发布时间:2024-03-10 00:37:05 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Peter Pichler Architecture最近落成的Bonfiglioli总部大楼现已揭幕,该项目位于意大利博洛尼亚的Calderara di Reno。新总部设计旨在打造一座高效且功能齐全的办公建筑,同时展现出这家意大利公司的专业性、创新性以及引以为傲的历史。

Peter Pichler Architecture unveils the recently completed Bonfiglioli Headquarters located in Calderara di Reno, Bologna, Italy. The new Headquarters arose from the need to create an efficient and functional office building that expresses the professionalism, innovation, and proud history of the Italian company.

▼建筑概览,Overview of the building ©Gustav Willeit


Founded in 1956, Bonfiglioli is a leading manufacturer and supplier of a complete range of gear motors, drive systems, planetary gearboxes, and inverters. Bonfiglioli’s solutions are a driving force in industrial automation, mobile machinery, and renewable energy sectors worldwide.

▼环境中的建筑,Building in the environment ©Gustav Willeit

▼建筑特写,Close-up of the building ©Gustav Willeit


▼表皮光影,Shadow and light of the second skin ©Gustav Willeit

The headquarters is the last missing piece in a larger development called EVO, the Group’s largest industrial site in Italy. EVO is designed to satisfy the most recent energy efficiency standards, offering outstanding performance in terms of environmental impact, powered by a 3 MW peak power photovoltaic plant, mounted not only on the existing new plant roofs but also on the awnings of the staff car park. The new HQ is conceived as NZEB(nearly Zero Energy Building) and features geothermal heat pumps and radiant ceilings to further save energy and obtain additional internal comfort. It stands out as a recognizable landmark that both rises above and integrates itself with the surroundings—a radical approach towards sustainability with intelligent geometry.

▼表皮特写,Close-up of the second skin ©Gustav Willeit

▼波纹铝板肌理,Textures of the pleated aluminum mesh ©Gustav Willeit


▼倾斜的屋顶,Titled roof ©Gustav Willeit

▼立面特写,Close-up of the facade ©Gustav Willeit

The starting point of the design was to incorporate the courtyard typology of the existing masterplan buildings into the massing. This courtyard houses a green garden on the ground floor and enhances natural ventilation through a chimney effect. In response to local sunlight conditions, the building’s roof has been tilted, enlarging the north facade to maximize workspace with indirect natural light. The south-facing facades and roof of the headquarters are clad in a second skin made from a custom continuous pleated aluminum mesh, which filters intense light and ensures a comfortable indoor environment while saving energy. The pleated geometry is inspired by the company’s gears while the aluminum mesh recalls the shavings that are produced daily as a by product of the company’s supply chain.

▼庭院,Courtyard ©Gustav Willeit


▼秩序井然的室内,Thoughtfully orchestrated interior ©Gustav Willeit

▼楼梯特写,Close-up of the staircase ©Gustav Willeit

▼优雅的形态,Elegant shape ©Gustav Willeit

Designed with future flexibility in mind, the building features column-free open spaces through an Exo skeleton façade. Inside, the building is a testament to modern workplace design, fostering connectivity and collaboration. The layout is thoughtfully orchestrated, with departments distributed across various levels, for optimal public interaction and synergy with surrounding buildings. Two sculptural spiral staircases, crafted from steel, are more than a physical connectors between floors, but a symbolic vortex of creativity exchange, inviting a continuous flow of ideas. On the 3rd floor, a bridge through the internal courtyard connects the department to facilitate the workflow and communication.

▼连桥,The bridge ©Gustav Willeit

▼连桥立面,Facade of the bridge ©Gustav Willeit

该建筑特别强调了健康与舒适,利用绿化空间和最大化直射自然光,改善工作环境。独特的倾斜屋顶最终形成了六个露台,均朝南布置。这些露台拥有宁静的室外空间供员工思考或休憩,还能欣赏到标志性的圣卢卡圣母院(Santuario Madonna di San Luca)。这些室外空间以及美丽景色,丰富了员工的日常体验。

▼办公空间概览,Overview of the workplace ©Gustav Willeit

The building places a special emphasis on health and well-being, incorporating green spaces and maximizing indirect natural light to enhance the work environment. Its unique sloped roof design culminates in six terraces, all oriented towards the south. These terraces provide serene outdoor spaces for reflection and pause, offering views of the iconic Santuario Madonna di San Luca. This connection to the outdoors, together with the views, enriches the daily experience of those who work there.

▼会议室,Meeting space ©Gustav Willeit


Bonfiglioli’s new headquarters is not just a place of work but a testament to the potential of sustainable design in the industrial sector. It stands as a model for low-carbon, energy-autonomous buildings and embodies the principles of the circular economy, ready to adapt to the evolving needs of the company and its people.

▼场地平面,Site plan ©Peter Pichler Architecture

▼首层平面,Ground floor plan ©Peter Pichler Architecture

▼一层平面,First floor plan ©Peter Pichler Architecture

▼二层平面,Second floor plan ©Peter Pichler Architecture

▼三层平面,Third floor plan ©Peter Pichler Architecture

▼四层平面,Fourth floor plan ©Peter Pichler Architecture

▼五层平面,Fifth floor plan ©Peter Pichler Architecture

▼六层平面,Sixth floor plan ©Peter Pichler Architecture

▼七层平面,Seventh floor plan ©Peter Pichler Architecture

▼纵剖面,Longitudinal section ©Peter Pichler Architecture

▼横剖面,Cross sections ©Peter Pichler Architecture

▼东北立面,North east elevation ©Peter Pichler Architecture

▼西北立面,North west elevation ©Peter Pichler Architecture

▼东南立面,South east elevation ©Peter Pichler Architecture

▼西南立面,South west elevation ©Peter Pichler Architecture

PROJECT: Bonfiglioli Headquarters LOCATION: Calderaradi Reno,Bologna/ Italy ARCHITECTURE: Peter Pichler Architecture STATUS: Competitionfirst prize – Completion2024 CLIENT: Bonfiglioli AREA: 6200 m² PETER PICHLER ARCHITECTURE TEAM: PPA Principals: Peter Pichler, SilvanaOrdinas PPA Team: Peter Pichler, Niklas Knap, Simona Alù, Ugo Licciardi, Cem Ozbasaran,Filippo Ogliani, Giovanni Paterlini, Domenico Calabrese, Nathalia Rotelli, Angela Ferrari, AlessandroCardellini,SimoneValbusa. Structure & MEP: ARUP Electrical engineering: ARUP Façade planning: Pichler Projects Fire consultant: ICS Ingegneria Acoustics: Solarraum Site supervision: Studio Taddia General Contractor: Ing Ferrari, Pichler Projects Project management Bonfiglioli: FedericoMazzanti, ChiaraPersi, VincenzoLamanna Photography: GustavWilleit


Bonfiglioli总部大楼,意大利 / Peter Pichler Architecture
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