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1963年,Reima和Raili Pietilä赢得了位于新德里Chanakyapuri外交飞地的芬兰大使馆设计竞赛,其参赛作品名为“山中雪语”,美观而有力。经过长时间的延期后,该项目于1980年投入使用,并根据最初的概念进行了重新设计。大使馆最终于1986年开业,1960年代设计的带有大尺度屋顶的建筑被分成六座独立的单元建筑,围绕于中央花园区域。雕塑形的屋顶是使馆建筑群最重要的标志性元素,其形状类似于芬兰北部Kuusamo附近白雪皑皑的Kitkajärvi湖。

Reima and Raili Pietilä won the design competition for the Finnish Embassy to be located in the diplomatic enclave in Chanakyapuri, New Delhi in 1963 with a beautiful and powerful competition entry called “Snow speaks on the mountains”. After a lengthy delay, the project was commissioned in 1980 and redesigned based on the original concept. The Embassy finally opened in 1986 with the large single expanse of roof of the 1960’s design broken up into six separate lateral buildings around a central garden area. The sculptural roofs – the most significant architectural feature of the embassy compound – resemble the forms of the snowy Lake Kitkajärvi near Kuusamo, Northern Finland.

▼由花园望向建筑,Viewing the building from garden ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼温柔舒适的场所氛围,Cozy and comfortable atmosphere ©Tuomas Uusheimo


ALA Architects was commissioned in 2013 to design the renovation of this mythical masterpiece of Finnish modernism. The 2-phase renovation project that took just over five years to complete has brought the ingenious building complex back to its original glory. The first phase consisted of the transformation of one staff apartment building and the construction of one new gate house. The second phase comprised the renovations of the chancery, the ambassador’s residence, the technical center, sauna, two more residential buildings, the pool and one old gate house, and the construction of one new gate house and a gazebo with a small gym.

▼富有雕塑感的屋顶造型,Sculptural roof design ©Tuomas Uusheimo


The aims of the project were to restore the original spirit of the design and repair the misguided maintenance efforts both indoors and outdoors, to revamp the existing reception and office facilities, and to improve the occupational well-being and living conditions of the staff members, the overall safety, as well as the energy efficiency and functionality of the buildings, also taking into account the harsh climate conditions and the air pollution in the area.

▼规整的建筑体量,Well- organized volumes ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼精心设计的窗洞,Subtle clerestory ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼配有半开放空间的泳池,Swimming pool with semi- public space ©Tuomas Uusheimo


The most notable changes to the original design are the transformation of one staff apartment building containing several small apartments into contemporary office facilities and a few larger apartments, and the demolition of a wall separating one of the buildings from the rest of the complex to better follow the Pietiläs’ idea about a united spatial mass. The addition of two new gate houses outside the compound wall is the change that is the most visible from the street. This solution was chosen to create a discreet but clearly independent architectural addition upon arrival, and to not interfere with the original architecture of the compound.

▼融于景观的建筑体量,Volumes fitting into the landscape ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼亲近自然的空间设计,Spaces design close to the nature ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼丰富的立面层次,Well-organized facade design ©Tuomas Uusheimo

最初的室内设计是由芬兰室内建筑师Antti Nurmesniemi完成的。Nurmesniemi的委托还包括定制家具、照明装置和大型羊毛地毯,以及进一步推敲Reima Pietilä的固定家具设计。其他大部分家具均选自芬兰家具制造商Artek的产品。最初的设计还包括由芬兰陶瓷艺术家Rut Bryk设计的大型陶瓷室内浅浮雕和水景艺术,题为“北方之春”。

The original interior design is by the Finnish interior architect Antti Nurmesniemi. Nurmesniemi’s commission also included custom furniture, lighting fixtures and large woolen area rugs, as well as the further development of Reima Pietilä’s sketches for fixed furnishings. Most of the other furniture was selected from the Finnish furniture manufacturer Artek’s catalogue. The original design also includes a large ceramic indoor bas-relief and water feature titled “Spring in the North” by the Finnish ceramic artist Rut Bryk.

▼精致的室内设计,Exquisite interior design ©Tuomas Uusheimo

▼统一的材质与颜色,Well matched materials and colors  ©Tuomas Uusheimo

在改造项目中,对原有的衣柜和桑拿家具进行了修复,并对现存松动的家具进行了重新装饰和处理,以突显其原始设计。 1980年代的照片被用来选取翻新和新家具、纺织品和地毯的正确颜色和材料。用于展示的空间以及其家具都经过精心修复,而有功能调整的空间则重新选用了配套的当代家具。

In the renovation project the original wardrobes and the sauna furniture were repaired and the existing original loose furniture reupholstered and treated to reflect their original design. Photos from the 1980’s were used to specify the correct colors and materials in the refurbished and new furniture, textiles and rugs. The spaces used for representation were carefully restored including their furniture, whereas the spaces with modified uses gained a new layer of contemporary furniture.

▼宜人的室内空间,Pleasant interior space ©Tuomas Uusheimo

最初的景观设计是由Pietiläs的长期合作者,芬兰景观设计师Maj-Lis Rosenbröijer完成的。作为改造项目的一部分,有些破旧的庭院区域按照Rosenbröijer的最初想法进行了彻底翻新。根据特定气候对植物进行了精心挑选,并调整了穿行建筑群的走道,以保证安全性。全新的灌溉和雨水管理系统会逐步进行安装。

The original landscape design is by the Pietiläs’ longtime collaborator, the Finnish landscape architect Maj-Lis Rosenbröijer. As part of the renovation project the somewhat dilapidated yard areas were thoroughly refurbished following Rosenbröijer’s original idea. Some climate-specific updates were made to the plant selection and slight safety-requirement-based improvements to the paths crossing the compound. The installation of new irrigation and storm water management systems required some gradient changes.

▼室内空间细部,Details of the interior spaces ©Tuomas Uusheimo


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