发布时间:2021-11-01 01:10:57 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Mei-Ling Post Pavilion is located at South China Historical Trail. In March 2018, Urban Architecture Design of GDAD was commissioned of designing a new post pavilion at the historical post route. Different sections of the route were found at the rural areas of Guangdong. As a design group with social responsibility, we focus the countryside through the voluntary service of “Architects, Planners and Engineers to the Countryside”. This project was a good entry point for us to make contribution to the rural areas with our knowledge and design.

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project ©凯剑视觉


We had a high degree of freedom during the design process. The design has three major starting points: benefiting exploring the value of historical trail and local community, localization of the rural contexts, and making dialogue with the local history and traditions.

▼梅岭驿站鳞次栉比,叠级上升的屋顶,overall of the project  ©凯剑视觉


▼南粤古驿道梅关古道分析,site analysis ©UAD

South China Historical Trail was an important trade (post) route for economic and cultural communication in ancient Guangdong, people used it to travel, convey supplies and documents. Nowadays, it is still an important route to connect different cultural resources and heritages, about 60% of impoverished villages in Guangdong are located alone the track. With supporting the impoverished villages and emphasizing the cultural heritage, the track has been systematic restored and explored the value.

▼梅岭驿站西北侧,the northwest side of the project ©凯剑视觉

▼青砖墙与木构屋顶形成清晰的虚实对比关系, the brick wall and the wooden roof form a clear contrast ©凯剑视觉


▼选址分析,location analysis ©UAD

▼轴测分析图,axonometric diagram ©UAD

The site was initially chosen from several positions near Meiguan Historical Track, Nanxiong, Shaoguan, We hoped it could integrate tourism resources. After several on-site visit and careful considerations, the entrance of Mei-Ling Historical Village was selected. The track from Mei-Guan (Pass) to the Mei-Ling Historical Village remained intact. A 1,200-meter-long track with Mei-Guan (Pass) have become a national cultural relic protection unit. After parking, visitors can begin their journey to Mei-Guan Historical Track through the Mei-Ling Post Pavilion. Along the way, there are Sima Di, Xiama Beilang and other historical sites, finally arriving the entry plaza of Meiguan Scenic Area.

▼从牌坊望梅岭驿站,保留了村民小卖部并创造了村民聚集的灰空间,some of the original building is preserved where villagers can be gathered around  ©凯剑视觉


▼分析动图,diagram gif ©UAD

The pavilion would help the track connect to main tour route and enrich the tourism resources of Meiguan Historical Track. After careful consideration, the pavilion was finally determined to be built at the scenic car park in front of the existing residential area. As this spot might become the main entrance of the scenic area, the pavilion has considered future-proofing, it has the potential to expand to a tourist service center in the future. The extension of tourist route might increase the income for residents along the street, to coordinate the demand of three parties: the local community, the tourists, and the management office.

▼屋顶小青瓦与玻璃细节,blue tiles and glass details on the roof ©凯剑视觉

▼45°折角小青瓦坡屋面单元,details of the roof  ©凯剑视觉


▼屋顶模块单元形式分析,roof pattern analysis diagram  ©UAD

The pavilion has some simple but important tasks, the daily management of historical track, tourism services, traffic transfer service, etc. How to reflect the regional characteristics in rural context and how to response the traditions in history become some major concerns of the design. Starting by maintaining a modest and restrained attitude towards nature and taking “usefulness” as the basic design criterion. We try to adopt modern modular design methods through the translation of vernacular architectural contexts and traditional architecture, and then apply the results into equal-difference modular system as the combinational logic. After the translation, we combine the outcome with traditional local materials such as blue bricks, gray tiles, timber, etc. Finally, a modular style pavilion with traditional and local characteristics, also integrate with nature, was established.

▼以750mm模数组合的钢木单元形成统一又丰富的空间,Steel and wood units combined with 750mm module form a unified and rich space ©凯剑视觉

▼从梅岭驿站望梅岭牌坊,viewing the historical structure from the project ©凯剑视觉

▼光映斑驳的镂空青砖墙,Light effect on the mottled hollow brick wall ©凯剑视觉

▼钢木单元木檩条细节,details of the ceiling ©凯剑视觉


We hope visitors consider the pavilion as part of the natural environment. When using the pavilion, they could imagine they are inside the nature, sensing the warm of sunshine, the breeze of wind, the sound of mountains, and the smell of forests.

▼夜景鸟瞰,aerial night view ©凯剑视觉

▼夜景,night view ©凯剑视觉

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan ©UAD

▼二层平面图,upper floor plan ©UAD

▼立面图,elevations ©UAD

▼剖面图,sections ©UAD

▼细部详图,construction details ©UAD



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