英文名称:America Gary Comer Green roof renovation of youth activity center
该项目位于美国芝加哥的南部地区,Gary Comer青年活动中心是一个设计风格前卫,但又十分暖心的社区中心,是由Hoerr Schaudt团队, John Ronan Architect团队以及设计师Roy Diblik合作完成的。这里距离Revere小学只有一个街区的距离,它同样是一个安全健康的教育场所,主要为了芝加哥的青少年设计的,这里经常作为他们课外活动的举办地,能够帮助孩子们获得应有的知识,完成高中的学业,同时为进入大学和未来的事业做准备。
The Gary Comer Youth Center (GCYC) is a boldly designed and heart-warming community center located in Chicago’s South Side. Sited one block away from Revere Elementary, GCYC provides a safe, educational haven for inner-city youth and runs extracurricular programs to help young adults graduate high school and prepare for college and future careers.
Lodged between a major roadway and residential neighborhood, the center has become a beacon for the entire neighborhood.the colorful center was built with flexibility in mind“The building’s main space, an adaptable gymnasium that serves as a practice space for the drill team, converts to a 600-seat performance venue via a deployable theater seating system.
美国Gary Comer青年活动中心绿色屋顶的改造外部实景图
美国Gary Comer青年活动中心绿色屋顶的改造内部实景图