Brockhole Jetty
布罗克霍尔码头占地面积约为500平方米,位于英国坎布里亚郡的布罗克霍尔游客访问中心, 其景观由Planit-IE设计完成。此次设计的目标是在布罗克霍尔湖区的国家公园游客中心旁建造一处新的码头,提供便利是其最重要的意义。码头的设计可以适应由温德米尔湖湖邮轮运营的大型船只,同时也可以为游客提供更加完美的景区体验
译者: 饭团小组
The Proposals: To create a new jetty and land-side facility at the Lake District National Park Visitor Centre in Brockhole. This facility is the first purpose- built jetty for the Lake cruisers to be built on Windermere for 70 years, and as such forms a significant enhancement to the Lake District-wide visitor experience and to the existing facilities at Brockhole. The primary purpose of the jetty is to accommodate the large vessels operated by Windermere Lake Cruises, whilst integrating fully into the surrounding sensitive landscape setting of the Lake and the adjacent Thomas Mawson garden.
Such a sensitive location presented a number of problems and constraints, perhaps the most difficult balance to strike was whether the land-side structures should be visible or not. If the facility was to become a true gateway to the National Park then it should announce itself, however given the nature of the landscape setting, it had to be a sensitive response to the site. Whilst the Thomas Mawson gardens that surround the house were conceived to capture the long dramatic views, the topography local to the jetty site hides the lake edge and the landscape along it. This provided the solution to create something ‘hidden’ within the grounds, not impacting upon the landscape setting of the house.
The concept for the project has been driven by a practical solution to access, movement and visual and environmental sensitivity. The design has been inspired by its surroundings; existing landscape features have all influenced the designs development.
Our response has been appropriate to location, the use of local materials and craftsmanship has ensured that the land-side works showcase Cumbrian skills that articulate high design quality. Local knowledge and material choice has provided a fitting and robust response able to withstand the changeable microclimate. The project has been delivered with minimal environmental impact, structures carefully located to avoid existing tree roots and badger access provided below the deck. Future growth of trees within the decked areas has also been considered through thoughtful detailing.
Sustainability has underpinned the construction of this project. The operation of the jetty also supports this sustainable philosophy, Brockhole Jetty now provides a ‘park and sail’ offer that previously did not exist.
The end result engages visitors with the natural beauty of its setting, championing sustainable travel and showcasing local expertise.