发布时间:2020-11-20 07:09:34 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

今年是深圳经济特区成立的 40 周年,回顾这个改革开放的过程,我们更容易从蛇口开始……蛇口,是改革开放的“开山第一炮”。在改革开放初期,来自五湖四海的第一批建设者,他们驻扎此地,汇聚四海公园,探索人生新的局面,“四海公园”也因此而得名。

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. It is easier to start from Shekou while reviewing the whole process of reform and opening-up. Shekou is the place where the first shot of reform and opening-up were fired. In the beginning of reform and opening-up, the first builders from all corners of the country were stationed here. They gathered in Sihai park and explored new situation in their lives. This park hence the name Sihai park.

▼项目全景鸟瞰,aerial view of the project©深圳园林股份有限公司

Sihai park, founded in 1987, is the largest park in Shekou and one of the first in China to open to the public free of charge. From the understanding level of the park, Sihai park interpreted the meaning of open-up for the first time

▼项目局部鸟瞰,local aerial view of the project©深圳园林股份有限公司


After three decades, with the reform and opening-up of Shekou, Sihai park loaded the lives and memories of generations from accepting the dream of builders to leaving stories of their lives. For the life history of park, it had planted its feet firm upon the ground at thirty. Only ambition can succeed. It is a span-new beginning rather than the end.

航拍顶视图,top view of the project©深圳园林股份有限公司


Facing a park of independent at thirty and Shekou of perplexities at forty. What should we look for the balance between the old and the new, the past and the present, the retainment and the update, and then established new logical relation.


三十年来,快速生长的城市与缓慢等待的公园带来了场地的诸多问题…… 四海公园的周围,三十年间从一座宿舍变成繁华的城市图景。高速发展的城市在塑造过程中无暇顾及生活的趣意与情感,而公园却更愿意坚守,留存人与人之间的关系。

In three decades, fast-growing city and slow-waiting park have brought many problems about site. Around the Sihai park, it has changed from dorms to prosperous city. Fast-growing city had no time to attend the pleasures and feelings of life, however, park preferred to hold and remain human relations.

▼公园包围在高速发展的城市环境中,the park is surrounded by a rapidly developing urban environment©深圳园林股份有限公司


Fast-growing city and slow-waiting park have brought many problems about site, such as various crowed, rapidly increasing population, the development of times, peeling off city interface, progress in the needs of times, aging of supporting facilities. Park as the part of city, slowly forms the distance between city and park. We wish eliminate this distance at the age of thirty in Sihai park. It is not only a park to nurture our childhood, but also a park to accompany us to our old age.

▼消除公园与城市的距离,eliminate the distance between the park and the city©深圳园林股份有限公司

30 年的森林和下一个 30 年的水下森林,水环境逐渐地恶化,让水和公园慢慢分离,也让人和公园不再亲近。 0 years of forests,next 30 years of underwater forests. The deteriorating water environment has gradually separated the water from park, people and park are no longer close.

▼优美的滨水环境,beautiful waterfront environment©深圳园林股份有限公司

作为湾区城市的深圳,虽然有着丰富的海水资源及滨海空间,但淡水资源却极少。由于城市化的高速进程,也带来诸多水环境恶化的问题。四海公园内湖总水量约为 55803 立方米,是深圳少有的内向型滨湖公园。整个湖岸为硬质直立堤岸,由于大量淤泥形成的内源污染释放造成水体厌氧,氧化还原电位较低,地表径流含有的总氮、总磷和有机物带来了污染,让水和公园分离开来。

As a bay area city, although Shenzhen is rich in seawater resources and coastal space, fresh water resources is scarce. Due to the rapid process of urbanization, it also brings many problems such as water environment deterioration. Sihai park is a rare introverted lakeside park in Shenzhen, which the total water volume of the inner lake is about 55,803 cubic meters. The whole lakeside bank is a rigid vertical bank. Due to the release of lager amounts of silt from endogenous pollution causes the water of anaerobic and the low oxidation-reduction potentials. The total nitrogen, phosphorous and organic matter in surface runoff not only bring pollution but separate water from park.

系统的滨水生态系统,A systematic waterfront ecosystem©深圳园林股份有限公司

过去的三十年里,四海公园里的 2094 棵树木形成了成熟的植物群落,在高度的城市化格局下,为动物提供了非常丰富的栖息地。但遗憾的是,斑块之间连接度的单一化,影响了生物多样性的构成,也让水体的生态性下降。重构健康的生态循环,让趋近凝固的水体重现流动的光影,是此次改造中重要的目标。

2094 trees had formed a mature plant’s community for 30 years in Sihai park. With the rapid of urbanization, it provided a rich habitat for animals. Unfortunately, the single of connectivity among patches affected the composition of biodiversity, it also declined the ecology of water. It is an important goal of this renovation to reconstruct a healthy cycle of ecological and reappear the flowing light in the nearly solidified water.

▼石桥,Stone bridge©深圳园林股份有限公司


Lush vegetation softens the boundary of land and water, more and more biological communities have settled here. The channeled diversion system and terraced plant filtration system can purify direct surface runoff, it ensure the water quality into the lake. The pipe network of water circulation and the layout of terraced water level control internal pollution and water quality effectively to enhance the activity of water.

▼葱郁的植被柔化水陆边界,Lush vegetation softens the boundary of land and water©深圳园林股份有限公司


On the other hand, the submerge plants with the capacity of purifying water such as withered grass and ecklonia stolonifera, were used to lay a green base on the bottom of the lake. Meanwhile, we put in aquatic organisms and plankton such as snakehead and shrimp. This way improved the composition of the lake’s biological community, established a stable, adaptable and diverse water eco-environment and eventually formed a long-term and sustainable ecological forest in the water.

稳定、适应力强、多样性高的水生态系统,stable, adaptable and diverse water eco-environment©深圳园林股份有限公司


Let the park have the ability to keep up with the times, elasticity of space made distance of interaction variability. Designers selected the primal field texture and the current urban road network. They found the path logic of the site in the overlay.The round pedestrian system of building by water and the network path permeable brings the nature into the scene of life. The path makes isolated sections interweave and coalesce again. The de-defined functional space cope with the social restructuring of changing functional needs in the process of the time.

▼滨水栈道,Waterfront plank road©深圳园林股份有限公司


From form design regression relationship design, diversification flexibility in service capacity makes people choose the interactive space by themselves. The setting sun makes the city glow across the lake. The fog under the forest in the morning let the nature only a few steps away from me.

▼倚水而建的环园步行系统以及渗透性的网状路径将自然带进生活的场景,the round pedestrian system of building by water and the network path permeable brings the nature into the scene of life©深圳园林股份有限公司


Shenzhen is a friendly city with friendly children, friendly talents, friendly the old, friendly international. Make everyone measure the distance among people, city and the nature by their steps in Sihai park. This is a very real response to the vision of the city as the heart of Shekou.

▼与栈道呼应的公共空间,Public Spaces that echo the walkway©深圳园林股份有限公司


Public should not become isolated island, so there should be thickness between the street and the park. An open park’s boundary connects the city and the space of the garden forms a flowing area. The thickness of garden blur the boundary between the city and the park. The accidental meeting produces more urban themes because of the possibility of meeting.

▼运动跑道/绿化/栈道/景观亭展现公园的厚度,Sports track/green/boardwalk/landscape pavilion show the thickness of the park©深圳园林股份有限公司

吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。 ——《论语·为政》

At fifteen, I had my mind bent on learning.

At thirty, I stood firm.

At forty, I had no doubts.

At fifty, I knew the decrees of Heaven. —— The Analects of Confucius

30 年植物的力量是深入人心的。蛇口的市民曾回忆,“儿时的蛇口很小,好像就一条小路,两旁都是荔枝林。家的前后各有一条河,中间是一片农田。”

The power of 30 years’ plants is rooted in people’s heart deeply. The citizen of Shekou once recalled, “Shekou was really small in the childhood. It only had a path that was litchi forest on both sides. There was a river each in the front of and behind home, there was a field in the middle.”

▼植物的力量深入人心,plants is rooted in people’s heart deeply©深圳园林股份有限公司


The litchi and sabino forest in the Sihai park are not only the starting point of the city but important symbol. In fact, they are the translation of Shekou’s memory with cultural value. Broken resources in the park should be reinterpreted. The core value of evocative plants can get sublimation, and then form a blending space between life and nature and leave the time clue of city origin.

▼四海公园里成片的荔枝林,The litchi in the Sihai park©深圳园林股份有限公司

滨水地区是一个城市珍贵的资源,也是对城市发展富有挑战性的一个机会,他是人们逃离拥挤的城市生活的机会,也是人们在城市生活中获得呼吸清新空气的疆界的机会。 ——查尔斯·摩尔

A waterfront is a significant resource and a challenging opportunity for a city; a chance to be an escape for the pressure-cooker of crowded city life, a chance to be a bright breathing edge of city living. ——A.C.Moore


For Sihai park, it is a responsibility: take the story of the past and carry on the future. Actually, at thirty, it not only have a family and own a career, but also establish the life direction after understanding yourself.

▼公园内的建筑展现人与园的关系,The buildings in the park show the relationship between people and the park©深圳园林股份有限公司


Continuation is not only retained but also updated. We are humble in facing this proposition. We hope to preserve the core emotion throughout the process of design, so that it can be read for 30 years.

▼庭院,the courtyard©深圳园林股份有限公司

30 米高的大型艺术雕塑盖世金牛是我国当代美术艺术家韩美林为纪念深圳的拓荒牛精神设计的。这是四海公园最核心的情感记忆点,也是深圳很宝贵的城市风貌里的人文要素。把城市的片段与生活片段以蒙太奇的手法重新组织在同一场景下,盖世金牛与城市背景共筑天际线,用更安全的方式重塑儿时池塘田野边嬉戏的场景。过去的故事、现在的城市与当下的生活在叠合中重现时间的流动。

The 30-meter-high golden Bull sculpture was designed by Han Meilin who is Chinese contemporary art artist. It is designed to mark the pioneering spirit of Shenzhen. It is the core of the emotional memory in Sihai park, and also the cultural elements of Shenzhen’s precious urban landscape. The segment of city and life are reorganized by montage in the same scene. Golden Bull and city background build the skyline together. We recreate the scene of playing near the pond and field in the childhood in a safer way. The past story, the present city and the current life are overlapping to reappear the flow of time.

▼大型艺术雕塑盖世金牛,the 30-meter-high golden Bull sculpture©深圳园林股份有限公司


People like drinking tea, playing chess and enjoying the cool in Sihai park. Every thing is filled with trace here. Whether a banyan tree, a tea garden, or a wall, a window, they were scales of different times in each story for the last 30 years. Time is dynamic, object is motionless. But object is the projection of time within the space. The extraction of material elements can be actively expressed, so that the scale becomes clearer and people’s perception becomes more sufficient. Tea recounts the past and records this moment with new emotions under black brick and masonry wall.

▼公园里的人们,People in the park©深圳园林股份有限公司


About the memory and culture of this city, we feel the stamp of city’s changes when we stand in front of a mailed and tormented golden Bull. It recounted the story of the city from texture of field along the sea to the bay area silently. Everyone is a viewer and a protagonist in the park. Everyone is weaving new stories with their emotion, their youth or their dreams continually.

夜景,night view©深圳园林股份有限公司

▼插画分析图,illustration diagram©深圳园林股份有限公司







设计单位:深圳园林股份有限公司;深圳园林规划设计院-- 创新研究院










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