发布时间:2023-06-20 10:57:57 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

音乐和庆祝活动是纳卡尤卡地区人们日常生活的核心,无论是传统的中美洲pocho舞还是现代舞都是他们表达的方式。这个全新打造的社区中心重新利用了建筑之前的结构,为社区中的人们提供了一个聚集的空间。该社区中心首层尺寸为32 x24米,是一个开放型空间,还配有一个含储藏区、洗手间和厨房的操作服务核心,可以为特殊活动提供服务。上层空间可以作为夹层,用作工作室或当地音乐家的舞台。社区中心通过一条公共的林荫路与附近新的音乐学校相连,这条林荫路贯穿于这两座建筑之间。音乐学校面朝一条被污染了的小溪,其墙面映射出了社区中心结构的韵律,当所有的门被打开时,建筑综合体的景观将会被一览无余。

Music and celebrations are central to the daily life of Nacajuca, both in traditional Mesoamerican pocho dance and contemporary expressions. The new Community Center repurposes the foundations of the previous structure and offers a space for social gatherings. With an open floor plan of 32×24 meters and a service core with storage areas, restrooms, and a kitchen for special events, the upper floor can be used as a mezzanine for workshops or a stage for local musicians. The Community Center is linked to the new music school via a public boulevard, which runs between the two buildings. Facing a polluted creek, the walls of the music school reflect the rhythm of the existing structure of the Community Center, allowing for an unobstructed view of the entire complex when all doors are open.

▼项目概览,Overall view © Yoshihiro Koitani

▼鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view © Yoshihiro Koitani

▼建筑周边环境,Surrounding context © Yoshihiro Koitani


▼轴测图,axonometric © COLECTIVO C733

▼建筑立面手绘图,hand-sketch architectural elevations © COLECTIVO C733

The Music School consists of eight classrooms, a cafeteria, restrooms, and management offices. The sloping roof of the building creates a double-height space in each of these areas, with an upper terrace offering views of the treetops. The complex discharges clean water into the rivers using a system that includes a series of treatment wetlands. The intention is to demonstrate how an alternative approach to the river is possible.

▼建筑的巨大坡屋顶,The huge sloping roof of the building © Yoshihiro Koitani

▼从附近街道看向建筑,View of building from nearby street © Yoshihiro Koitani

▼连接两栋建筑的林荫路,The boulevard connecting the two buildings © Yoshihiro Koitani

▼林荫路近景,Close up view of the boulevard © Yoshihiro Koitani

设计者使用了当地的椰树木材、隔板和黏土砖打造了温暖、自然清新的氛围和良好的声学效果。该项目为社区居民打造了一个具有温暖材料和自然通风的聚集空间,这里的音乐家们则能够享受到宽敞、独立的教室和先进的设备。本项目也是PMU(Programa de Mejoramiento Urbano)(城市改造计划)的一部分,由SEDATU(Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario Territorial y Urbano)(农业、国土和城市发展部)所倡议,旨在解决国家中高度脆弱的地区。

The use of local coconut wood, partitions, and clay tiles provide warmth, natural freshness, and excellent acoustics. The project provides a space for social gatherings with warm materials and natural ventilation, while musicians benefit from spacious, isolated classrooms with state-of-the-art equipment. This project is part of the PMU (Programa de Mejoramiento Urbano), a government initiative to address highly vulnerable areas of the country, led by SEDATU (Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario Territorial y Urbano).

▼开放型的内部空间,Open plan interior space © Yoshihiro Koitani

▼观景露台,Viewing terrace © Yoshihiro Koitani

▼上层空间可用作工作室,Workshop space © Yoshihiro Koitani

▼夜览,Night view © Yoshihiro Koitani


It is essential that projects pay tribute to their location, particularly when they have the potential to highlight what already exists. Rainwater is captured, collected, and filtered for use in restrooms before passing through a system of biodigesters and biofilters via wetlands before returning to the river. The coconut wood used on the site is highly sustainable, as it is an abundant and renewable resource that captures a significant amount of CO2 during its life cycle. Its production and transportation also generate a smaller carbon footprint than other materials. The use of local resources promotes handicraft production and provides employment opportunities for the local workforce.

▼项目区位,site plan © COLECTIVO C733

▼首层与周边环境平面图,surrounding context and ground floor plan © COLECTIVO C733

▼首层平面图,ground floor plan © COLECTIVO C733

▼细部平面图,details of ground plan © COLECTIVO C733

▼立面图,elevation © COLECTIVO C733

▼纵向剖面图,longitudinal section © COLECTIVO C733

▼横向剖面图,cross section © COLECTIVO C733

▼手绘剖面图,hand sketches sectional drawings © COLECTIVO C733

▼手绘平面草图,hand sketches of floor plans © COLECTIVO C733

▼手绘内部空间,hand-painted interior spaces © COLECTIVO C733

Casa de Música COLECTIVO C733 Gabriela Carrillo, Eric Valdez, Israel Espín, José Amozurrutia y Carlos Facio (TO) Equipo de diseño / Design Team Álvaro Martínez, Fernando Venado, Eduardo Palomino Arquitecto Ejecutivo / Executive architect Leticia Sánchez, Victor Arriata Estructura/ Structures LABG (Eric Valdez), GIEE, GECCO Ingeniería Ingeniería mecánica y eléctrica / Electrical and mechanical engineering Enrique Zenón Diseño de paisaje / Landscape architects Taller de Paisaje Hugo Sánchez Otros consultores / Other consultants Carlos Hano, Laurent Herbiet Contratista / Contractor Francisco Tripp – Grupo Plarciac Cliente / Client SEDATU, Municipio de Nacajuca Costo / Costo $ 25,000,000 mxn Superficie del sitio /Site area 3, 350 m2 Superficie de construcción /Built area 1, 325 m2 Etapa de diseño/Design phase Abril 2020 – Agosto 2020 Etapa de construcción/Construction phase Agosto 2020 – Mayo 2021 Fotografías / photos Yoshihiro Koitani Ubicación / location Gregorio Méndez Magaña , Centro, 87453 Nacajuca, Tabasco, México.


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