发布时间:2021-12-23 14:26:44 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

本项目位于法国利伯恩,是DPLG建筑师Eric Castagnotto为金钟庄(Château Angélus)设计的全新酒厂。落成后的酒厂除了用于酿造金钟庄知名副酒Carillon d’Angélus外,还将推出新品:Tempo d’Angélus,该款Château Angélus签名葡萄酒已于2021年11月首次在魁北克向大众亮相,并陆续于SAQ上架。精品葡萄酒进口代理商GALLEON,作为该款葡萄酒的独家代理,将以在线销售的方式向大众提供马格南瓶(Magnum),以及以色列王瓶(Jeroboam))两种规格的产品。

Château Angélus has acquired a new winery in Libourne, France, finely designed by architect Eric Castagnotto from the firm Architecte DPLG. The cellar is used for making the second wine produced by Château Angélus, Carillon d’Angélus, as well as the latest arrival: Tempo d’Angélus. This new Château Angélus signature wine will be introduced in Quebec for the first time in November 2021. In the next few weeks, Tempo d’Angélus will hit the shelves of the SAQ for the first time in Canada. GALLEON, a fine wine import agency, is its exclusive importer, and they offer the vintage in Magnum or Jeroboam formats through its online store.

▼项目概览,overall view of the project ©Deepix

随着品牌的发展,位于金钟庄园内的Carillon d’Angélus老酒厂已经显得太过狭窄,无法容纳更先进、更高效、更创新的新设备。然而老酒厂的场地位于联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录中,这限制了老酒厂扩建的可能,因此,业主决定从零开始创建一座新酒厂。在对新酒厂功能进行分析后,设计团队发现在原址Saint-Emilion市内,没有合适的空间与充足的场地面积用于建厂,因此,对场地区位的探索扩大了范围至隔壁市镇,最终定址于Saint-Magne-de-Castillon地区。

The old winery of Carillon d’Angélus – located on the estate – had become too cramped to accommodate new, more efficient, and more innovative equipment. Its location in a UNESCO World Heritage Site limited the possibilities of expansion and imposed strong architectural constraints. It was therefore decided to create a new winery from scratch. A search for space to accommodate this new structure determined that it was not possible to find the necessary surface area for its construction in Saint-Emilion. The spectrum was thus widened to neighbouring communes, and that search led to selected grounds in Saint-Magne-de-Castillon.

▼由葡萄园看酒厂建筑,viewing the project from the vineyard ©Deepix


As a result of technical, environmental and aesthetic considerations, this new winery is resolutely modern, deriving benefits from state-of-the-art equipment. The 4400 m2 building, located on a 3.30 hectare plot, is semi-submerged with a green roof. It contains a reception area for grapes, with optical sorting, a vat room for vinification, a cellar dedicated to malolactic fermentation, and a cellar for maturation. Eventually, bottling and labelling equipment will be added to the line.

▼独特的建筑形式,Unique architectural form ©Deepix

▼酒厂主入口,entrance of the project ©Deepix

受到拉郎德-波美候产区(Lalande de Pomerol)的博哈特美人葡萄酒(Fleur de Boüard)的启发,酿酒窖设有18个倒锥形大桶、并设置有提升系统与大桶升降机,保证葡萄榨汁浓缩过程百分百依靠自身重力完成。氮气生产装置能够永久保护葡萄酒,并在酿造和陈酿过程中控制氧气含量。太阳能光伏电池板则可以产生电能,为酒厂部分设备提供清洁能源。Carillon d’Angélus致力于科学研发,从葡萄园到酿酒厂,从葡萄栽培技术到新品开发。全新的酒庄配备有最先的设备,包括:电子仪表,葡萄清洗机等等,非常适合进行各种原型酒的试验与开发。如若新酒厂的试验能够顺利进行并取得成功,那么金钟酒庄将在其所有酒厂中推行此种方法,配置新的设备,从而达到改善团队工作、并进一步优化其葡萄酒产品的目的。

Inspired by Fleur de Boüard in Lalande de Pomerol, the wine-making cellar, with its 18 inverted truncated cone-shaped vats, hoist system, and vat lift, is 100% gravity fed. A nitrogen production plant enables permanent protection of the wines, as well as oxygen control during vinification and ageing. Photovoltaic panels allow for self-production of part of the electricity required for the new structure’s operations. Carillon d’Angélus is committed to an active R&D approach, from the vineyard to the winery, from viticultural techniques, to the invention of new gestures. The new winery of Carillon d’Angélus lends itself perfectly to the experimentation of numerous prototypes, from the electronic mustimeter to the grape washer…so many tests which, if successful, will equip all of the wineries in a few years, thus improving the work of the teams, and sublimating the wines produced.

▼室内空间概览,overall view of the interior ©Deepix

Carillon d’Angélus新酒厂与整个庄园一样通过了HVE3认证。这一最高水平的“高环境价值”认证,证明了Angélus在生物多样性、植物检疫策略和施肥管理方面的优异成绩。该建筑通过了BREEAM(建筑研究机构环境评估方法)认证,相当于英国的HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale),并于在2019年葡萄收获期间交付给业主投入使用。《建筑研究机构环境评估方法》,即建筑环境绩效评价方法,是目前世界上应用最广泛的建筑认证标准。每种类型的建筑都有不同的评估标准。BREEAM评估简单实用,可以计算评估建筑的环境性能,确保建筑从设计阶段到整个生命周期保持对生态环境的尊重。因此,该认证标准是全球性的,此外,BREEAM有助于培养创造精神、环保积极性,提高团队意识,进而直接影响到人类的生产力、健康以及福祉,将对环境的尊重升华到民生的水平。

Carillon d’Angélus, like the entire estate, is HVE3 certified. This highest level of “High Environmental Value” certification attests to the best practices of Angélus in terms of biodiversity, phytosanitary strategy, and fertilization management. The building is BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) certified, which is the British equivalent of France’s HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale). The winery was delivered during the 2019 harvest. Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method – or building environmental performance assessment method – is the most widespread building certification standard in the world. Each type of building has its own assessment standard. The BREEAM assessment, simple and pragmatic, allows for a calculation of the environmental performance of a building and provides applicants with a guarantee to respect the environment from the design stage through the entire lifecycle of the building. Therefore, the certification corresponds to a global environmental approach.  These approaches also help to develop a more creative spirit and positive dynamic that improves team morale through direct impacts on their productivity, health, comfort, and well-being. The environmental aspects rise to the same level as the human aspects.

▼由陈酒窖看酿酒窖,cellar for maturation ©Deepix

▼倒锥形的酿造桶,the inverted truncated cone-shaped vat ©Deepix

Client: Château Angélus Location: Saint Magne de Castillon, France Construction completion: November 2019 Area of project: 4400 m2 building, located on a 3.30-hectare plot Architect: Eric Castagnotto from Architecte DPLG Photographer: Deepix


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