发布时间:2022-08-02 09:04:00 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

山川Scenery岐院,顾名思义,山水间一所小院。项目位于浙江杭州市淳安县临岐镇五庄村上谷后山小山坡上,距淳安县千岛湖镇40公里,由上海平介建筑设计事务所设计。淳安县历史悠久,在新石器时代就有人类活动。业主是一位早年经商,现今酷爱摩旅的开朗大叔,跟一众好友游历四方后,在这片土地与山川共鸣,才决定停下脚步,与其相伴。Qiyuan, as the name suggests, is a small courtyard between mountains and rivers. The project designed by Shanghai Parallect Architecture Design Studio is located on the hillside of Wuzhuang Village, Linqi Town, Chunan County, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, 40 kilometers away from Qiandao Lake Town. Chunan County has a long history, with human activities in the Neolithic Age. The client is a cheerful uncle who was engaged in business in his early years and now loves motorcycle travel with a group of friends. After these rich experience, he resonated with the mountains and rivers in this land, and decided to stop and live here. ▼ 雪中的五庄村,Wuzhuang Village in the Snow ©岐院

这里属中亚热带季风气候,温暖湿润,雨量充沛,夏有凉风冬有雪,当地居民又多以农耕、捕鱼为生。建筑落在山上,面前先是层层跌落的农田,再一湾碧绿湖水,最后视线停留在重山密林之上。仿如馈赠的天然禀赋与人文风景,造就了一幅山水间桃源的画面。这也决定了建筑、景观与室内设计的初衷与基调。It has a mid-subtropical monsoon climate, which is warm and humid, with abundant rainfall, cool breezes in summer and snow in winter. Local residents mostly rely on farming and fishing for a living. The building is on the mountain, in front of it is the farmland terrace, then a green lake, and finally a dense forest. The natural endowment and humanistic scenery have created a picture of Shangri-la between mountains and rivers. This also determines the original intention and keynote of architecture, landscape and interior design: to focus on the scenery,convey the emotions by the scenery. ▼ 雪中的岐院 a,Qiyuan in the Snow a ©岐院

▼ 建筑、农田、绿水、青山,Building, farmland, water and mountains ©徐英达,黄迪

岐院由三栋单体建筑展开排成一列,与景观平行的线性布局,旨在最大化内部空间与前方山水的视线接触。关于环境与建筑二者的关系,我们并不希望这一设计被掩埋在密林之中,而是以建筑的姿态与环境对话、互诉,使建筑空间与人造环境、自然环境几者间得以达成某种微妙的动态平衡。Qiyuan consists of three buildings spread out in a row, with a linear layout parallel to the landscape, aiming to maximize the view side to the landscape in front. Regarding the relationship between the environment and architecture, we do not want this design to be buried in the jungle, but to communicate with the environment in the form of architecture, so that space, man-made environment, and natural environment can reach a delicate dynamic balance. ▼ 湖面映射天空,还有建筑与山,The lake reflects the sky, but also buildings and mountains ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 清晨 a,Early morning a ©徐英达,黄迪

素屋Scenery建筑主界面像是一字排开错落的几块大积木,我们把不同类型的客房空间归纳在最简洁的体块中,突出秩序感。The main interface of the building is like a few large building blocks lined up in a row. We insert different types of guest room spaces into the most concise blocks to highlight the sense of order. ▼ 立面图 a,Elevation a ©上海平介建筑设计事务所

▼ 从对岸密林间窥见岐院 a,Peeking into Qiyuan from the dense forest on the other side a ©徐英达,黄迪

立面的变化反映的是内部空间的不同功能与对面景观、环境的互动方式,而非刻意为之。我们利用客房体块间的连廊、平台,与客房的开窗、露台等空间,自然形成了疏密有致的立面观感,使得层高接近且横向排列的几座建筑体量不至于造成视觉上的拥堵:素白的墙面上前后错动形成的光影变化、玻璃的反射、室内灯光,与空间间隙中渗出后山的植被,是现代主义建筑与自然之间独特而美妙的节奏。The change of the façade reflects the interaction between different functions of the interior space and the landscape. In the design, the corridors and platforms between the guest rooms, and the windows and terraces of the guest rooms naturally form a dynamic façade, the volumes of several buildings with similar storey heights will not cause visual congestion: the light and shadow changes formed by the staggered front and rear white walls, the glass reflection, indoor lighting, and the vegetation in the back hill are the unique and wonderful rhythm between modernist architecture and nature. ▼ 立面分析图,Elevation analysis ©上海平介建筑设计事务所

▼ 建筑立面与环境,Building and environment ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 节奏,Rhythm ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 立面图 b,Elevation b ©上海平介建筑设计事务所

▼ 建筑背面,Back of the building ©徐英达,黄迪

窗Windows窗,几乎是整个设计中最重要的议题:建筑、内部空间与外部环境,在这一元素上产生交汇,很大程度上决定了建筑的形神与功能分布:我们希望迈入每个房间,都有扑面而来的自然风景。Window is one of the most important topics in the whole design: the intersection of architecture, internal space and external environment on this element determines the shape, spirit and function distribution of the building to a large extent. We hope when visitors enter the room, they can see and feel the natural scenery immediately. ▼ 天窗、景窗,肆意涌入房间的景致,Skylights, windows, the scenery pouring into the room wantonly ©徐英达,黄迪

开窗的位置、尺寸、朝向均取决于面前的风景,每扇窗都是一个取景器,最大程度将山、水和天空引入室内,也被我们戏称作所谓的“顺其自然”。The position, size, and orientation of the windows depend on the scenery in front of them. Each window is a viewfinder, which brings the mountains, water and sky into the room to the greatest extent, and we call this strategy “follow the nature”. ▼ 景窗,“顺其自然”,Windows and scenery, “follow the nature” ©上海平介建筑设计事务所

▼ 客房一角,Corner ©徐英达,黄迪

设计一面在不断强调“窗”这一元素的重要性,而另一方面希望尽可能削弱它的存在感,我们希望“窗”本身(窗框、玻璃、接缝)是不被感知的。因此,细节处理上,尽可能透过视线组织,利用结构、窗帘、平台等要素的遮挡弱化窗框与分缝,使其“不存在”。On the one hand, the design is constantly emphasizing the importance of the element "window", and on the other hand, we hope to reduce its presence as much as possible. We even hope that the "window" itself (window frame, glass, seam) is not perceived. Therefore, in terms of detail design, we try our best to weaken the window frame and seam by making use of the structural occlusion, curtains, platforms and other elements, so that it "doesnt exist". ▼ 没有窗的空间,A space without window ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 天窗,Skylight ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 前院 a,Forecourt a ©徐英达,黄迪

房间Rooms三层建筑中共有包含7种不同类型的15个客房,以满足包括亲子、家庭、情侣、老年人在内的多组不同客群、不同人数的空间需求。There are 15 rooms, in total 7 different types, in the three-storey building to meet the space needs of different types of guests, including parents and children, families, couples, and the elderly. ▼ 房间类型,Types of guest rooms ©上海平介建筑设计事务所

▼ 1层平面图,1st floor plan ©上海平介建筑设计事务所

▼ 2层平面图,2nd floor plan ©上海平介建筑设计事务所

▼ 3层平面图,3rd floor plan ©上海平介建筑设计事务所

▼ 亲子房 a,Parent-child room a ©徐英达,黄迪

内部空间不论选材或造型都追求以“轻”为主。墙面多为质朴的肌理涂料,局部结合榆木、夯土漆等交代功能节点。家具造型也追求简洁与纯粹的几何构成美感。The interior space is based on "lightness" regardless of the selection of materials or techniques. Most of the walls have plain texture coatings, which are partially combined with elm wood and rammed earth texture coatings to represent functional nodes. Furniture also pursues the beauty of simplicity and pure geometric composition. ▼ LOFT客房 a,Loft room a ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 情侣房,Couple room ©徐英达,黄迪

统一的材料基调下,不同客房还根据使用者年龄、人数等差异因素,注入了独有的空间特质,譬如亲子房中的儿童仓;情侣房的星空天窗;能容纳4-6人的家庭套房中,公共区域采用了立体多层级平台的设计,进而以空间触发彼此熟悉的家庭团体成员间新的沟通与互动形式。Under the unified material tone, different rooms have unique spatial characteristics according to different factors such as the age and number of guests, for example, the kids box in the family room; the starry skylight in the couples room; the public multi-level platform in the family suite that can accommodate 4-6 people, this public space aims to trigger new type of communication and interaction among family members who are familiar with each other. ▼ 家庭房 a,Family room a ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 亲子房 b,Parent-child room b ©徐英达,黄迪

疫情下渴望短暂逃离城市的年轻人、摩旅发烧友、浆板爱好者、一家老小、热恋中的情侣,岐院提供了一个重识自然的目的地,或短暂避世,或寄托心灵,或许就是周末避暑小憩。简而言之,发现另一种生活的可能性。Under the epidemic, Qiyuan provides a destination for different people, young people who are eager to escape the city, motorcycle enthusiasts, pulp board enthusiasts, families, couples in love, to rediscover nature, or escape for a short time. In short, a place to discover the possibility of another life. ▼ 凌晨5点,5 am ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 雪中的岐院 b,Qiyuan in the Snow b ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 浆板爱好者,Pulp board enthusiasts ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 前方的茶田,Tea field ahead ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 前院 b,Forecourt b ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 俯拍,Overhead shot ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 从对岸密林间窥见岐院 b,Peeking into Qiyuan from the dense forest on the other side b ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 建筑体块,Mass ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 清晨 b,Early morning b ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 家庭房 b,Family room b ©徐英达,黄迪

▼ 亲子房 c,Parent-child room c ©徐英达,黄迪


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