发布时间:2023-05-19 13:35:58 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


ZhiXing Architects: The project is located in the Houhu Art Park in Changsha City, Hunan Province. Before the renovation, it was a three-story residential house. The main structure was brick-concrete structure. The empty bucket masonry method of lime mortar was used. There was no ring beam structure column, and the structural stability was quite weak. But the park management unit prohibits the demolition and reconstruction, and can only carry out reconstruction on the basis of the original houses. Therefore, the owner hopes to transform the building into a design office with rich facade

▽项目概况Overall Birdview

新老结构的“套娃”处理 ” matryoshka ” of New and Old Structures


The first difficulty the owner faced was how to add a two-story office volume to this relatively weak brick-concrete structure. In order not to affect the original structure, we added a three- and four-story load-bearing structure across the original one and two-story brick-concrete structure to form a structural reinforcement scheme similar to a “matryoshka”. This new structure nests the old one. The load-bearing method of the structure ensures the safety and stability of the new and old structures, and also provides the greatest design freedom for reshaping the facade of the building.

▽建筑改造前Before renovation

▽改造概念示意:新结构套老结构Reconstruction concept: new structure over old structure

▽改造轴侧示意Axonometric drawing

▽从入口广场望向改造后建筑Looking at the reconstructed building from the entrance plaza

▽改造后外立面Facade after renovation

一条黄色大楼梯 A big yellow staircase



Another prominent problem facing the owners is that as a commercial building surrounded by dense houses, only one corner of the building can be glimpsed from the nearby square, and the rest of the facade is blocked, making it difficult for customers to discover and identify. In order to break through this siege, we moved the main staircase of the building from the inside to the corner of the outside of the building, opening to the square, and establishing a simple and clear visual focus through the striking yellow.

In the functional planning of the owner, the first floor of the building is home decoration display and coffee bar, the second floor is the craft model display and negotiation room, the third floor is the design office, the fourth floor is the meeting room and partner office, and the fourth floor is a free With the gradual progress of customer communication, we have planned the staircase and the main experience nodes of each floor in a streamlined series. A large yellow staircase runs between the old and new facades of the building, passing inside and out. A unique spatial experience is formed, and interactions between people, seeing and being seen from different angles are also created.

▽概念草图:一条连续的流线串联起主要空间节点Concept sketch

▽室外楼梯局部Part of the outdoor staircase

▽楼梯与游客的自发互动行为Spontaneous interaction between stairs and visitors

▽楼梯与外立面的内外穿插Stairs and façade intersect inside and outside

▽楼梯与树木的穿插Stairs and trees interspersed

▽楼梯与休息平台的对望Facing the stairs and the rest platform

▽楼梯与内部悬挑空间Stairs and internal cantilevered spaces

▽楼梯与办公的展示盒子Stairs and office display boxes

绿意环绕,自然共生 Surrounded by greenery, natural symbiosis


While the building is surrounded by dense houses, it is also surrounded by several big trees. The close relationship between trees and the building has become an important consideration from the very beginning of the design. We hope that at different heights, trees can have a positive connection with the interior and exterior spaces of the building: employees can discuss and enjoy coffee in the space under the tree; on the leisure platform on the second floor, they can touch the surface of the tree trunk and feel the texture of the bark ; The office area on the third floor is located close to the tree. During lunch and tea break, you can observe the small trembling of the leaves in the breeze through the long windows, so that you can feel the relaxation of the greenery and the breeze. Relieve the fatigue of design work. Every morning, the gentle sunlight will pass through the leaves and throw the mottled shade into the room. The posture of the tree is swayed by the breeze, forming a silent performance of light and shadow on the facade of the building.

▽树木的建筑表面的光影呈现The light and shadow rendering of the building surface of the trees

▽三楼靠近树木的办公休憩区Office rest area near the trees on the third floor

▽大树下方的一楼咖啡区Coffee area on the first floor under the big tree

▽树干与建筑的穿插Interspersed with tree trunk and building

▽从巷子望向建筑Looking at the building from the alley

尾声 Epilogue

In the Internet celebrity cities in the Internet celebrity era, every commercial building is expected to become an Internet celebrity, and at the same time, it is often engulfed by the requirements of irrational visual effects. How to establish the uniqueness of the exterior visual without losing the rational core of architectural analysis and problem solving; how to enable the building to be more than just a visual spectacle on social media, and to return more to the real space experience at the same time. Creating a delicate and comfortable space environment for visiting customers and employees is a simple discussion and thinking that we hope to make in this case.

▽简单而易于识别的视觉标志Simple and easily recognizable visual sign

▽总平面图 Site Plan

▽一层平面图 First Floor Plan

▽二层平面图 Second Floor Plan

▽三层平面图 Third Floor Plan

▽四层平面图 Four Floor Plan

▽南立面图South Elevation

▽东立面图East Elevation



▽墙身大样图 Section Details







摄影师: 建筑:陈远祥(山兮建筑摄影) 室内:王欣(南图摄影)


设计团队: 周依黎

委托方: 长沙猿厂营造空间设计机构





Project Name:Ape Factory Office Renovation

Architecture Firm:ZhiXing Architects

Completion Year:2021

Gross Built Area:966㎡

Project location: Changsha,Hunan,China

Lead Architects: Chenkai、Zi Qiao Zhou

Photo credits:Yuan Xiang Chen ,Xin Wang

Additional Credits

Design Team: Zhou Yili

Clients: Ape Factory Office Renovation

Engineering: Xiao Lei Zhao

Interior: Ape Factory Office Renovation

Garden:Wandao Landscape

Drainage:Hu Si Yu

electric:Den Li

“ 以新老结构的“套娃”处理 “而形成的新的、多元化的休闲办公空间。”


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