发布时间:2018-03-09 05:13:35 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


At this house – a residence designed for a family of three and their many belongings – the client requested that the members of the family can feel close to each other regardless of where they are in the house. Moreover, private rooms were not needed because they feel that it is lonely to withdraw into one’s space, and storage space was also unnecessary because they did not want to tuck things away. 

▼建筑外观,exterior view

▼室内空间,interior view

▼住宅中容纳了大量的物品,the residence was designed for a family of three and their many belongings

▼为了营造密切的关联感,住宅内未设置任何私人房间, private rooms are not needed because the client requested to have a close connection with family members


As a result of trying to find a form that allows the whole house to feel like one room while securing sufficient space for their belongings at the same time, we proposed a design to connect the flooring with a height difference of 700 mm, where the different levels can be used as tables and shelves. The floors build up as two spiral shapes, joins at the living room, and then separate into two again before arriving at the rooftop deck. By using this combination of two spirals, we were able to create multiple paths inside the house that allows different room compartments and changes in the circulation, equipping the house to be able to accommodate changes in the lifestyle of the client.

▼剖面透视图,section perspective

▼建筑师为每个楼层赋予了70厘米的高差,the design connects the flooring with a height difference of 700 mm

▼螺旋空间为室内空间赋予了多重路径,the spiral spaces create multiple paths inside the house


The surrounding of the flag-shaped site as a result of the selling of the old wooden house near the station, are parking lots and apartments, and it is expected that there will be more tall buildings built in the near future. Assuming that the only outdoor area that receives good sunlight is the roof, a rectangular box-shaped volume with the flat roof and triangular terraces are inserted, the windows are placed uniformly with the least interference with the structure to allow the house to be able to accommodate changes in the environment. 

▼建筑顶层增加了带有多个三角形露台的方盒子体量,a rectangular box-shaped volume with the flat roof and triangular terraces are inserted



Due to the fact that the house is located in a fire prevention district, it is designed with a steel framework with a ceiling height of 6,900 mm, where 13 floors surface float, with the top seven different levels suspended with 20 mm steel rods from the roof beam, with the bottom six floors supported by 75 mm square steel pipes. The spatial structure that is constructed by repeating a simple autonomous system is similar to an “echo chamber”, which amplifies the innermost lifestyle of the client and conveys a sensitivity that expands without limit. The client has lived in the area nearby and slowly moved into the house. Since they started officially living here, the things, the architecture and people has became one like an ensemble, and the rich scenery of their lifestyle is expanding as if they are moving inside a forest. From now on, we look forward to seeing house the things, the residents and architecture settle down in relation to each other through time.

▼住宅中共包含13个以钢结构支撑的楼层平面,the building consists of 13 floating floors based on a steel framework

▼整个空间的构造如同一个自主的“回音室”系统,它为居住者带来一种向深处无限扩展的空间体验,the spatial structure that is constructed by repeating a simple autonomous system is similar to an “echo chamber”, which amplifies the innermost lifestyle of the client and conveys a sensitivity that expands without limit


▼平面图,floor plans

House in Miyamoto Location / Osaka, Japan House/ Design Tato Architects/Yo Shimada Team / Yo Shimada Nobuhiko Sato Koji Hoshiyasu Structure Design Takashi Manda Structural Design Team / Takashi Manda Taijiro Kato Construction Seiyu construction company Structure Main Structure, Steel Flame Scale Two-storey House Site Area 128.19㎡ Building Area 49.73㎡ Total Floor Area 94.49㎡ Photo credits: ShinkenchikuSha


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