房子的实用面积有120㎡,平时只有两个人在家, 加上房内只有三根不能拆改的承重柱,干脆就将原先的四室改为了两室,尽可能将空间打开,让给公区。
The practical area of the house has 120 square meters, usually only two people at home, plus the room only three can not be removed to change the bearing column, simply the original four rooms to two rooms, as far as possible to open the space, to the public area.
The elements of rattan weaving that can be seen at home pave the way for the tone of Nanyang wind. It and Changhong glass combination of partition, with dark tones of industrial wind porch, fermentation together to create an unexpected sense of coordination.
At the end of the corridor, the kitchen's black louvers are dwindled with light and shadow, which filters out a quiet time, just like our expectation of home, peace and comfort.
The island-shaped kitchen design, the central island and the restaurant form the first migration line of the common area, making the space more smooth and open.
Ikea's metal chandelier, used at the end of the industrial wind lamp track extending from the entrance, is like two terminals, and naturally forms a spatial twist.
The sofa that does not rely on the wall is in the floor-to-ceiling window, leaving the position of a walkway blank, also let the sunshine and air flow naturally.
The hand-made carpet with a lot of money will push the atmosphere of the living room to a climax. With a good sense of feet and beautiful colors, it is not only an excellent prospect for shooting, but also makes the space look more advanced.
The second migration line of the common area is spread along the sofa and the bearing column. The platform is built as a storage cabinet for the whole wall along one side of the wall. The rattan cabinet door forms a sense of screen design in the space, so that the storage room and the living room are in the same space, but the sight will not affect each other.
Both bedrooms are tucked away from each other, with a black invisible door in my parents' room with a brass elephant-headed handle that separates it from mine and a fireplace that looks out onto a central island.
The small balcony and bedroom are separated by the shading curtain of the plaid pattern, which are interdependent and relatively independent. The black louvers set off the light and shadow of the whole space with the texture of the earth.
In my own bedroom wardrobe, I chose rattan elements to highlight the theme of the whole house. The background wall opposite the bed is FF's theme illustration of IP Aruka, aircraft ornaments directly on the wall, free.
Project name: House of Aruka
Usage area: 120 square meters
Design unit: Feiffer Space Design
Space style: Retro Nanyang style
费弗空间设计(FF DESIGN)成立于2017年,是一家在业内享有声誉的室内设计公司。
排版 编辑:ANER
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