Kengo Kuma & Associates:在这次专题回顾展期间,我们很荣幸能够展示我们的作品; 但最重要的是我们很高兴有机会在像“Palazzo della Ragione di Padova”这样一个重要的历史空间里建造一些东西。我们的目标是将这个巨大的空旷空间变成日本花园的隐喻,所以我们想象出两个巨大的“锦鲤”鲤鱼漂浮在空间中。 背光路径(我们的项目图像作为路面)将引导游客,如在花园中通过不同的建筑亭子,并朝着现有建筑物的一些重要点对话,并使其成为这种长廊体验的一部分。
Kengo Kuma & Associates:In occasion of this monographic retrospective exhibition, we were honored to show our work; but most of all we were glad to have the chance to build something inside such a significant historical space as the “Palazzo della Ragione di Padova” is.Our aim was to transform this massive empty space into a metaphor of a Japanese garden, so we imagined two enormous “koi” carps floating in the space. A backlit path (with our projects images as pavement), would guide the visitors like in a garden through the different built pavilions, and towards some significant points of the existing building dialoguing with it and making it become part of this promenade experience.
展览名称:两条鲤鱼(水/土 – 村/城 – 现象学)
时间:2007.10.26 – 2008.02.17
类型:安装(关于Kengo Kuma的专题展)
面积:2,000 m2
Exhibition title: Two carps( water/earth – village/city – Phenomenologies)
location: Palazzo della Ragione di Padova / Piazza delle Erbe, Padova, Italy
year:2007.10.26 – 2008.02.17
Type:Installation (Monographic exhibition about Kengo Kuma)
Area:2,000 m2