发布时间:2016-07-25 19:22:11 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

2014年,为了庆祝蒙特利尔建城375周年,自然科学博物馆Biodome-这座在22年前由1976年奥运会自行车馆改造而来的文化建筑,决定举办其室内空间再设计的国际竞赛,以提升参观体验,让博物馆重现往日的繁荣。KANVA与NEUF architect(e)s合作带来的方案在使用大量创新技术让博物馆履行教育民众职责的同时,促使人们反思人与自然的关系,也因此也竞赛中脱颖而出获得优胜。Biodome是坐落在蒙特利尔奥林匹克公园东侧、由一系列以自然科学科普为主题,包括、昆虫馆、植物园和天文馆在内的博物馆群落“生命空间”(Space for Life)的一部分。作为加拿大最重要的博物馆群落,其每年都会接待包括游客、教育营和学校团体在内的超过170万名参观者。

The Biodome, originally built as a velodrome for the 1976 Olympic Games, and converted into a natural science museum in 1992, launched an international competition in 2014 to revitalize its visitors’ experiences as part of a city-wide renewal plan to celebrate Montreal’s 375th birthday. The winning entry convinced the client and international jury to rethink the relationship between mankind and nature as well as use the renovation to bolster the centre’s social mission to educate the public. The Biodome is an integral member of Space for Life, a series of museum pavillions that showcase to the public natural sciences, including an insectarium, a botanical garden and a planetarium, which are all located within the Olympic Park in the East side of Montreal. Each year Space for life receives over 1.7 million visitors including many tourists, educational camps and schools, making it one of Canada’s most important museum complexes.

▽ Biodome是一系列以自然科学科普为主题的博物馆群落“生命空间”的一部分,the Biodome is an integral member of Space for Life, a series of museum pavillions that showcase to the public natural sciences

▽ 空间现状点云图,cloud point


The Biodome is comprised of four ecosystems of the Americas, each a microcosm of living organisms; the Tropical Rainforest, the Laurentian Maple Forest, the Gulf of St Lawrence, and the Sub-Polar Regions (Arctic and Antarctic) host over 4,500 animals from 250 different species and 500 plant species.

▽ 热带雨林生态展示区,Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem

▽ 枫叶林生态展示区,Laurentian Maple Forest Ecosystem

▽ 圣劳伦斯河生态展示区,St-Lawrence River Ecosystem

▽副极地生态展示区,Subpolar Regions Ecosystems


The new conceptual strategy creates more immersive and intimate experiences within the ecosystems, between human and nature to educate and bring more awareness to visitors during their journey. The plan also reorganizes many of the public, extra-ecosystem spaces on the main floor to liberate the grand hall and open up a new central hub to the ceiling. Making use of the Biodome’s height, a new mezzanine is added above the re-designed Sub-Polar ecosystem, framing more intimately the impressive ceiling structure and offering other vantage points and immersive experiences for visitors and staff. New passages from two of the ecosystems service this mezzanine, and offer visitors a more diversified trajectory and additional points of rest through their educational journey.

▽ 入口大厅,Entrance hall

▽ 夹层,mezzannine


The overall revitalization strategy is one of insertion within a living organism; a continuous curved wall fluidly wraps each ecosystem like a skin, acting as both container and contained. Drawing upon the Biodome’s history of movement, the floor to ceiling wall sweeps through the interior space, serving as a canvas that accompanies visitors through the many pathways and the new central hub. Pure, both in its form and colour, the white skin isolates the ecosystems to allow a better understanding of the site, contrasting with the robust concrete architecture of the velodrome, and becoming a neutral, yet bold intermediary between two important elements – building and ecosystem. The skin guides the visitors through their journey and invites introspection before and in between visits to the sensory-stimulating ecosystems.

▽ 曲面墙壁间的走廊,tunnel

▽ 设计概念,conceptual sketch

▽ 连续的曲面墙壁如同外壳般包裹、区分了不同生态系统所在的空间,a continuous curved wall fluidly wraps each ecosystem like a skin

▽ 混凝土材料、纺织布料以及屋顶结构,concrete, white textile and the ceiling structure


This skin is physically expressed through a textile that can curve and take on many forms, preventing unnecessary demolition of already existing infrastructure and fragile ecosystems. Its flexibility also allows it to occupy residual and unusual spaces to ultimately unite the eclectic peripheries of each environment and redirect the focus and experience of the users.

▽ 纺织布料全尺度的模拟试验,full-scale mock-up

▽ 空间现状点云图,cloud point


The scheme offers a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary approach that both enhances the existing heritage building as well as expands the programmatic functions of the building to link biodiversity and humanity.

▽ 平面图,plan

▽ 剖面图,section

Client: Space for Life (City of Montreal)

Competition organizer: Design Montreal

Architects: KANVA – concept and architect of record

NEUF architect(e)s – collaborating architect

Mechanical/Electrical engineers: Bouthillette Parizeau

Structural engineers: NCK

Museology: Nathalie Matte

Scenography: KANVA and Anick La Bissonnière

Signage / Branding: Bruce Mau Design

Lighting Consultant: Light Factor

Code / Cost consultant: GLT+

Specifications: Atelier 6

Surveyor + 3D Scanning: Topo 3D

Drawings: KANVA

English Text: KANVA





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