发布时间:2019-06-28 08:53:47 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Perched on the edge of 40 meter high cliff looking out towards the ocean horizon and mainland to the southeast, sits House Cocobolo. It is named after the trees that live on the forest and river canyon right next to the house.

▼住宅远景鸟瞰图,distant bird-eye’s view of the house


It is beside this forest that you approach the house from the north, from which the view to the oceanic horizon is seen only partially through the vegetation and landscape.

▼住宅近景鸟瞰图,坐落在悬崖边上,close bird-eye’s view of the house that is perched on the edge of a cliff


It is ventilated passively, which makes the most use of the abundant cool breeze of the cliff, and lets you immerse yourself even more into the place.

▼住宅外观,被森林环绕,exterior view of the house that is embraced by the forest


▼住宅入口立面外观,exterior view of the entrance facade of the house

▼住宅入口立面外观,玻璃围合的室内楼梯向外延伸,达到了一种悬浮在雨花石花园上方的视觉效果,exterior view of the entrance facade of the house, the glass staircase extends outwards, floating above the river stone garden visually

You arrive a meter or so above the site, and descend into the niche between a hill and the forest into which the house is placed. Walking down wide fingered steps that grope into the ground you arrive at the entrance which is marked by a roughly textured concrete roof. The main door opens into a small hallway of double height. In front a low wall giving intimacy to the arrival and privacy to the rest of the house. To the right – a hanging solid wooden staircase above a river stone garden that extends beyond the glass wall behind to the surrounding garden.

▼住宅入口,几个混凝土台阶将人们引向住宅内部,the entrance of the house, several concrete steps lead people down to the interior house

▼住宅入口内部是一个双层通高的走廊,正对着一片矮墙,右侧是一个悬挂的实木楼梯,the main door opens into a small hallway of double height with a hanging solid wooden staircase on the right, facing up to a low wall

▼楼梯细节,details of the staircase


当人们达到露台的时候,便会发现这是一个两层半通高的空间。巨大的悬挑屋顶由一系列白色的圆柱支撑,这些圆柱一部分位于露台上,另一部分则位于森林的边界处。在这里,人们可以看到右上方手指般的金属阳台和毒黄檀树(cocobolo tree)。

▼起居室室外露台,一个两层半通高的空间,巨大的悬挑屋顶由一系列白色的圆柱支撑,the double-and-a-half-height terrace of the living room, high round white columns hold up the large overhanging eaves of the roof

▼起居室的有水露台,纯黑池底的露台如同水镜一般,the wet terrace of the living room, acting like a black water mirror

As you climb down into the living room, you see to the left, a forest, to the right and front- the ocean. Beyond and down a few roughly textured concrete steps, you see the tall spaced living room whose floor extends out through frameless glass doors into a high terrace beyond. The terrace, in turn, extends out on two sides towards an infinity black pool and wet terrace with water at floor level, which act like a black water mirror that effectively mirrors the horizon and clouds beyond. This has the effect of visually wrapping the space with the ocean. To the left a Corten metal volume in the ceiling extends into the hallway and beckons in.

When you reach the terrace, you see that it has a double and a half height, and placed around this space, one on the terrace itself, and the other in the ground towards the forest, are two thin, high round white columns which hold up the large overhanging eaves of the roof. From here you see the finger balcony and cocobolo tree to the above right.

▼从有水露台看二层手指状的金属阳台,viewing the fingered metal balcony on the second floor from the wet terrace



▼从餐厅的木制露台看二层手指状的金属阳台,viewing the fingered metal balcony on the second floor from the wooden terrace

▼餐厅直接通向宽阔的木制露台,the dining space opens to a wide wooden terrace

As you approach these stairs you ultimately arrive underneath the Corten volume, which turns out to be a long meter wide line of the same metal that extends out toward the ocean, across and above the built-in concrete dining table, the terrace and Cocobolo tree beyond and then juts out over the cliff like a metal finger pointing to the horizon. This is the floor of the balcony that extends from the main bedroom above.

Beside the dining space is the kitchen, both open to a wide wooden terrace which has a water mirror at the edge of the cliff which also reflects the ocean. In this mirror is a fire pit. Above the kitchen and dining area are two bedrooms and a shared bathroom. Both face the ocean and this terrace. Behind the kitchen far wall is an office space, a small bathroom and pantry.

▼餐厅,设有固定的混凝土餐桌,the dining room with built-in concrete dining table



▼二层主卧,可以俯瞰美丽的海岸线,the master bedroom on the second floor where people can see the beach line below

Coming up from the hanging solid wooden staircase from the first floor, you walk beside the entrance to the two other bedrooms to your right. Pass beside the open space down to the entrance hall and a ventilating breezeway, and towards the end of the corridor, marked by the volume that you saw from the entrance hall, and a wooden floor which steps up, both which mark the entrance, to the main bedroom.

Atop the living room, is placed the main bedroom. From there you also see the beach line below. Beside the bedroom is the main bathroom, which faces the forest. It is from this bedroom that the finger balcony extends out from, in fact it it that which greets you when you enter.

▼主卧及其主卫,the master bedroom and its master bathroom


As you open the door to the main bedroom, you see another, smaller and longer Cor-ten wall, at handrail height, that starts immediately on your right, and continues outward with the wooden floor, along the length of the bedroom, through the glass door, and turns into the finger balcony. This finger balcony is a wooden pirate-plank like walkway that visually starts at the entrance of the bedroom, extends outside over the terrace below, passes beside a Cocobolo tree (which penetrates both the handrail and the roof), juts out from below the eave of the main roof, and ends with in a small open space, large enough for two chairs, with a glass rail that point out towards the ocean horizon and is placed above the 40 meter high void of granite cliff face and tropical green beach front.

▼手指状的金属阳台,铺有木地板,the fingered metal balcony with wooden floor

▼在手指状的金属阳台上欣赏傍晚时候的海景,viewing the ocean at dusk from the fingered metal balcony

▼住宅外馆夜景,night view of the house

▼起居室夜景,玻璃立面使人们置身于自然景观的怀抱之中,night view of the living room, the glass facade makes people feel like putting themselves in the nature

▼总平面图,site plan

▼一层平面图,1F plan

▼二层平面图,2F plan

▼北立面图,north elevation

▼南立面图,south elevation

Location: Montezuma, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Construction: 2015- 2016. Design: Victor Cañas architect. Design Team: Sara Araya, architect. Andrés Cañas, architect. Ricardo Chaves architect in cooperation with Silvia Prada architect Structural Design Ricardo Solano. Electromechanical design: ECG Ingenieros Roberto Donadio. Landscaping: Thoren Ingals Construction:. Silvia Prada architect, Thoren Ingals Photography: Fernando Alda


悬崖上的梦幻栖息地——Cocobolo 住宅
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