发布时间:2023-10-08 18:52:04 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


The Science and Environmental Center embodies the Nueva School’s mission is to inspire passion for lifelong learning, foster social acuity and environmental citizenship, and develop the child’s imaginative mind, enabling students to learn how to make choices that will benefit the world. Founded in 1967, the Nueva School is an independent school, with the Hillsborough campus serving over 500 students from pre-kindergarten to eighth grade. The 33-acre campus, located in the semi-rural coastal hills of the San Francisco Peninsula, features a thriving coastal live oak woodland ecosystem, a variety of dispersed structures and dramatic views of San Francisco Bay. The Science and Environmental Center is the final phase of earlier Nueva Hillside Learning Complex originally completed in 2008.

▼建筑外观,Exterior view © Richard Barnes


The building is 100% electric and designed to be net zero operational energy/carbon, producing on-site all the energy it consumes annually. Its narrow floor plate allows for ample daylighting, views and natural ventilation, demonstrating how passive natural systems can reduce our need for energy.

▼鸟瞰,Aerial view © Bruce Damonte


In an era of more frequent and severe droughts, the building promotes advanced water conservation by harvesting rainwater in a 10,000-gallon storage tank for reuse in the building’s toilets, reducing potable water use by 89% compared to the baseline.

▼剖面示意1,Section diagram 1 © Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects

▼剖面示意2,Section diagram 2 © Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects


The Science and Environmental Center is a threshold building, visually and physically connecting the built campus with the forested regional open space beyond. A “Canopy Walk” links the existing Student Center at the heart of the campus to the new Environmental Center with a universally accessible educational path across the steep site. By using the Canopy Walk, all students—regardless of physical ability—may experience and explore the seasonal rhythms of the restored oak woodland ecology.

▼首层视角,Ground floor © Richard Barnes

▼树冠步道,Canopy Walk © Richard Barnes


The design integrates straightforward, appropriate, and cost-effective sustainable design solutions that provide practical and poetic connections between people and the natural world. The building shape echoes the landform, following the topography of the hillside to minimize excavation and maximize outdoor education space that extend ground floor classrooms. The narrow floor plate minimizes impacts to the existing natural features of the site, while maximizing daylighting and natural ventilation within the classrooms—two passive strategies that connect students to the seasonal rhythms of the site while reducing energy loads in the building.

▼树冠步道提供了人人可及的森林之旅,The Canopy Walk provides a universally accessible journey through the forest © Richard Barnes


The Canopy Walk provides a universally accessible journey through the forest that connects the new Environmental Center with the existing Hillside Learning Complex. The previously disturbed landscape in this area was restored to an oak woodland habitat with native and adapted planting to promote biodiversity. This heightened beauty and presence of the native ecology further grounds us to place, reminding students and visitors of the active role we must take in conservation and stewardship. The project includes eight classrooms and support spaces that provide a variety of innovative educational environments that connect students and faculty to the world around them, promoting environmental stewardship and lifelong learning daily.

▼露台空间,Terrace © Richard Barnes

▼教室,Classroom © Richard Barnes

项目团队通过减少建筑占地面积、顺应现有地形以及选择先前受到影响的场地来保护开放空间。建筑的外部通道采用悬臂式结构,最大限度地减少了地基工程和对现有空地的干扰。 同样地,树冠步道也由单柱支撑,为高架步道下方留出了种植本地植物和排放雨水的空间。


The project team preserved open space by reducing the building footprint, conforming to existing topography, and selecting a previously disturbed site. Exterior circulation along the building is cantilevered from the structure, minimizing the foundation work and disturbance to existing open space. Similarly, the Canopy Walk is supported by single columns that allow the native planting and site drainage to continue beneath the elevated path. The existing open space adjacent to the building was regenerated with the planting of new oak trees and other native understory plants that support local bio-diversity.

The Canopy Walk has developed into the main circulation path to access the Environmental Center. It is a celebratory walk through the restored forest canopy that is experienced by all students as part of their daily movement across the campus. The Canopy Walk also supports universal access to the greater community who participate in conferences, summer camps, and other community events hosted by the school.

▼校园鸟瞰,Aerial view © Bruce Damonte

▼设计示意,Analysis © Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects

▼场地平面图,Site plan © Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects

▼楼层平面图,Floor plans © Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects

Personnel in architect’s firm who should receive special credit: Bill Leddy, Prinicipal Jasen Bohlander, Project Manager Ian Ashcraft-Williams, Project Architect

Architect of record: Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects Engineers: Civil: BKF Engineers Structural: Murphy Burr Curry MEP: Point Energy Innovation (Basis of Design) Electrical: Cupertino (Eng. of Record) Mech/Plumbing: Air Systems Consultants: Landscape: CMG Landscape Architecture Joint Trench: UDCE Waterproofing: WJE Acoustical: Salter Lab: HERA Audio Visual: Shalleck General contractor: WL Butler Photographer: Bruce Damonte, Richard Barnes


Nueva学校科学与环境中心,美国加州 / Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects
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