发布时间:2021-11-23 18:53:42 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

“De Harmonie”是一个位于安特卫普的复杂的城市重建项目,作为一个新的公共空间和城市基础设施,它在市中心发挥着重要作用,并试图以最有效的方式满足市民的需要。

The project “De Harmonie” is a complex urban redevelopment project for the city of Antwerp. As a new public space and urban infrastructure, it takes on important tasks within the city centre and tries to serve the needs of the citizens in the best possible way.

General view ©Ulrich Schwarz

该项目的内容分为两个部分,一是重新设计历史悠久的 De Harmonie 公园,修复 Peter Benoit 喷泉并激活公园环境。二是将现有的 De Harmonie 音乐厅改造为新的区域中心,使其能够容纳数量充足的政府办公空间、一个大型的市民服务中心,以及一个可以举办小型音乐会或其他事项的活动场地。为了实现这一目标,建筑团队将音乐厅与原来的旧市政厅以及同样作为历史建筑的“橘园”连接起来,并在此基础上增建了一个小型的会议中心。

The project consists on the one hand in the redesign of the historic park De Harmonie, the restoration of the Peter Benoit fountain and the activation of the park. On the other hand, the existing concert hall “De Harmonie” has been converted into a new district centre with a large number of offices for the local authority, a large citizen service centre and an event space for small concerts, among other things. To make this possible, the concert hall is connected to an existing town house as well as the Orangerie, also a historic building, and extended with a small meeting centre.▼音乐厅和同样作为历史建筑的“橘园”,The concert hall and the historic Orangerie building©Ulrich Schwarz


The starting point for the design consisted in the restoration and redesign of the existing park according to the model of an English landscape garden. A number of large trees were felled in the park, shrubs and fences were removed in order to offer more open play and movement areas and to strengthen the spatial sight lines. At the same time, the edges of the park were planted more intensively to create safety and intimacy. It also visually hides the surrounding streets, some of which are very busy.

▼从柱廊望向花园,View to the garden from the colonnade © Ulrich Schwarz


▼改造前后轴测示意,Axon –before and after© Atelier Kempe Thill

In order to connect the different buildings within the project into a new organism, the first step was to find a sensible overall organisation for the new complex. On the north side of the concert hall, an access structure was erected that effectively connects all functional areas with each other and enables their access to disabled people. This new west-east axis allows the historic complex to be divided into very different functional zones such as café, individual offices, landscape offices and meeting rooms. All the necessary ancillary rooms were also organised along this corridor in order to free the historic spaces as much as possible from new functional constraints.

▼新置入的通廊结构将所有功能区域连接起来©Ulrich Schwarz An access structure was erected to effectively connects all functional areas with each other

▼北侧视角,View from the north side©Ulrich Schwarz

▼通廊内的办公空间,Office in theaccess structure©Ulrich Schwarz

▼中庭和室内细节,Atrium & interior view©Ulrich Schwarz

▼通廊夜景,Access structure by night©Ulrich Schwarz

项目的出发点是尽可能地使音乐厅既有的古典主义特征再度显现出来。在与古建筑保护机构的协商后,同时考虑到建立优良基础的必要性,建筑团队决定拆除位于主立面正前方的玻璃凉廊(建造于 1890 年),从而将建筑的体量结构“打扫干净”。水平屋顶上丢失的栏杆以简约的方式得到重建。屋顶加入了隔热层并覆盖以锌板,同时置入了新的天窗。音乐厅侧立面的上半部分也进行了隔热处理。旧时的木瓦立面被替换为石膏,消解了建筑原本具有的积重感。

The starting point for the project was to make the original classicist character of the concert hall as much as possible visible again. After consultation with the monument conservation authorities and with the setting of a good foundation in mind, the demolition of a glass pergola from 1890 located directly in front of the main façade was decided. This cleared the volume structure of the building. The lost balustrades on the flat roof were reconstructed in a simplified form. The roofs were insulated and covered with zinc sheeting and new skylights were integrated. The upper side facades of the hall were also insulated. The classic mass effect was streamlined by removing the historic shingle façade and replacing it with a plaster one.

主立面改造前后对比,Main facade before and after renovation©Ulrich Schwarz


立面新置入了 4 米高的双层玻璃门,4 m high double glazed doors are placed in the facade©Ulrich Schwarz

浅灰色的石膏、中灰色的窗户搭配着深灰色的既有石灰岩基座©Ulrich Schwarz Light grey plaster and medium grey windows were combined with the existing dark grey limestone plinth

室内设计也试图进一步发展原有的古典主义理念。在 1970 年代末期作为夜总会留下的吊顶被拆除,使剩下的灰泥天花板暴露出来,随后进行了大面积的翻新。由于天花板下方所有的石膏装饰物都在 1970 年代被铲下,且能够获得的关于原有内饰的信息十分有限,因此建筑团队决定不再对其进行重建。相反,既有的天花板与新的水磨石内饰进行了结合,清晰地强调出历史的转变过程——这是一次用现代手段诠释古典主义大厅的尝试。地面以无缝的水磨石铺设,为建筑提供了一个坚实的基底。既有的木制立柱被覆盖以手工水磨石元素,其抽象的方形柱头兼具了传统的现代的感觉。

▼剖面图,Section© Atelier Kempe Thill

▼大厅空间,The hall©Ulrich Schwarz

▼轻质橡木家具的设计与大厅的古典风格相呼应©Ulrich Schwarz Fitted furniture in light oak wood was designed in order to fit the classical style of the hall

▼服务空间,Service area©Ulrich Schwarz

An attempt to further develop the original classicist idea was also made in the design of the interior. The suspended ceiling of the night club (1977-1979) was removed, and the remaining stucco ceiling was exposed and extensively renovated. Since all the plaster ornaments below the ceiling had been chipped off in the 1970s and little information was available about the historic interior, it was decided not to reconstruct it. Instead, we combined the historic ceiling with a new interior in terrazzo which underlines clearly the historical transformation processes. This is an attempt to realise a new interpretation of a classicist hall with contemporary means. The floor, made of seamless terrazzo, forms a solid base. The existing wooden columns were covered with handmade terrazzo elements. Their abstracted cubic capitals appear traditional and contemporary at the same time.

▼原始天花板平面,Historic ceiling plan© Atelier Kempe Thill

▼建造过程,Building process

▼空置状态下的大厅,The hall without furniture©Ulrich Schwarz

▼望向舞台区域,View to the stage area©Ulrich Schwarz

▼舞台和楼梯,The stage and the stairs©Ulrich Schwarz

▼既有的木制立柱被覆盖以手工水磨石元素©Ulrich Schwarz The existing wooden columns were covered with handmade terrazzo elements

▼墙面和地面细节,Wall and floor detail©Ulrich Schwarz

▼水磨石元素细节,Terrazzo element detail©Ulrich Schwarz

▼模型,Model© Atelier Kempe Thill

▼场地位置示意 – 首层,Situationwith plan 0© Atelier Kempe Thill

▼首层平面图,Plan level 0© Atelier Kempe Thill

二层平面图,Plan level +1© Atelier Kempe Thill

▼三层平面图,Plan level +2© Atelier Kempe Thill

▼屋顶平面图,Roof plan© Atelier Kempe Thill

▼地下一层平面图,Plan level -1© Atelier Kempe Thill

▼立面图,Facade© Atelier Kempe Thill

▼剖面图 1,Section 1© Atelier Kempe Thill

▼剖面图 2,Section 2© Atelier Kempe Thill

▼剖面图 3,Section 3© Atelier Kempe Thill

▼剖面图 4,Section 4© Atelier Kempe Thill



安特卫普音乐厅重生 | 古典与现代的完美融合
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