to the grand hall and the adjacent Respirium. Designed by David Karásek, The Respirium facilitates a smooth transition from the museum’s interior to the terrace, providing a versatile relaxation area that can adapt to various configurations, from a café to an event room or workshop space.

▼入口处的Designshop展区,The Designshop at the entrance © BoysPlayNice

▼“Respirium”空间,“Respirium” © BoysPlayNice


The grand hall leads to the ART DESIGN FASHION exhibition, seamlessly continuing on the first floor. The second floor showcases leading Czech artists and their impressive projects, further enhancing the museum’s credibility. These spaces are connected both spatially and thematically, offering a cohesive experience.

▼主厅,grand hall © BoysPlayNice

▼主厅,grand hall © BoysPlayNice

由Olgoj Chorchoj建筑工作室设计的新步道连接了各楼层,为来访者带来舒适通透的观展体验。步道利用了天窗下方曾经闲置的垂直空间,为专为场地打造的装置创造了理想的展示地点。

An inviting and airy tour experience is achieved, with new walkways connecting its floors, designed by the Olgoj Chorchoj architectural and design studio. The walkways utilize previously unused vertical spaces under skylights, creating ideal locations for site-specific installations.

▼新步道连接了各楼层,New walkways connect the floors © BoysPlayNice

▼步道利用了天窗下方曾经闲置的垂直空间,The walkways utilize previously unused vertical spaces under skylights © BoysPlayNice

▼环绕中庭的展区,Exhibition area around the atrium © BoysPlayNice


The unique DESIGNLAB laboratory on the third floor allows visitors to engage in creative activities, including patchwork, clothing creation, and fashion accessory crafting using cutting-edge technology.

▼DESIGNLAB实验室,DESIGNLAB laboratory © BoysPlayNice



The centerpiece of the museum, “ART DESIGN FASHION”, presents the most intriguing works in design, fashion, and art spanning the last thirty years. Within the renovated museum, an open repository showcases glass, ceramics, and porcelain, offering visitors insights into the development and utilization of mass-produced objects, as well as artist-designed pieces.

▼开放式的展厅,The open repository © BoysPlayNice

▼展柜细节,Display cases © BoysPlayNice

▼时装展厅,Fashion area © BoysPlayNice

▼影像作品,Video artwork © BoysPlayNice

由Krištof Kintera创作的“成长的恶魔”(THE DEMON OF GROWTH)等一系列装置作品引发了人们对囤积这一当代问题的关注;“黑色与光仓”(BLACK & LIGHT DEPOT)展示了由Maxim Velčovský和Radek Wohlmuth以及edit! studio的建筑师共同营造的黑白场景,在对比鲜明的环境中,陶瓷和玻璃分别代表着实体与透明。

Notable installations, such as Krištof Kintera’s “THE DEMON OF GROWTH”, bring attention to the contemporary issue of hoarding, while the “BLACK & LIGHT DEPOT” introduces an immersive glass repository designed by Maxim Velčovský and Radek Wohlmuth, with architectural contributions from edit! studio. The concept employs a striking contrast between black and white, with ceramics symbolizing solidity and glass providing transparency.

▼“成长的恶魔”装置,THE DEMON OF GROWTH © BoysPlayNice

▼装置近景,Detailed view © BoysPlayNice

▼“黑色与光仓”,BLACK & LIGHT DEPOT © BoysPlayNice

机器人咖啡馆(CAFÉ ROBOT)为游客提供了提神醒脑的去处,其咖啡单品还装饰以个性化的头像。咖啡馆由建筑师Marek Štěpán设计,其灵感源于库布里克的经典影片《太空漫游》

For those in need of refreshment, “CAFÉ ROBOT” offers coffee prepared with elegance, complete with personalized portraits in the foam. Designed by architect Marek Štěpán, the café draws inspiration from Kubrick’s iconic Space Odyssey film.

▼机器人咖啡馆,CAFÉ ROBOT © BoysPlayNice

最后,“云”(THE CLOUD)是博物馆露台上方的一个互动式漂浮物,它可以变换颜色、发出声响,并对外界的刺激做出反应,为空间增添了一个富有吸引力的维度。这件迷人的装置影射了超现实主义和画家Josef Šíma的作品,将露台变成了一个标志性的社交和聚会场所。

Lastly, “THE CLOUD”, an interactive floating object above the museum’s terrace, adds an engaging dimension to the space, changing colors, producing sounds, and responding to external stimuli. This captivating installation alludes to the surrealists and the works of painter Josef Šíma, transforming the terrace into an iconic gathering place for social events.

▼“云”装置,”THE CLOUD” © BoysPlayNice

综上,Moravian Gallery的应用艺术博物馆经历了非凡的演变,以综合性的概念将设计、时尚和艺术连接在一起。凭借其丰富的历史、考量细致的翻新工作以及创新性的装置作品,博物馆如今已成为一个充满活力、能够吸引各年龄段游客的文化目的地。

In summary, the Museum of Applied Arts at the Moravian Gallery in Brno has undergone a remarkable evolution, embracing a comprehensive concept that bridges design, fashion, and art. With its rich history, thoughtful renovations, and innovative installations, it stands as a dynamic and inviting cultural destination for visitors of all ages.

▼储物柜,Cabinet  © BoysPlayNice

▼首层展厅,Ground floor exhibition area © BoysPlayNice

▼建筑外观,Gallery exterior view © BoysPlayNice

Project location Husova 18, 662 26 Brno Project country Czech Republic Built-up area 825 m² Client Moravian Gallery


“艺术设计时尚”展览,捷克 / Moravian Gallery
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