发布时间:2017-01-21 00:34:25 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Photograph by Philippe Ruault, Courtesy of OMA

菲利普·鲁奥(Philippe Ruault)摄于OMA的礼遇


Text description provided by the architects. In an era of privatization, cities are facing a major challenge: investment in the public domain depends increasingly on the private sector. As a result of this reframing of the collective agreement, the role of architecture is often reduced to the visual impact of its shape and surface rather than contributing to a new educational, social and civic dimension. The competition launched by the Ecole Centrale Paris for the design of a new engineering school has become the perfect opportunity to explore ways to answer this demanding challenge.

© OMA. Concept

c OMA。概念

© OMA . Site Plan

c OMA。场地规划

Photograph by Frans Parthesius, Courtesy of OMA

弗兰斯·帕特修斯(Frans Partheius)摄于OMA的礼貌


Laboratories are typically planned as linear buildings, a large box divided by endless corridors. Such a typology creates a “blackout” of the urban conditions; the building becomes a gigantic wall due to its extremely isolated and internalized programs. We can instead imagine laboratories as a collection of discreet parcels in an open plan grid; in this way, a city can accommodate endless configurations of programs and activities. This method provides a stable framework for constantly changing requirements; the program may be reconfigured or intensified as necessary.

Photograph by Vitor Oliveira, Courtesy of OMA

由Vitor Oliveira拍摄,OMA礼貌

Photograph by Vitor Oliveira, Courtesy of OMA

由Vitor Oliveira拍摄,OMA礼貌


This re-contextualization implies freedom to formulate new types of learning styles that promote community, plurality and diversity of the population within a dense field of knowledge, while ensuring the pure operation of the engineering school as an educational incubator. OMA’s design integrates urbanism with the school, supplanting the previous homogeneous experience of the campus.

Photograph by Philippe Ruault, Courtesy of OMA

菲利普·鲁奥(Philippe Ruault)摄于OMA的礼遇

© OMA . Level 0 Plan

c OMA。0级计划

Photograph by Philippe Ruault, Courtesy of OMA

菲利普·鲁奥(Philippe Ruault)摄于OMA的礼遇


Thus, the concept of a Lab City was formed. The architecture of the Lab City generates an open urban school, with creative disorder framed under a structural skeleton. By creating a main street, cutting diagonally across the Lab City, the design allows a seamless experience between the building and its surroundings, providing a convenient public route between the future heart of the neighbourhood and the future subway station. Around this urban spine, the program is spread in different buildings of various typologies and sizes, organized on an urban grid served by secondary streets. A unique lightweight roof covering the entire complex completes the scheme by creating a strong link between the different buildings and allowing “external” protected spaces to be used freely all year long.

Photograph by Frans Parthesius, Courtesy of OMA

弗兰斯·帕特修斯(Frans Partheius)摄于OMA的礼貌

Architects OMA

Location Plateau de Saclay, Gif Sur Yvette, France

Category Educational Architecture

Architect in Charge Ellen Van Loon, Rem Koolhaas

Area 48700.0 m2

Project Year 2017

Photographs Philippe Ruault, Vitor Oliveira


OMA 打造开放城市学校,探索公共领域私有化挑战
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