△《移魂都市》(1998) Dark City (1998)
△《移魂都市》原声插曲 Episode of Dark City
Shenzhen Guangming Architectural Art Project Permanent artistic installation Matrix City
《移魂都市》Dark City (1998),影响了后续众多着力于哲学、伦理的科幻电影,诸如《黑客帝国》《盗梦空间》《西部世界》等。这些电影都提出了“红蓝药丸”的问题,指向了未来真实与虚幻相互纠缠又难以区分的境地。
Dark City (1998) had influenced many subsequent science fiction films focusing on philosophy and ethics, such as The Matrix, Inception and Westworld. These films raise the red-and-blue pill question, pointing to a future where reality and fiction are intertwined and indistinguishable.
△ 装置展览现场 摄影:郑勋 / 上海风语筑文化科技股份有限公司
Installation Exhibition Photographer: Zheng Xun/Shanghai Fengyuzhu Culture & Tech Co., Ltd.
△ 主入口展位摄影:周葆青 / SEED 秦琛工作室
Main Entrance Exhibition Photographer: Zhou Baoqing/SEED Qin Chen Studio
拥有与失去,真相与谎言,现实与虚幻,伴随着 web3.0 的到来,我们相信这些矛盾与对立的问题,将愈发深刻地影响城市与人们的未来。
Having and losing, truth and lies, reality and illusion, with the advent of web3.0, we believe that these contradictions and opposites will have an increasingly profound impact on the future of cities and people.
△ 上下互为倒影 摄影:郑勋 / 上海风语筑文化科技股份有限公司
The top and bottom is reflecting each other Photographer:Zheng Xun/Shanghai Fengyuzhu Culture & Tech Co., Ltd.
The hollow matrix extends from the cross steel plate to build up the outline of a city, and the bulging posture is reminiscent, like an open three-dimensional greeting card. When the card is folded, the illusory city becomes a thin piece again, and the so-called city is more like a mirage.
△ 城市变成了可以被“调制”的实验装置 《移魂都市》(1998)
The city become a experimental device which can be Modulated Dark City (1998)
△ 打开的“卡片”,膨胀而出的“城市”
摄影:周葆青 / SEED 秦琛工作室
The open “card”, an bulging “city”
Photographer: Zhou Baoqing/SEED Qin Chen Studio
The installation uses the cross structure as a metaphor for Corbusier’s typical high-rise building form in "Glorious City". It also serves as a load-bearing foundation and systematically combines linearly varying stress components and modular non-stress units with the force transfer mode similar to dougong and mortise and tenon joint structure.
△ 工作模型 ©SEED 秦琛工作室
Work model ©SEED Qin Chen Studio
△ 预制构件与插接摄影:陈超志 / SEED 秦琛工作室
Prefabricated components and inserts photographer: Chen Chaozhi/SEED Qin Chen Studio
Based on the completely symmetrical form of the installation, we wanted it to stand in front of viewers like an old-fashioned camera, with each viewer looking at it as if in front of the lens. However, as a permanent installation, the steel plate with strong durability is used as the main material, which greatly increases the overall weight. If a conventional base is used, the section size at the bottom will be too bloated. Finally, with the support feet, the triangle cross-bearing structure makes it appear thin and stable on the ground.
△ 纤细的脚部支撑摄影:周葆青 / SEED 秦琛工作室
The thin support feet photographer: Zhou Baoqing/SEED Qin Chen Studio
△ 扶正花絮摄影:秦琛 / SEED 秦琛工作室
Sidelights photographer: Qin Chen/SEED Qin Chen Studio
装置就像这句台词,对立与纠缠才是它的主题。光明城市——DARK CITY,膨胀而出的轮廓——关闭的贺卡,榫卯与斗拱的建构方式——黑色钢板与绿色 led 灯带,老式相机——探讨未来的当代装置,重量——纤细,上下倒影。
The installation is like this line. Its theme is opposition and entanglement. Bright city — DARK CITY, bulging outline — folded greeting cards, mortise and dougong construction — black steel plate and green LED light strip, Old camera — contemporary installation for discussing the future, weight — slim, reflecting top and bottom.
作品材质:钢板,亚克力,柔性 led 灯带
装置尺寸:1.9m(L)× 1.9m(W)× 2.7m(H)
设计单位:SEED 秦琛工作室
设计时间:2022 年
制作及施工时间:2022 年
Work Info
Name: Matrix City/Dark City
Type: permanent installation
Location: Urban Planning Museum, Guangming District, Shenzhen
Material: steel plate, PMMA, soft LED light strip
Size: 1.9m(L)× 1.9m(W)× 2.7m(H)
Design company: SEED Qin Chen Studio
Exhibitor: Qin Chen
Design team: Qin Chen, Chen Chaozhi,LiZhangjun,Zhu Yucheng, Zhou Baoqing
Status: Completed
Design time: 2022
Construction time: 2022
Photographer: Zhou Baojing, Zheng Xun, Chen Chaozhi
Exhibition Info
The Guangming Museum of Urban Planning has opened for visit recently, please pay attention to relevant information.