发布时间:2017-06-30 09:40:45 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Zaans Medical Centre is the first lean hospital in the Netherlands. It is an efficient and compact building in which professional healthcare and a personal approach strengthen each other. Architecture, urbanism, landscape and interior are brought together in a coherent design. Clear routing, an abundance of daylight, and positive distractions contribute to an environment that does not feel like a hospital, but as a place that promotes wellbeing.

▼医疗机构鸟瞰图,the bird view ©Mecanoo architecten

面向未来的设计 Lean and future-proof


The smart lean design identifies five care processes: acute, elective, outpatient, clinic, and diagnostics. The clear stacking of two floors of outpatient clinics, two floors of clinical departments and a flexible facility layer between them, optimally serves these primary care processes. All departments are designed to prevent any form of waste. Whenever possible, the outpatient clinics and nursing departments are standardised, allowing for exchangeability and adaptability. The Zaans Medical Centre is therefore flexible and future-proof.

▼正立面,front view ©Mecanoo architecten

▼主入口,the entrance  ©Mecanoo architecten

▼空间结构分析,the structure

室内有效干预 Positive distractions


The patient experience played a crucial role in the design process. Positive distractions can reduce the stress of a hospital visit and advance recovery. The spacious multi-storey lobby has the feel of a welcoming public building. Semi-circular voids and skylights, the use of wood, bright colours, good acoustics and unobstructed views of the surroundings provide a pleasant atmosphere. All hospital wards can be accessed from an internal street with many sheltered waiting areas. At either end of the street is a landscaped courtyard. Hand-drawn illustrations on walls, glazed partitions, and lifts refer to the industrial heritage of the Zaan region. A special spiral slide offers children an adventurous way to travel between levels.

▼明亮的自然采光,the skylights ©Mecanoo architecten

▼宽敞的多功能大厅,the muti-storey lobby  ©Mecanoo architecten

▼无障碍可视空间, unobstructed views of the surroundings ©Mecanoo architecten

▼特制的旋转滑梯让儿童在其中充满趣味,a special spiral slide offers children an adventurous way to travel between levels ©Mecanoo architecten

▼明亮的室内色彩,the bright colors  ©Mecanoo architecten

▼室内多用木质材料,the use of wood ©Mecanoo architecten

▼循走廊步入各个诊疗室,along the inner street enter the hospital walls ©Mecanoo architecten

▼墙壁手绘呼应了Zaan地区的工业背景,hand-drawn illustrations on walls refer to the industrial heritage of the Zaan region ©Thijs Wolzak

健康理疗区 Health district

林荫大道与Zaans医疗护理中心相邻,林荫大道的另一边,一座重修的医院,一座药房,眼科诊所,一些商铺,一间超市和一座停车场沿途而设,形成一个多功能小镇。医疗机构与其配套设施及各种服务功能相结合的方式让这里形成一处健康理疗区,不断的为Zaandam及这个地区提供着健康医疗服务。Zaans医疗中心由该中心及Vitaal ZorgVast联合开发,BAM建造,符合时间及造价预算。SILO机构进行装饰及环境设计。项目由BREEAM评级为最优。

Adjacent to the Zaans Medical Centre lies a health boulevard with a rehabilitation hotel, a pharmacy, eye clinic, various shops, a supermarket and a parking garage, designed to function as a small town. The smart combination of the medical centre and related healthcare services results in a health district for Zaandam and the region. The hospital was developed by the Zaans Medical Centre and Vitaal ZorgVast, and constructed by BAM, within time and budget. SILO Agency designed the illustrations and environmental graphics. The building is BREEAM Very Good certified.

▼底层平面图,the ground floor plan

▼二层平面图,the first floor plan

▼三层平面图,the second floor plan

▼四层平面图,the third floor plan

▼五层平面图,the fifth floor plan



Programme: 38,500 m2 hospital with acute centre (8 operating rooms), intensive care unit, cardiac care unit, outpatient clinics, theme centres according to the shop-in-shop principle (such as pain centre, exercise centre, Esperanz, cardiovascular centre), diagnostic centre, day care centre, hospitals (137 beds) with separate mother-child centre, laboratory, pharmacy, public functions, offices and meeting centre for the ZMC Academy and the parking garage for 700 vehicles.
 Client: Zaans Medisch Centrum, Zaandam; Vitaal ZorgVast, Bunnik Design: 2012-2014 Realisation: 2014-2016 Structural engineer: BAM Advies & Engineering, Bunnik Mechanical engineer: Ingenieursbureau Linssen b.v., Amsterdam Building physics consultant: DGMR Raadgevende Ingenieurs B.V., Arnhem


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