Grupo Mexico CP office
图片来源:Adrenorama, Paul Czitrom
Grupo CP集团办公室坐落于Terret大楼,Terret大楼是墨西哥城的一栋高档社区,目前正在申请绿色建筑认证。这个项目由三个等级形成(16楼到18楼),每个等级包含大约1570平方米(16,900平方英尺)。平面图的形状是梯状的,有一个朝向背面但不会接触到正面的中心。Pentagono Estudio与specialised furniture,平面艺术,运用共同合作,创造出空间身份识别与视觉传达设计之间的平衡效果。每一个等级结合了具体的细节,创造出与公司商业领域相关的整体主题概念:城市,健康和汽车。建筑项目包含的空间包括前厅,大厅,开放区,包间,会议室,餐厅,非正式的会议室,一对一房间,培训区,支持区,IDFs,技术室,数字化房间,收银机等。
译者: 蝈蝈
The corporate offices of Grupo CP are located in the Terret Building, which is in process of LEED certification in the Polanco neighbourhood in Mexico City. This project is formed by three levels, (floors 16 through 18) and each level is comprised of approximately 1570 sq. m. (16,900 sq. ft.). The shape of the floor plan is trapezoidal with a core towards the back that does not reach the façade.
Pentagono Estudio participated with specialised furniture, graphic arts and applications, thus generating an architectural balance in conjunction with the identification of spaces and visual communication. Each level incorporates particular details that generate an integral thematic concept related to the company’s business areas: City, Health and Automotive. The architectural program includes spaces such as a vestibule, lobby, open areas, private rooms, conference rooms, executive dining rooms, informal meeting rooms or casual collisions, one-to-one rooms, training areas, support areas, IDFs, technology rooms, digitalization rooms, cash register, among others.
Level 16 is private with mostly open areas for collaborators, level 18 is private with holding areas for executives and level 17 is public with a large training area. In the design of these offices, sustainability in operation and design was contemplated from the start, featuring low energy consumption, through lower-than-standard illumination levels, low VOC contents in the products to be used and standardization of materials, with all the benefits that this carries.
墨西哥Grupo CP办公室室内实景图
墨西哥Grupo CP办公室室内会议室实景图
墨西哥Grupo CP办公室室内过道实景图
墨西哥Grupo CP办公室室内办公区实景图
墨西哥Grupo CP办公室室内房间实景图
墨西哥Grupo CP办公室室内局部实景图
墨西哥Grupo CP办公室室内休息区实景图
墨西哥Grupo CP办公室室内大会议室实景图
墨西哥Grupo CP办公室室内前台实景图