发布时间:2018-03-30 09:09:57 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}


Las Salinas represents a bold new approach to planning and design in Chile, where the transformation of a brownfield site becomes the catalyst for the urban and ecological regeneration of Viña del Mar.

▼总平面图,the master plan



Originally planned as the extension of the 19th century Valparaiso metropolis, the tree-lined boulevards and formal parks of Viña gave rise to its fame as the Garden City of Chile.

Yet, in recent decades the city has struggled to maintain the quality of life it once nurtured.

The lack of attention to the city’s ecological infrastructure has led to a decline of its urban forest canopy and degradation of the native habitat on hillsides and ravines.

Poor planning practices have created a car-dominated culture that has degraded the quality of the public realm, while single-use and inward-focused developments have impacted the vitality of neighborhoods.

▼场地环境前后对比,the context before and after


Our ambition was to rethink development practices in the city and to reveal the true potential of Las Salinas to redefine Viña’s trajectory. Transcending the physical boundaries of the site, this vision seeks to restore the local ecology and re-engage the community to its seafront and public spaces. Through the collective efforts of the community, client, and design team, the framework represents a shared vision to regenerate the vitality of the city.

▼规划区总平面图,the master plan of the site


New connections through the site engage hillside communities that have been historically cut-off from the coast. At the hilltop, a Community Center and public elevator draws in the Santa Inés residents. With a focus on disadvantaged youth, its program includes recreation, job training, a library and flexible public spaces. At the seafront, the Central Park is a civic gesture to the city and is framed by cultural and public uses that promote greater social integration.

▼社区、邻里及连通性,community, neighborhood, and connectivity

▼紧凑多用途规划,compact and mixed use development

▼公共空间行人导向设计,pedestrian-oriented public realm

▼景观重塑,regeneration of the Ravine landscape

▼与海的物理与视觉联系,physical and visual connection to the sea

▼公共社交空间营造,spaces for social integration

建立社区与滨海的连接,diverse program uses draw the community to the coast

山顶的社区中心以及与之连通的半山人行电梯,at the hilltop, a Community Center and public elevator draws in the Santa Inés resident

▼社区活动,the community activity


Envisioned as a mixed-use, porous and sustainable neighborhood, compact city blocks with a fully accessible and vibrant public realm will reduce the city’s reliance on private transportation. Civic, cultural, residential, retail, office and educational uses underpin a holistic community. At the ground-level, a wide range of active uses provide a rich urban and pedestrian experience.

▼可持续性交通规划,sustainable mobility options

▼城市街区类型学设计,urban block typology

▼街道设计,street design

▼生机勃勃的公共空间,the vivid public life


Looking to nature for inspiration and a sustainable vision for the future, in depth research of the Chilean coastal landscape informed the regenerative approach to the site’s landscape infrastructure and essential ecosystem services. This multi-layered approach to form and function supports the overall connectivity and resilience of site systems which in turn regulate stormwater, nutrients, carbon, microclimate, pollination and species dispersal.

▼生态规划,promote a complex habitat

▼城市生态,Viña’s Urban Ecology

▼可持续型城市,a sustainable city

▼生态城市,ecological urbanism

▼促进栖地连通性设计,promoting habitat connectivity

▼节能规划,energy reduction strategies

▼水敏感城市设计,water sensitive design


We enhanced the hillside landscape and leveraged the built environment as a rich zone of ecological activity. Shifting away from the typically limited selection of species used in urban landscapes, Las Salinas will incorporate a native, diverse and structurally complex planting palette that carefully responds to the microclimate and habitats created by the proposed development. The restoration of the 19N Ravine provides the blueprint for the careful integration of natural systems in urban development.

分层绿色规划,stepping stones

▼植物多样性,diversity of the vegetation

▼街道生态走廊设计,streets as ecological corridors

借由绿意盎然、功能实用的公共空间网络,开发区与周边的城市环境无缝连接。与自由大道(Libertad Avenue)并排的长方形公园可以让人们尽情享受公共空间带来的乐趣。公园不但通过各种游戏空间和阶梯式座席提供多元化的休闲方式,也化身别具特色的过渡区域,将行人从周边的居民导向街区的中心活动地带。

A network of verdant and functional public spaces ties the neighborhood together. Parallel to Libertad Avenue, a Linear Park with a combination of playscapes and seating terraces draw the community to the public realm, while providing mid-block pedestrian connectivity from predominantly residential areas to the social heart of the neighborhood.

丰富的公共空间网络,a network of verdant and functional public spaces

▼与周围社区衔接,connections of the space and around

▼公园 ,the park


An unprecedented and ongoing engagement process energized the people of Viña around the opportunities for renewed life in the city. Over a series of “Urban Dialogues”, the design team, public officials and the community exchanged ideas and engaged in systemic thinking on how to improve the quality of life in Viña and its larger context. A shared commitment to create a legacy project emerged, creating the foundation for a visionary, resilient and sustainable framework for the evolution of the site and city as a whole.

▼全民参与,public participation

Location: Viña Del Mar, Chile

Size: 40 acres

Status: completed January 2017


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