发布时间:2022-10-30 19:52:52 {{ caseViews }} {{ caseCollects }}

Izmir游泳馆位于土耳其伊兹密尔市内的Asik Veysel休闲区,这是市中心一片广阔的绿地,也是当地市民理想的社交娱乐场所。在这里,人们可自由享用各种公共设施,如:露天运动区、露天剧场、溜冰馆、儿童游乐场、咖啡馆,以及人工湖。游泳馆项目由伊兹密尔市政府委托Notmimarlik事务所设计建造,旨在为当地提供适当的设施以满足各种水上运动和游泳课程的需求。

Pool Izmir is located in Asik Veysel Recreation Area which is a wide green area to socialize in the city center. The public is free to enjoy variable facilities such as open-air sport areas, open-air theatre, ice skate hall, playgorunds for children, cafes and an artificial lake. The pool project was assigned by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality to serve a proper facility for various water sports and swimming courses.

▼项目概览,overall of the project

为场地规划而设置的原始石墙为本项目的设计提供了独特的灵感来源。这些石墙在概念上被转化为新建筑的外壳,并得到了重新的诠释。沉重的石墙在设计中被转译为轻盈的半透明悬挂式外立面,巧妙地将改造石墙的想法与废旧材料回收再利用的创新策略相结合。半透明的建筑外壳由玻璃生产中的废料 —— 玻璃石构成。这种独特的材质能够在结构内部产生出不断变化的光影效果,进而为建筑创造出独特的感知体验。

The primitive stone walls made for prior land arrangement on the site gave us the initial inspiration for the unique design approach. These stone walls became the shell of the structure with a new interpretation. The perception of the heavy-weighted stone walls were transformed into a light-weighted semi-transparent hanging shell. The idea of revisualization of the stone walls was supported with the innovative idea of reusing a waste material. Glass rock, which is a waste material in glass production, was used to form a semi-transparent shell that creates a unique perception experience with the ever-changing light effects inside the structure.

▼夜景鸟瞰,aerial view of the project

▼街道视角,street view



Due to its location, which is easily accessible by the main arteries of the Izmir transport network, it is a facility that serves not only the immediate surroundings but also the entire city. It also meets a significant need of the growing population in its immediate vicinity. It is possible to reach the building by bicycle, private vehicle or public transport. Because of its location, the building, which is passed by quite a lot of people, has the purpose of attracting people’s interest, curiosity, and arousing interest in water sports, as well as keeping them alive. The building has a semi-olympic 4 meter deep pool and the capacity of 200 spectators. The pool serves various water sports such as underwater rugby as well as swimming courses. There is also a gym to meet the needs of the athletes.


▼半透明的外立面由回收的玻璃石废料构成,the translucent facades are made of recycled glass stone

▼夜间外立面灯光效果, lighting effect of the facade at night

▼灯光与自然光线产生的视觉游戏,artificial light and natural light generated visual games


We found it valuable to make a structure that we experienced without the covering that surround us visible through the shell that surrounds it, to bring it to the forefront. In a sense, the shell has reached a point that surrounds both structure and people. The shell was knitted with contrasts. Despite its holistic appearance, it was made of thousands of small parts. Despite its heavy appearance, it remains in the air, hanging from above without stepping on the ground. Despite its opaque appearance, it was actually made of clear glass. It was our first goal to reach the unrepeatable and unimaginable atmosphere created by the light and reflections that seeped out of the shell. The position, size and randomness of the gaps on the building shell and the light-shadow games created by the filtered light coming from the shell into the interior, makes the experience of the structure unique.

▼外壳结构悬浮于地面之上,the shell structure is suspended above the ground

▼外壳结构保护下的空间成为室内外环境的过渡,the space protected by the shell structure becomes a transition between the indoor and outdoor environment

▼日景,day view


A waste material became a valuable part of the design process. The result is satisfying in terms of both aesthetic and performance-related aspects. The semi-transparent facade, which is filled with glass-rock, creates a limited visuality while letting the sunlight in. On the other hand, the shell itself seems to accomplish the goal of attracting the passer-by. It provides a unique experience during day- time with the filtered sunlight as well as night-time with the artificial lightings reflecting on glass-rock.

▼材料细部,details of the shell

▼由内侧看建筑外壳,viewing the shell from the inside


In a way, this unique shell design shows that there is an overlooked potential in waste materials and there are far more options to choose from than we think there are. Apart from that, the solar panels on the roof supply a part of the energy need of the building itself. Pool Izmir became a facility used by public for water sports while presenting an innovative design approach.

▼接待大厅,reception hall

▼半奥运会标准泳池,semi-olympic 4 meter deep pool

▼总平面图,site plan

▼南立面图,south elevation



Izmir 游泳馆 | 废旧玻璃石打造半透明建筑外壳,轻盈又环保
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