英文名称:Norway Mirror mountain forest landscape
摄影师:Frederic Boudin
该项目位于挪威首都奥斯陆,是由来自当地Kistefos博物馆的摄影师Frederic Boudin捕捉到的作品。该装置其实是由设计师Jeppe Hein完成的,并将之命名为“科学之路”,它是一个永久性的景观,一直以来坐落于奥斯陆周边的耶夫那克尔河流河畔。据悉,该装置是设计师从Kistefos雕塑公园的地势环境中获得灵感的,在景观与自然环境之间构起了通话的桥梁。装置的每个模块高低不同,顺应了公园的坡道结构和平台,让整个景观看起来更加随意自然。镜面的装置结合起来就像是一座迷宫,它的三个镜面呈现了一个幽邃的空间,当地人们喜欢来到这里思考,或是散步。系列的镜面石碑将天空的颜色反射出来,山林和草地融为一体,让人们分不清哪里是真实的,哪里是虚幻的。场地上的喷泉为整个场地增添了一丝动感。沿着小路便可以到达一个凉亭,在这里,人们可以放松身心,尽情地享受大自然的赐予。
In collaboration with Kistefos Museum, photographer Frederic Boudin has captured Jeppe Hein's installation "Path of Silence," now permanently located in Jevnaker near Oslo. The sculpture is inspired by the topography of the Kistefos Sculpture Park, creating a conversation between the installation and its site by adapting the park's stepped slope and terraces to a freeform profile.A labyrinth of mirrors encloses the sculpture's three spaces of silence marked by contemplation, expressed through a series of high mirror steles to draw the eye toward the sky; nature, emphasized with a tree linking interior to exterior; and activity, which is underscored with a constantly evolving view resulting from walls of rushing water. Overall, the pavilion is intended to encourage visitors to clear their minds and be present with the different kinds of silence from their surroundings.